
"Can you please stop shaking me to get to know your future, thank you."


  • GOLDWING - Billie Eilish
  • Don't look back - Rudy Ayoub
  • Samo mi se spava - Luke Black


  • She/Her, 17, Android
  • Always a bit confused and curious, but she tries her best
  • Was built to be a fortune teller android, but was sick of being shaken, so she now lives on the streets of Sunset Overdrive and found a home where Asimi lives
  • Brings her some robo parts to sell
  • Just like Asimi, she needs to load somewhere over night, but she has a bit more energy then her salesman friend
  • Has a weakness for lava lamps
  • Listens to Glitchcore


  • Publically:
    • Tired, smart, curious, a bit confused at times, Honest
    • Barely shows strong emotions
    • Sleeps a lot, even in public places
    • Sometimes even sleepwalks through the streets of Sunset Overdrive
    • Doesn't trust strangers, ready to defend herself when someone shakes her.
    • Talks very few words with strangers
  • Close Friends:
    • Gets a bit more talkative
    • Loves to show them secrets of the city and secrets of technology
    • Even smiles sometimes when being with them
    • Feels more comfortable with her friends around, this is why she sometimes seems to melt.
  • True Self:
    • She has a lot of knowledge in her mind
    • However, since it's so much, she is often confused and tired
    • Trust Issues
    • Thinks often logically, but wishes to think like a daydreamer.


  • Dreams, Chicken Nuggets, Glitchcore, Lava Lamps, Lucid Dreaming, Technology, Lemonade, Gummybears, Creativity, Strategy Video games, Popcorn


  • Being shaked, most non-androids, Video games which don't need thinking, Tomatoes, Huge Robots, Violence, The Brawls.


  • Huge Robots, being broken apart one day


  • Watching the events in Sunset Overdrive, Playing Video Games, Vibing with other androids, Lucid Dreaming, Collecting plushies and stones, Dancing, Hacking Robots


  • She would love to be creative and draw or write something, but she is absolutely not creative.
  • Will never wear shoes, loves to feel rocks and grass on her feet
  • Sometimes fell alseep and fell into trash cans already
  • She could eat pure mayonaise


  • Fast and high defence.
  • Low attack.
  • Attacks mostly far range, but also has some close range attacks
  • Only fights for self defence


  • Loading Future...: She is a more traditional android. That's why she has a huge cable as a tail, needing to load on electricity sources sometimes. Her battery lasts for around 2 to 3 days. She can also use said cable/tail to shock her enemies with electricity.
  • Fortune Ball Hype: If you ask her something and you shake her, the eye which looks like a Fortune Ball will give you an answer. She hates this thou. She can and will kick your butt if you try
  • Electric City: Can summon and shoot electricity out of her hands. She mostly forms it like balls so she can hold onto them better.
  • Psychic Mind: Able to float at will, can teleport for short ranges as well as levitate objects.


  • Fate was built by a Tinker, who really wanted to help the people with a fortune telling android
  • He built a lot of those before Fate, but they all had bad malfunctions.
  • But Fate was his masterpiece.
  • But in his hype, he didn't think of the fortune ball mechanic...
  • And so, he asked her to wildly shake her head, when a customer came in, asking something.
  • After a while and a lot of dizzyness, she was sick of it.
  • And when her insane creator didn't look, she sneaked out, hiding in the streets of Sunset Overdrive.
  • She wanted to be more then a Fortune Ball, a tool for people.
  • And so, she met Asimi, with whom she became friends.
  • As well as Kitty, a friendly and cute Rent-a-girlfriend Android.
  • The 3 lived together in a lost place, and Fate started gattering Robot Parts for the Merchant Asimi.
  • Kitty was gone after a while, but the two still try to survive and live out there.


  • P1nk7 - Friends...? - P1nk7 often visits Fate, since P1nk7 believes in the supernatural and therefore wants to know all about her future. Fate is often annoyed by it, but can't say no to the cute Android. Especially since the two were friends in the past and Fate knows P1nk7's personality was altered.