Black Sesame Cookie



11 months, 15 days ago

Basic Info






"Surrender now or watch your ship sink to the bottom of the ocean."

Black Sesame Cookie is the major of "The Pastry Patriots" and future head of the entirety of the Chia Isles' 
He and his marine offer their advanced technology and battle tactics to the Crème Republic for the war efforts, while still making time to travel the seas and raid unexpecting ships

He is married to Captain Caviar Cookie
Not because Caviar fell in love with him, but because Black Sesame kidnapped him and his crew to isolate Caviar from the world so he can try to make Caviar less suspicious of him
.. nobody knows what he was thinking

After about a month of mental torture on Caviar's end, he eventually became too weak to try and fight Black Sesame anymore and just agreed to marry him

Black Sesame does truly love him, but doesn't know how to convey that to Caviar

Due to their marriage, the council decided to merge Caviar's navy with Black Sesame's marine, creating a strong fleet unable to be defeated

Game Description

"If you're new out at sea, blindly optimistic, and believe every ship that passes you is just another friendly Cookie; you're in for a real scare if you happen to pass a ship made of pure iron with a diamond on it's side
The Pastry Patriots are considered the "Walking Sharks" of the sea, if they stumble upon your ship, you'll be lucky if they don't sink your ship while you're still aboard. Their major is a stone faced tyrant that might slip a smirk as he watches your ship sink to the ocean floor
But this tyrant is more than just a cold hearted captain, he is a captain of circumstance, a captain that shows compassion to his crew and anyone who doesn't try to take advantage of his few moments of vulnerability
What pain has he gone through to hide away any form of kindness? Is there another reason for why he sinks ships? Perhaps the only Cookie to know is his "husband".. or maybe he's just as blind sighted.."


The major comes off a cold leader to anyone at a first glance, he won't talk to anyone who approaches him unless they look of value to him
Depending on who he talks to, he'll act in a different way. Example: If he's speaking to his crew, he'll be firm but have a sense of casualness and care. If he's speaking to someone of the council, he'll be serious but have an air of charm and wittiness. If he's speaking to someone he's trying to intimidate, he'll be cold and act as if his intent is to hurt them but is holding back

He seemingly has several personalities he uses when conversing with anyone
He's only ever "himself" around his husband and his crew

"Himself" is accident-prone, not new to failure, a little shy, but extremely nice and up for anything; he isn't allowed to show this side to many people, he learned to hide it when he was younger

While not being diagnosed by a professional, Black Sesame Cookie has BPD(Borderline Personality Disorder), it's a secret that nobody is allowed to know. Especially his father.

He can't understand emotions and empathy too well, he understands it less if he's the one who causes someone to feel anything towards him


He was born and raised on a secluded island called the Chia Isles, he was raised by his mom but taught by his father, Tahini Cookie, captain of the Pastry Patriots and controller of the Chia Isles; to be a stern leader and show no weakness to any situation that may arise

Whenever he would fail or show any type of weakness, his father would "Discipline" him by physically or emotionally abusing him until he stops
The only comfort he had was his mom, but she never talked, showed him compassion, or any type of love except for emotionless hugs

The only nice thing his dad ever did for him was get him a pet, a little mouse. Black Sesame loved it very much and never did anything without it
But one day, his dad got tired of seeing him with the mouse and told him to get rid of it

Of course Black Sesame denied, so his dad killed his pet in front of him and told him to get rid of it's remains

That event stayed with him for the rest of his childhood, and still haunts him into his adulthood

While also traumatizing him from ever having another pet again, his dad also gave him a fear of the dark, or rather the fear of losing his sense of sight. As a more "punishing" punishment, his dad had him blindfolded for an entire week after he failed on one of his exams

If he were to slightly adjust it, he would be hit aside the head or have his back burned. On top of that, he was still required to do his regular chores, and if he were to fail, he would get hurt again
By the end of the week, Black Sesame grew terrified of being in the dark, even if it was to just sleep

His childhood was a nightmare that he's happy ended

When he entered his teens, he was arranged to marry another Cookie to combine both island's resources, but the marriage fell through. While married, Black Sesame decided if he was ever to marry again, he would do it for love, and nothing more

The day he became captain of his father's marine, he left his home to never return.

He changed the marine's purpose to collect treasures from unsuspecting ships and either take the crew to another island to drop them off, or just sink them with the ship
It allowed him to get rid of his built up frustration and anger from his upbringing without taking it out on the people closest to him

The marine gain infamy from their raids, being seen as "The Walking Sharks Of The Sea"

Things were well for awhile, until word got out about Dark Enchantress Cookie's plan to spread darkness, if the world was put into darkness, they wouldn't be able to travel freely anymore. It was then decided they would offer their technology to the Republic while still staying independent to some degree

But when Black Sesame locked eyes with Caviar Cookie for the first time, he felt an emotion that was overwhelming but very welcoming
A new goal came to him, something he had longed for his entire life

Unfortunately the feeling was far from reciprocated, Caviar was put off by how unsettling Black Sesame came off with his switching personalities and the way his crew acted around others. Black Sesame tried to ease his worries but the rest of the council members were making it seem like Caviar was being insensitive and forced him further away from the major

He eventually decided he needed to be alone with Caviar in order to have a proper conversation with him, so, while Caviar and his crew were out at sea, Black Sesame and his crew went looking for him and.. kidnapped them
They dropped Caviar's crew and ship off at some kingdom and went back towards the Creme Republic

Wasn't his smartest plan, but he was desperate

During The Cookie Odyssey

Black Sesame is tasked with showing Gingerbrave and his friends around, he isn't very thrilled about this and pessimistically comments on anything they say to him; with Financier Cookie traveling beside him in order to keep him from scaring them off

He only does it in order to make them want to leave the Republic by highlighting the horrible parts about it


Reference Image



"Black Sesame Cookie, major of the Pastry Patriots, pleased to make your acquaintanceship."
- Introduction

"Unless you have something worth talking about, please refrain from looking at me."
- If someone stares at him

"Threats don't work on me, plebeian."
- Being threatened

"I'm quite fond of mice.."
- Favorite Animal?

"Do not give into cowardice! Your weakness will only bring you down!"
- During battle

"So handsome.. so adorable.."
- Thinking about Caviar Cookie

"The past only hurts if you let it.. now stop looking at my back.."
- Being asked about his scars

".. I'd sooner eat sand.."
- Join the council?


Captain_Caviar_Cookie_Default.pngCaptain Caviar Cookie

"I didn't want things to end up like this.. but I won't stop until things are right between us.. I love you.."

Oyster Cookie

"Probably the only member I can trust, however.. her family concerns me.."

Candy Diver Cookie

"What an interesting fellow.."

Nursery_Cookie_1_Sprite_Default.png.webpOcean Taffy Cookie (Orphan Cookie 1)

"Such a sweet and charming little girl.. perhaps.."


Custard Cookie

"It's all your fault.."


  • Black Sesame Cookie is rather good at playing the ukulele and used to write his own songs when he was a kid, he still has the sheet music but wouldn't dare to play any of them in front of anyone
  • Loading Screen Trivia: "Wanna know a secret? Black Sesame Cookie doesn't really know why he fell in love with Captain Caviar Cookie, but he doesn't need to know to still love him"
  • He'd just be an NPC/Special Cookie that would walk around and work
  • Him and Caviar are legally married but have yet to have a ceremony
  • He's not a big fan of the Republic but stays around for Caviar
  • He finds Fried Chip Cookie annoying
  • He doesn't have any thoughts on Mailanderli Cookie
  • His biggest fear is losing his eyesight