


6 years, 4 months ago


Tomomi Anegakoji

Tomomi Anegakoji
ALSO KNOWN ASSchoolgirl Bully
Two Faced Bitch
The Warm Hearted Axehead (P4AU)
Young Entrepreneur (Persona 5)
Anegakoji Tomomi
18 (The Answer)
21 (P4A)
24 (Persona 5)
Shadow Operatives
c. 1992
WEIGHT140 lbs
WEAPON/SSingle Handed Axes
ARCANAThe Lovers
JAPANESE VAYoko Hikasa (Mio Akiyama - K-ON)
ENGLISH VACherami Leigh (Miki "Miko" Kurods - Devilman Crybaby)

― Tomomi Anegakoji, Persona 3

Tomomi Anegakoji is a playable character in Persona 3. She is a third year student at Gekkoukan High School, and is known as one of the most popular girls on campus, being compared to the likes of Yukari Takeba. An exception to this comparison is that she is known to be part of this clique of bullies, and is thus known to be one of the most vicious of them all, but is soon to be revealed to be a farce put up out of fear. She is recruited into S.E.E.S around late August.





"Quote Quote"
― Tomomi Anegakoji, Persona 3

  • Very insecure, forces herself to try and fit in the mold even though she doesn't like what she has to do.
  • Because of the whole "fitting in" thing, she comes off as a bully, super mean, super conceited
  • Even though she talks bad about others, it's to keep her in a good light with her friends
  • She talks trash about the people her clique hates, especially their "leader's" objects of contempt, even though she herself doesn't think bad of them
  • Her friends don't treat her bad at all, and she doesn't feel lonely, so might as well be this mean bitch to prevent loneliness
  • Terrified of isolation and loneliness, Tomomi is actually quite fragile when people she likes or cares about think badly of her
  • To prevent her own loneliness, she often takes the brunt of abuse from others for her friends
  • Her friends also protect her, but she's so scared of them leaving her that she lets others tear her apart instead of them blaming her for anything
  • She's actually a very sweet girl, but nobody paid attention to her until she started acting like a bitch
  • Has a resting bitch face, and also talks high and mighty. But in reality, she talks normally and even sweetly.
  • Behind her friends' backs, she wants to apologize to all the people she hurt, but that will just lead her to becoming isolated.
  • After she is asked to join S.E.E.S, she becomes terrified of what her friends will think of her
  • She becomes even more fragile when Rei Shimakage started to torment her as revenge for bullying her
  • It is revealed that Tomomi is very dishonest with herself and will continue to be dishonest and tear herself apart if it means she fits in.
  • When S.E.E.S expected her to be a bitch in certain situations, they are shocked to see her react in fear or meekness.


Early Life

  • Lived a normal childhood, seemed to have be able to attract a lot of people and was generally well liked
  • But people never really stuck to her because she seemed to be "boring" with nothing interesting, so her own friends also became bored of her
  • She thinks being honest with herself is more important than faking for others, but otherwise it caused her to be lonely.
  • Was close to her parents, and had an older sister, who always told her she was fine. But her parents got a divorce because her father was having an extramarital affair
  • Wanted to go with her father, but his new wife didn't want to get to know his children, so she stuck with her mom and sister, not that she minded.
  • Mother soon remarried to another man, who treated both daughters very well and with kindness like his own children, Tomomi loved him a lot.
  • But that was when she was old enough to realize she was always alone at school, and it made her feel bad. Always lied to her parents about her social situation.
  • She was approached by popular girls in the last year of middle school, asking her where she got her clothes. She is brought along to shop with them because they thought she was pretty enough and worthy to hang out with them because she had good looks, surely able to attract boys.
  • That was the start of Tomomi becoming dishonest with herself and blindsiding her bad actions to keep friends.
  • Became a popular girl and always did things with and for her clique. She even became a bully.
  • But everyone else noticed that when she was not with her clique, she acted very differently, But even with her clique, she felt isolated from the rest of the world.
  • Leader of her clique confided in her that she liked Akihiko, so she helped her bully Rei to stay in good terms with her even though she knows Rei was mentally unwell. It made her want to vomit every time she finished bullying Rei.
  • Eventually, Rei started getting physical in fighting back and getting away with it somehow, leaving Tomomi with black eyes more often than not.
  • Two years later in third year, Tomomi is one of the most popular girls in school and is praised by Akihiko's fanbase for messing with Rei on their behalf, even though she herself wants to cry whenever she sees Rei. Even boys liked her, she was surrounded by people and it made her feel nice. Began to believe that her bad deeds were worth it because she just didn't want to feel alone.
  • Almost drove another girl to suicide, but pretended the girl deserved it because her friends were laughing about it.
  • Cries every night because she feels guilt, but god at the cost of her loneliness, she'd rather become someone evil.

