Ebony Gibson (Abilities and Techniques)



Full-Weapon Transformation: As a demon weapon, Ebony is able to transform either parts of herself into her weapon form - such as turning the lower half of her arm into a solid blade - or perform a full weapon transformation, both of which are at will.

  • Demon Electric Blade Guitar: Ebony takes the form of a modified stylistic electric guitar with sharp blades lining the rims of the main body, allowing for it to be used both as a regular electric guitar and as a sword-like weapon. As a demon weapon, it doesn’t require amplification nor loudspeakers as a regular electric guitar would; instead, it can generate dangerously high volumes on its own. Her meister can use her weapon form as both a regular musical instrument as well as a fully-functional weapon, albeit unconventional. When used as a weapon, playing the guitar at varying degrees sends out increasingly strong "soundwaves" (it's actually the meister's soul wavelength that's being trasferred out in this form, but he prefers to call it soundwaves) that can hinder opponents and cause decent damage to surroundings. 
  • Internal Electricity: As an individually-standing electric guitar, Ebony’s body contains natural electric currents that can be generated at a greater degree through intense concentration or emotional distress, as well as through soul resonance with her meister. This also gives them the ability to incinerate any foreign body within them by concentrating the currents at a specific area in their body.

Wavelength Control: Ebony has the ability to control the soul wavelength of their meister.

Absorb: As a demon weapon, Ebony has the ability to consume the souls of others to empower herself.

Soul Resonance: A special technique in which Ebony can amplify the wavelength received by their meister, send it back, and repeat the process until it creates a more powerful wavelength to initiate a special attack. The technique is described as an electric guitar connected to an AMP. As an electric guitar themself, soul resonance not only significantly amplifies the strength of sound waves generated from their weapon form to a more destructive degree, it also allows them to transfer part of their electric currents to their meister, who can then use it to conduct physical, charged attacks against opponents.

  • Electric Sword: Ebony is also able to alter their weapon form through soul resonance into a more sword-like appearance upon Constance’s request, allowing him to utilise his swordsmanship to its full potential.  

Art of Self Defence: While not an active individual, Ebony is still able to perform some level of self defence on her own by utilising her ability to transform parts of her body into her weapon form to deflect attacks.