Fried Chip Cookie



11 months, 9 days ago


"Thieves Never Get Away With Their Crime."

Fried Chip Cookie is a delivery girl for a sweets shop in the Creme Republic, she makes her rounds from the lower classes to the higher classes, giving a warm smile to everyone she passes
She comes from a forgotten island called the Crystal Dough Island, home to many mermaids.. now just a memory to those who can still utter its name

She came to the Republic to find work and many a friend or two, but also to "return the favor"

You see.. her mom was close with a particular mermaid who had her pearl stolen by an ancestor of House Oyster, the mermaid, feeling betrayed and losing trust in Cookies, killed her mom while she tried helping her
Fried Chip Cookie made it her life's mission to get revenge on House Oyster for destroy everything she ever held dear

It's a coincidence that the current head of House Oyster is being looked down upon, makes her job easier

And with the young consul on her side, it's only a matter of time

Game Description

"Beep! Beep! Look out!
Fried Chip Cookie delivers sweets to everyone in the Creme Republic to bring a smile to their face, on her trusty scooter, she'll deliver every order in no time! She never misses an order, not even on her lazy days!
With a charming smile and the smell of fresh jellies in her satchel, she's a friend to every Cookie she meets
But a kind smile can hide years of built up hatred and grief, but also the enjoyment of watching those fall around you."


The delivery girl comes off as kind and friendly to anyone she first meets, treating them like she known them all her life, asking them about their day, and giving them some jellies as a little gift
She's quick to solve a problem and help anyone who's in a struggle, she never leaves a Cookie hanging

Underneath the surface, she's cold, vindictive, and manipulative. Due to her kind outward appearance, she could get anyone to do anything for her, but she only goes after the Cookies who could get her closer to Oyster Cookie. Such as the young consul, Clotted Cream Cookie

She knows everything about everyone, she spies on them to catch their most horrible moments to use against them when the time comes
She did the same tactic with Clotted Cream but instead made him believe she would help him if he helped her

She's still nice to some degree, she just has to get her anger out before going back to being the sweet delivery girl everyone thinks she is


She was raised by her mother near the beachline of their island home, right next to a mermaid's hangout. That mermaid was good friends with her mom and loved Fried Chip from the day she was born

Her early memories were full of laughter, getting sea salt in her dough and that beautiful pearl on the mermaid's head

But all the happiness would fade once a ship pulled into the isles and a cold bloodied captain went searching for the mermaid's pearl, using her kindness against her to steal it. Fried Chip watched the entire thing, and was the first to see that kind mermaid turn into a heartless monster

The mermaid destroyed everything in her blinded hate, some Cookies fell into the ocean to die but plenty made it out alive. Not her mother, however. She tried to calm her friend down and ended up dying from her worry.

That event stayed with Fried Chip long after, the pain it brought her was immense, she didn't know what to do now that her mom was gone and her home was destroyed

Until one day, while seeking refuge on a nearby island, she notices a necklace wash up on the shore. She looks at it and recognized the emblem on it, it was the same one on the ship.. since that moment, rage and hate filled the once hopeful and happy girl

She spent years trying to find where the emblem belonged, after awhile of dead ends and deciding to rest in the Vanilla Kingdom, she sees a zeppelin flying towards it. Curious, she sneaks on and flies with the unsuspecting Cookies.

The zeppelin landed in the Creme Republic

She began looking for a matching emblem, and quickly found it. Along with the head of the house it belong to.

House Oyster.

She wanted to burn the house in that moment but decided against it, she wanted to make sure it was gone for good, destroy it from the inside and then make sure no trace of it remained

She made the Republic her home and started to get to work

She took up a job at a sweet shop and became close with the lower classes of Cookies and some of the higher classes, while doing her rounds, she sees a smuggler that hangs just beside her job, she grew a crush on him but has yet to actually try to speak to him
He says hi whenever he sees her, but she freezes up each time and makes herself look like a fool

In few days into her stay, she catches onto something the young consul was hiding, at first she didn't think she needed to worry about him.. until the newspapers began to talk about the drama happening within the council since one of their elders turned against them

So one night she confronted him, making him believe she was capable of making his "dream" a reality, if, he made the cracks in the council bigger
And it worked

Now she just waits in the shadows, waiting for House Oyster to be at its breaking point, to finally put an end to it's reign and legacy

Reference Image



"I'm Fried Chip Cookie, here to deliver you your daily sweets! They're made with tons of love!"
- Introduction

"Mermaids are so beautiful.. why would anyone hurt them?"
- Thinking out loud

"I don't care for politics too much.."
- Thoughts on the council?

".. she needs to be.. dealt with.."
- Thoughts on Oyster Cookie?

"Aw, here, have some of my sweets, I insist.."
- Saying you're sad

"One day I'll be home.."
- Thinking out loud, again

"Sometimes.. holding grudges are good.."
- Thoughts on grudges?


Oyster_Sprite_Default.pngOyster Cookie

"You'll get what you deserve soon.. heh.."


Clotted Cream Cookie

"You help me, I'll make sure he's yours.."


Light Cream Cookie

".. she reminds me of.."


MudSlide Cookie (Mudshake Smuggler 2)

"I pass him every day, why can't I talk to him?!"


  • Her full name is Deep Fried Chocolate Chip Cookie, but she shortened it for convenience sake
  • She sometimes goes to the orphanage to tell stories and hand out sweets
  • She has an easy way to get into House Oyster, but all she does is observe Oyster Cookie's schedule
  • She and Black Sesame Cookie know of each other but don't interact at all
  • She can't sing despite sounding like she's always singing
  • She finds Mailanderli Cookie interesting and likes to talk to them
  • Her biggest fear is failure
  • She's a big fan of SparkL