P1nk7 (Pinky)




"UwU! Hellooooo~ <3"


  • Paka Poka - Sinny & 7vvch
  • Technologic - Daft Punk
  • Shinigami Eyes - Grimes


  • She/Her, 20, Android
  • Secretary of Nikki, the most famous game developer of Sunset Overdrive
  • Takes care of all the financial and "boring" IT-Stuff
  • Communicates via robotic voice as well as popping up emojis beside her head
  • Loves to cause a bit of mischief at times, but never means harm


  • Publically:
    • Extroverted, Cute, Expressive, Upbeat
    • Literally cute and upbeat internet culture as an android
    • Unironically uses stuff like UwU or OwO or ^w^
    • Loves to prank others and cause a bit of confusion
    • Also knows too many memes
  • Close Friends:
    • Cute little gremlin causing mischief
    • Sends them too many memes and videos
    • Also acts as an DJ for them from time to time
    • In general, she is really social, loving to hang out with her friends
  • True Self:
    • One braincell. Literally.
    • Has no problem with horror, in fact, she loves horror themed things
    • Sees everything in a lighthearted way
    • Fears nothing, not even her own death
    • Just lives to vibe


  • Video Games, Anime, Horror Movies, Memes, References, The Internet, Social Media, Fandoms, Cute things, Hello Kitty, Dreamcore, Knives, Dreams, Lucid Dreaming, Streams


  • Serious topics, Partypoopers, Boring people, Serious people, Real Life, Real Life Duties, Snowy days, Winter


  • None known so far.


  • Playing Video Games, Dancing, Streaming herself, Watching Anime, Watching Horror Movies, Collecting knives, Programing, Coding and Hacking, Causing a bit of mischief, pranking police and other authorities, Sending everyone she knows memes and videos


  • Even though she means no harm, she sometimes doesn't understand if an action of hers had too much of an impact.
  • Her favorite games are Yume Nikki as well as DDR.
  • Since she has no neck, she can rotate her head at will in all directions.
  • She brings at least once a week a stray cat to her home.


  • Very fast and deadly enemy.
  • High attack, high speed, high health
  • But super low defence!
  • Loves to play tricks on her enemies.


  • Yume Nikki: Able to Lucid Dream. She uses this skill to wander into the dreams of other nearby androids to read their minds. Just for fun, of course.
  • VRChat: Able to alter reality when she experiences strong emotions, dragging others into a virtual world which she can control. However, this only happened once so far.
  • Cyberpunk 2077: With her mask, she is able to alter her voice as well as play music and sounds with it. Can be quite annoying, since she has a lot of meme sounds.
  • Serial Experiments Lain: Fights with the knives she collects in a very fast way. Able to teleport and float, which makes her even more dangerous.
  • Ecco the Dolphin: Also has a dolphin tail, with which she can swim as fast as a torpedo in water. Also can breathe underwater and communicate with her mask via telephone calling.


  • Nikki, as she got more and more popular, noticed she had no chance keeping up with all the financial stuff.
  • And so, she repaired a broken android she found on the street, which used to be an android of a "Rent a girlfriend" service.
  • As Nikki turned P1nk7 on, she noticed the Android was waaaaay too friendly for her taste.
  • Nikki just altered the behaviour and memories of P1nk7 and created chaos.
  • Now, P1nk7 works as Nikki's secretary and causes some trouble when she's bored.
  • Also, she goes shopping for Nikki and has her own adventures in Sunset Overdrive
  • She even sometimes visits the brawls!


  • Fate - Friends...? - P1nk7 often visits Fate, since P1nk7 believes in the supernatural and therefore wants to know all about her future. Fate is often annoyed by it, but can't say no to the cute Android. Especially since the two were friends in the past and Fate knows P1nk7's personality was altered.