Old Fern



1 year, 7 days ago


She tried to save them. Why did they stop her?

Older Adult (5 yrs) . She/Her . Silver Fox . "Old Maid & Local Witch"

She was feared... but we needed her. She tried to save our lamb, but the devil's claws were too sharp. She is one of us, though she does not live among us. May DOG protect her. May CAT guide her.

Old Fern was the loving mother of two young cubs... the fog took them away... She then rasied a bat and a raccoon... but the fog took them away too. Then she was given another chance. A horrid mix of wolf and bobcat same stumbling into her den, begging for a cure to their curse, caused by... the fog. She did everything, gave them as many herbs as she could find, fed them any animal they could consume, covered them in any flower they weren't allergic to... nothing worked. They took them away...

Since then, she's been running from the fog. It's gonna get her and she's terrified... or was... until the Ranger got her. She was injuried, sick, the fog at her heels. But then that nice human came...
She's lived under the ranger cabin since. The fog can't get her here...