Aspen Ki



6 years, 14 days ago

Basic Info



Eye color

Black with white pupil


April 22nd


Bug Control


Aspen Ki

History- The bark kinda hurt when it came in. But he managed to get through it. It was the actual turning into wood bit that concerned him. No more standing close to the family fireplace. No one in his family really know how or why he got the quirk he did. His family has one plant quirk and that's to make them wilt, and only one bug quirk and that's the ability to see them, even through walls (not a happy person). But mostly it's full of Simple quirks, with little to no physical mutations.

Of course, he became that cousins worst nightmare when they learned he could talk and attract bugs. Bugs love Aspen. He often has swarms of butterflies or bees following him. He loves butterflies the most. He always had a friend in the insect world. But with other kids, he wasn't so open. He got called names and poked fun at. But, he didn't blame them, he was odd looking. He did want a person friend though, but he didn't know how to make friends.

When he was 10-years-old, he caught another kid stealing stuff. But instead of turning him in, he blackmailed him into friendship. And apparently, that's how you make friends. Cause it did turn into an actual friendship of sorts.

He aims to be an Entomologist or something. He'd love to be a hero, but his skill set and quirk aren't exactly something that is good for hero work. He'll leave that to people with better quirks. 

Other Notes-
*His favorite heroes are Best Jeanest and Kamui Woods
*He is terrified of Endeavor, Todoroki Shōto, and Katsuki Bakugo
*He can still eat normal person food despite being made of wood
*Carries a heavy duty UV flashlight when he leaves home for long periods of time

Quirk- His quirk bug control. It's a small bit of control. Similar to Anivoice's (Koji) quirk but just bugs.

Skills- Apparently blackmail, bug identification, burning, and hiding in plants.

Personality: easy-going, happy, perky (only when watered), excitable (when tired. Which he gets when it is dark)