The Journey

  • During the game's events, she has numerous scenarios wherein she bullies Rei, but stammers each successive time, showing that she is becoming scared. The protagonist can scare her off once his Courage reaches 3.
  • The protagonist can also talk to her, but she stammers when telling him to "flock off" in place of saying "fuck off".
  • Jiro Miyamae is the one who discovers she has the potential to wield a Persona, but is tentative about it because of Rei's nature towards her. In turn, Mitsuru takes the initiative to talk to Tomomi about meeting with her. Mitsuru tells Tomomi that she may be ideal for something Mitsuru is a part of. Wanting to take the chance at getting more attention and possibly attracting more people, Tomomi takes the offer
  • She is invited into the dorms, but seeing Rei made her anxious. The girl's hostile aura did not help. Mitsuru tells Tomomi that her family knows she is staying the night.
  • While not a Full Moon that night, they get attacked by Shadows, and Tomomi starts to freak out. Rei takes the opportunity to grab the scared girl by the hair and toss her in front of the Shadows, throwing an evoker at her. Tomomi is threatened to fight, and has the evoker pointed at her. Whilst breaking down, the protagonist approaches her and calms her down, telling her it will be okay. She awakens to Mnemosyne.
  • Because of Rei's torment and threatening, Tomomi is scared into believing that if she does not attend S.E.E.S meetings or Tartarus explorations, she will be "executed". While this is largely untrue, Rei technically forced Tomomi to stick with S.E.E.S
  • Gravitated towards Yukari, whom she asks if it is true. She says there will be problems if she leaves, but that's only what she feels. She then tells Tomomi that Rei only said that because she did bully her to the brink of contemplating suicide before. Realizing her actions, she breaks down. Regardless, Tomomi remains scared and sticks with S.E.E.S when duty calls. Otherwise, she is said told that she is free to spend time with her own friends during the day.
  • Moves into the dorms for convenience, and because her parents and sister have gotten too busy to stay at home. Her room is next to Yukari's.
  • As she fights the Shadows with everyone, she becomes braver and more confident in her ability to wield her Persona and be comfortable and okay with herself. She begins to feel better becoming honest, but she fears that her image may be tainted if she strays too far from her clique. Already suffering the brunt of Rei's torment, she fears it may get worse if she strays.
  • Learns to accept her Persona and her power, especially when S.E.E.S starts to show signs of trusting her with no reservations. However; personal fears disable her from becoming as open as possible. She continues to do her best to fight, also because she is still scared of Rei.
  • Becomes distraught when she senses tension between Ken and Shinjiro, starts to break down and become scared again after Shinjiro's death. She thinks they will be picked off one by one.
  • Has half a mind that S.E.E.S will crumble once another one of them leaves, so she sticks with them because she's part of them, too. She cared for Shinjiro, and does not want to be blamed for anyone's death if she leaves to save her own life.
  • Vows to help defeat Strega so that nobody will suffer because of them anymore, and she doesn't want to live in fear.
  • By this time, she cuts her clique off, realizing she was living in toxic relationships and became braver and more honest to make her own decisions and find the right people for her. They attempt to gang up on her, but she is defended by Rei and Yukari, much to everyone's surprise. Rei takes the fight to the clique's leader, telling Tomomi she can throw the first punch, which she happily accepts. Afterwards, they solidify their bond. Yukari does not agree with their violence in dealing with her, but she mentions she saw it coming.
  • Tomomi realizes she had become brave enough to live for herself and be her own person. Realizing she had made friends who will never leave her, and making peace with her nemesis into becoming her close friend, she realizes she will never be alone. Her Persona Mnemosyne evolves into Freyja.
  • When Ryoji comes around, it's almost normal again, and though suspicious of the events, she befriends Ryoji. They kind of hit it off right away despite his flirtatious nature, and clicks with him. Because of this, the other girls rely on her to keep the boys in control.
  • however; when it becomes evident they have to end Nyx and the Dark Hour, she becomes depressed, realizing whom they have to fight. She is approached by the protagonist, telling her that this is not what they both wanted, and that her being alive at the end of it all is what matters.
  • Upon defeating Nyx, Tomomi breaks down both in sadness and relief. The world is saved, but at the cost of the person she loved, and the protagonist's life.

