Cyrus Ortiz (THE GREMLIN!)



7 months, 30 days ago


Cyrus Ortiz is just a little guy. At the tender age of 16, he's got a lot of life ahead of him, and by god is he going to make the most of it.

Growing up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, he's got all the charm of a sweet southern boy with all the life experience of a city kid.  He knows how fortunate he is to live in such a supportive household. With two loving parents and 4 doting older sisters, Cyrus hasn't known hardship in his home life.

His church had never been a judgmental one, even with his... interesting interests. Frankly, any other church would've called him a hardcore sinner the moment they heard his takes on death and its implications; on God and His real role in the world, but everyone simply laughs his ideas off. "That's just Cyrus!" they would all say, "He's just curious!" But as he got older, folks began to notice that his skepticism hadn't let up. He attended every Sunday service, sometimes going on Saturdays or Wednesday nights as well, all so he could closely study the scripture, but most knew it wasn't for the same reasons most others did.  It wasn't because of his close devotion to God,  but his close devotion to the concept of "being", as he often spoke about.

Cyrus would tell you his experiments were for the sake of finding out if a soul had any role in a person's vitality. He would tell you that his trials being on himself were just to keep others out of it until he proved his findings. He didn't want to drag anyone else into it. Truthfully, it was an insecurity. He hoped if he extracted his own soul, he could be a little bit closer in action to those around him, or at least, quieter, less of a nuisance, less... annoying. 

And the experiment worked ... Mostly. Cyrus managed to extract about half of his soul. It simply removed his ability to emote, mostly, and muted his emotions to an extreme degree, but this doesn't seem to bother him from the outside. Cyrus manages to keep his sarcastic sense of humor with him, and much of his interests stay in tact. He's just as impulsive as before, and just as likely to infodump, just significantly less worried about it. Mission... accomplished?

Draw With:

Lydia: Lydia tries her best to be the cool older sister to Cyrus. While it took her a bit of time to adjust to no longer being the youngest, Lydia was overall ecstatic to have a younger brother. She helped him through all the stages of his childhood, always being a shoulder to cry on or someone to infodump to. Now that they're older, Lydia hasn't stopped making time for her brother. She is willing to drop everything she's doing if he needs her. The two listen to and play jazz together, and Lydia has gotten Cyrus into many different games and anime. They are the first person the other texts when there is a new announcement. Aside from that, Lydia enjoys inviting Cyrus over to her dorm to give him a chance to see what the college life is like. The two enjoy coexisting as well as infodumping, sometimes just opting to sit near each other while doing their own thing. Lydia is very worried when Cyrus begins acting different all of a sudden, less joyous. Since their relationship itself doesn't change though, she doesn't pry too much. She decides to simply continue to be there for him if he ever needs her.

Nolan(Prometheus): Cyrus and Nolan ran into each other when Cyrus was visiting his older sister at Northwestern State University. Nolan dropped all their books, and in true meet-cute fashion, Cyrus helped them pick the books back up. Cyrus saw that the books were on death and the macabre, leading the two into a long conversation about mortality and the human soul. After that day, the two communicated over text messages about similar things. Cyrus was super excited to have someone to talk about these things to, and Nolan was happy that there was someone who didn't disregard their pursuit of immortality. Nolan blocks Cyrus, ending their communications, once they become immortal.