Natsume Tsukino



10 months, 18 days ago





profile information

birthdate: september 3

ethnicity: japanese
star sign: virgo

age: 23 (start of timeline - 2023)

gender: female (she/her)

sexual orientation: pansexual

occupation: robotics engineer | myby cranes nagoya libero

height: 170 cm | 5 ft 7 in

weight: 59 kg | 130 lbs

POW: 1 | DEF: 4 | ACC: 2



- Hair: Long, straight light-brown hair, typically tucked behind her ear on her right side and kept out of the way with some sort of hair clip(s) on her left. She has longer straight bangs in the middle of her face that sweep up towards the left side. The bottom of her hair is cut straight across (although has a slight curve going towards the center of her back with the outer edges of her hair tips being longer than the middle).
- Build: Average-petite with lean muscle from playing volleyball, more toned than overly muscular. Her arms definitely appear to be on the weaker side compared to her legs, just strong enough for good defense but clearly not meant to be a spiker.
- Face/Complexion: Round, slightly downturned light purple eyes and fair skin (more neutral yellow-toned). She can tend to have somewhat stiff or awkward expressions but she appears colder than she is, and naturally smiles when she is actually talking.
- Miscellaneous: Has two moles/beauty marks - on the right shoulder and above the belly button.
- See her 
Pinterest board for outfit inspirations!


- Disciplined and driven, Natsume has never had difficulty forging a path for herself in life. She approaches everything she does with dedication and commitment whether it is work or play. This can work out to be both a curse and blessing to her, as she also has the tendency to hyper-focus on things and forget to remain aware of things going on around her. Despite this, she is known to be someone you can count on whether you need a shoulder to cry on or a helping hand. She can also be a bit stiff and awkward when it comes to relaxing and letting loose in social situations.
- Growing up as the oldest with three younger siblings, she is extremely patient and is not quick to anger. She prides herself on being able to resolve conflicts. However, she is rather reserved and is not quick to speak up about her own desires or when she is personally bothered by someone which can lead to frustration for everyone involved. There is also a side of her that has shown up more recently; she has a bit of an overly-competitive streak which sometimes comes out especially during volleyball matches. She will definitely get fired up wanting to win.


- Born to a relatively average family in the Nagoya area, Natsume was raised in a warm environment alongside her three siblings. With many kids to feed in the house, her parents worked most days and often until later in the evening. Natsume spent much of her adolescence helping out with her siblings who she adores and dotes on excessively. For this reason, she became very independent at a young age. While her parents were not particularly strict on her, they were admittedly rather... absent, particularly after her brother Haruki was born and they had to put more focus into work.
- Natsume's interest in volleyball began as early as elementary school when she saw the neighborhood kids playing it. She continued to play casually throughout middle school and a little in high school but lost touch for a while as she focused on her studies in preparation for university applications. She went to university for a degree as a robotics engineer wth the initial plan to learn well, graduate, and get a stable well-paying job. However, this plan quickly swayed as she used this time to reconnect with her love of volleyball upon joining her school's club team. Serving as a member of an actual team really touched her heart as it was the first in a very long time that she felt she was doing something completely for herself.
- Not too long after graduating from university (around 2 years prior to the current timeline), Natsume took the chance of trying for the MYBY Cranes team. She had seen some video clips of MYBY matches when the team started growing more prominent and was inspired to try out. It was also perfect that the team was based close to home so she wouldn't have to relocate and would still be able to visit her family often. Being relatively new to professional volleyball, she had low expectations and was simply happy to be accepted to join, anticipating being placed as a reserve member for her time there. It came as a shock when 6 months in, she was offered the chance to become a main team member. Since then, she has fallen down the volleyball rabbit hole and has dedicated much of her time to the sport. So much so that she hopes to eventually transition to professional volleyball full-time and do robotics on the side.


- Parents: She gets along well enough with her parents, although they are not able to home often due to work. She appreciates all of their hard work that they have put in to support their family, and visits home often outside of holidays and family events. However, perhaps this comes moreso out of a sense of respect rather than because she feels particularly close with them. 


- Her sibling’s names are Haruki (m, 15), Akira (m, 11), and Fuyumi (f, 8) - each sibling is named after one of the four seasons; you can often hear them cheering for her from the stands during matches
- Enjoys cooking for others (and is pretty good at it!) but is lazy when cooking for only herself
- Looks cool, calm, and collected on the outside but has an awkward friendliness underneath that
- Proficient in housework, especially cleaning after all the years of taking care of her sibling's messes
- Not-so-secretly runs an instagram account for the family dog Marron (f, 
shiba inu) which has more followers than her personal account


- Character is currently active as a member of the roleplay group Toss! Jump! Serve!

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