Osore Gan



6 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info



Eye color



October 31st


Shadowy Reach


Osore Gan: Phobos

History- Osore's story starts when he was three. His quirk had yet to fully form, but it had already effected his eyes. Red pupils and black where it should have been white. He was in the park and wandered away from his parents. A man named Hirohito Gan, a criminal; found him, told him his parents were dead, and had told Hirohito that he should take care of their son. Osore doesn't remember his actual last name, so he takes on the name of his new pick-pocket of a guardian.

He was taught that heroes were a disaster, almost as bad as the villains that they fought. People who pushed their ideals and ways of living onto the weaker minds of those who resisted, just like villains. No one really deserved anything. That's why it is ok to steal from everyone. In a world full of heroes and villains, there was now a child who hated both. He did enjoy hero watching though. Late in the evening, he'd look out the window of the grungy apartment, Osore would look for the heroes that worked at night. The quiet way they moved fascinated him.

He stayed with Hirohito till his skill at thievery surpassed that of his guardian. Which was around age 10. So that's when he went off on his own. He did have to steal to live, so that's how he got by. It took two years for anyone to catch him. And even with that, it was another kid. Who blackmailed Osore into a "friendship." Which did become a sort of real friendship. Of sorts.

His crimes only got more extravagant and wild as he grew up. He was escaping capture, stealing, and occasionally fighting. And yet for some reason, when they caught him, they stuck him with a babysitter and not in prison or a troubled kids' school. They wanted him to reform for some reason.

One day, he was just waking up when the doorbell of the place he was staying in rang. He answered the door, cause Tobias was sleeping. There was a little blue haired girl grinning at him. She claimed to be related to him.

Other Notes-
Gan is not his actual last name. It would be Itta. And his parents are perfectly alive and have a daughter named Nyx.
*He takes a part time job at small shops so he can get less necessary items such as cool shirt and phone cases.
*His distrust of heroes comes from how he was raised and how he views the whole ranking system. He deems the competition between those who are to be saving people a stupid and useless idea. So he kinda agreed with Stain about that. But he also highly disliked the high and mighty path Stain took. Who is Stain to be the one to make Judgement?
*Very possessive and protective of what manages to break down the emotional wall he's built.
*He will fight most pro-heroes on sight. Either a small punch or actually using his quirk. It varies from hero to hero.

Quirk- Shadowy Reach: He can create a dark goopy substance wherever there's shadow. His reach is as far as his shadow would go, so it varies through out the day. Night and other dark is when he's strongest, cause that's when the usual rule breaks and it goes to the furthest reach. The amount is not limited by the space, but by his ability to control.

Skills- Skilled in the arts of thievery, stealthy boy, cunning (at times), yo-yo is a true passion and art skill he has mastered (he could weaponize it if he wanted to), knife.

Personality- Angry little child who stays up to late at night cause he's an irritating edgy child. Has set his morals above those of Hirohito Gan, cause he hates that man. Little lying twit. Confused.