Social Link

  • Addresses her issues with her self dishonesty and how she is self aware she is destroying herself all in the name of not being lonely.
  • Shows her discontent with her current clique, how they are just a bunch of stupid, but super mean girls who only have looks and money to brag about.
  • The protagonist helps her through her breakdowns and her guilt, because she is still sacred of standing up to them. She decides to try and start small.
  • The protagonist helps her in apologizing to the people she has been bullying, even going as far as giving them gifts as apologies.
  • The girl she almost drove to suicide, she visits her at the hospital and apologizes in tears, telling her she realizes what she had been doing is wrong.
  • The rest of the Social Link is Tomomi hanging out with that girl and helping her go through rehab. The girl, named Mamiko, becomes convinced that Tomomi is actually a good person, yet asks her why she stays with that group.
  • Mamiko realizes Tomomi hangs out with her in secret, asking her if she is afraid of her popular friends. Tomomi confirms this, and Mamiko asks the protagonist to help them.
  • Eventually, Tomomi starts to rant about her friends and the bad things they do, eventually crying because she was and still is considered a part of them.
  • While she is hanging out with Mamiko and the protagonist, Tomomi realizes that being a good person is who she is, and that she is tired of lying to keep toxic friendships.
  • The protagonist helps Tomomi believe in herself and talks to her about her bonds with S.E.E.S thus far, as compared to how she has to fake her relationships.
  • Yet, Tomomi finds herself still scared of them leaving her, despite her growing closeness to S.E.E.S. She is also scared of the image she has being completely destroyed and then finding herself in the same place she put Rei in before. So she finds herself at a crossroads, and not knowing how to be "safe"
  • She still hangs out with her friends in the end, but they mention she has been changing. Concerned for her, they ask her to tell them who's been keeping her down. They ask if it's Rei beating her up, and that they'll "drive the weirdo and slut to suicide for sure." Becoming scared and afraid, she says nothing and denies that Rei is the reason.
  • That being the last straw, Tomomi tells the protagonist that she now knows what she has to do. She has to call them out, and will muster the courage to do so. She thanks the protagonist for being there for her and helping her when she needed him. She hugs him and thanks him for helping her become brave, and being there when she reached out to Mamiko.


She can be actually romanced by the Fem Protag <3

The Answer

Tomomi is a stronger person and tries to keep everyone together

Persona 4

TIMESKIP: by Persona 4 Arena, Tomomi is in college taking up Entrepreneurship and Merchandising and has become a recruiter for the Kirijo Group's Shadow Operatives. Her field duty is limited due to still not being able to sustain plenty of damage, however is a reserve troop with a higher position than others.

Persona 5

In Persona 5, Tomomi is seen helping curate the auction held by Toshio Kohara and the Kohara Jeweling Company. She also hosts the auction and speaks briefly to the Phantom Thieves as a gesture of kindness and formality. She is also seen with Rei Shimakage, Jiro Miyamae and Saburo Maeda discussing about Wakaba Isshiki's missing research on Cognitive Psience and the Metaverse.


Party Member

  • Uses single handed axes
  • Fire and Light Skills, minor healing abilities
  • Has a very high SP threshold, but takes so much damage that she needs constant healing
  • Deals moderate damage, but her Light Skills have more hit chance at one-hit kills
  • Has difficulty summoning her Persona, but after some time, will become braver and used to summoning Mnemosyne.


  • Is super scared of Rei Shimakage, especially after awakening to her Persona and realizing Rei is capable of killing, even if it's just Shadows
  • When she was a bully, everyone thought she was like that because of a crush on Akihiko, but in reality she was doing it because her clique's "leader" didn't want to get her own hands dirty
  • Eventually fell in love with Ryoji Mochizuki, but when finding out he was to become the Avatar of Nyx, she was heartbroken and felt incredibly pained during the fight with Nyx Avatar
  • Likes to dress stylish and cute, like casual lolita or something like that
  • Her relationship with Ryoji was short lived, before he regained his memories as the "Appriser" of Nyx, they had a genuine relationship going on. Even when he regained his memories, he did apologize to her and bade her farewell.
  • But deadass before that she actually had a crush on Minato; however, did not act on it because not only was Yukari Takeba her friend, but because Minato seemed to gravitate towards Kaede Sato
  • Her hair is two toned, she has a layer of bleached hair underneath her naturally brown hair
  • Other boys tell her she is very pretty, to which she often doesn't know how to respond to. She often wears makeup because it's also what her friends do.
  • Is genuinely scared of Shinjiro Aragaki, even though she knew him in first year high school. She thinks he looks super scary now, that she can't even go downstairs when he's cooking.
  • Avoids Akihiko because her clique's leader is obsessed with him, also because she's scared that Rei might beat her up and grab her by the hair again, though she has never done that since snapping at her once
  • Feels bad because she had to assure Fuuka that she was not gonna hurt her, so she tried to be more genuine with her.
  • Has a complicated relationship with S.E.E.S because they don't know the "real" her. She cries about this a lot because her friends might also start ignoring her.
  • Rei called her pathetic for faking herself for bad people, and hoping they won't abandon her. Threatened Tomomi that she really will be alone if she kept that up. They eventually do become friends, but that is when Rei apologizes to her a few days before Shinjiro's death, and she apologizes to her too.
  • She begins to clique with Hikari Minami and Art Gato during the course of the game.

Profile by Erandia
Edited by @glasses-dog