Lavinia Finche



10 months, 14 days ago


Lavinia Finche

Yentrea's Sky, Descendant of Yentrean Royalty

Can't you hear how the island breeze sings its wonderful song to the people of Yentrea? No??? Guess you must simply be deaf to it then- that's quite a shame...

One of the few remnants of the former Yentrean monarchy, Lavinia Finche remains beloved by her people as a figurehead, representing both the spirit and culture of the island and all that carries with it.

full name

Lavinia Valoy Arya Yrais Finche


Dame/Lady/Miss Finche, Lavi










Winter Midpoint



place of origin



Yentrean Nobility


  • Lavinia's expertise lies in Air magic, specifically sound magic.
  • She's never left Yentrea or its waters- it'd be treason.
  • She much prefers sailing or kayaking to swimming.
  • Lavinia sunburns comically easily.

Full Reference

I smile in their direction and they all go mad. Fun, yes?

Pumpin Blood - NONONO

It's your heart, it's alive, it's pumpin' blood. And the whole wide world is whistlin'!


Early Life

The island of Yentrea, located just off the west coast of Inawyth, has always been an exceptionally interesting part of the country, especially when analyzed through the lens of Inawythian history. Natives of Yentrea are fiercely independent of the mainland, priding themselves on their sustainability and stewardship of their island that they've lived on for so long. The island also used to have its own monarchy, which was beloved by the people but eventually dissolved once the Council established control over the island, over a thousand years ago at this point. As such, there's a sort of disconnect between how Yentreans versus the rest of the country feel about being part of Inawyth. It's not exactly animosity, but there's still definitely a quite prevalent cultural distinction from the mainland- most people who are born there or have lived there for a long time will introduce themselves as 'Yentrean,' rather than 'Inawythian'.

Yentrea's Sky, Lavinia, has always been a point of pride for the people of the island. Ever since she was young, they marvelled over her successes and adored the way that she seemed to connect with the people and land in a way that hadn't been seen in decades. Though faith in the disappearing nobility had been waning ever since Yentrea had joined the country of Inawyth, Lavinia's introduction to the world seemed to reverse that trend, and revitalize the pride that many had still quietly felt for their island and nobility. Her very livelihood was a celebration in and of itself, and anyone who still loved their island partook in it. As she grew up, she began to be seen as a stand-in for Yentrea itself, with many people equating their pride in her existence with their pride in their homeland that'd be overlooked for so long. Her parents, throughly enjoying the newfound attention for the family, pushed this narrative and encouraged both Lavinia and the Yentrean people to tie her to the island.

Yentrean Skies

It seemed fairly obvious that Yentrean royalty would only get the best education that the island had to offer- she needed to be a good representation of her people, after all. So it was no surprise whatsoever that Lavinia attended the Royal Academy of Yentrea, where she would learn to harness her magical ability far better than she ever had through childhood play, and also how to express herself properly through wordplay, etiquette, and mannerisms. Everything and anything an heiress needed to be a good stand-in for her country. Whether it was due to her namesake or her natural propensity for academia, she excelled in the scholarly environment, and made a name for herself in the halls of the school, where she was no longer surrounded by praise just for her simple existence. Instead, Lavinia was now met with intellectual and social challenges from all angles, and she relished in the opportunity to sharpen her wit and gain as real-world experience as she possibly could.

School wasn't just for boring academics and sharp-tongued battles, either. There, she would also end up meeting one Serena Yilith. Lavinia and Serena became fast friends while in school together, and they made sure to make it everyone else's problem. Together, they were far greater than the sum of their parts, and were able to manipulate any situation they were presented with to fit their needs and goals. The two ruled the school, with Lavinia handling all the social aspects and 'dirty work' behind the scenes and Serena taking the 'boring' administrative side while being the figurehead. Through her working relationship with Serena, Lavinia learned how to effectively lead, even when she wasn't the most popular or well-liked. It was a necessary step to becoming the leader that her people required of her, and they were eagerly awaiting her return from academia.

Beyond Yentrea's Horizons

The only natural progression of Lavinia's life after school was simply to take over the politics of the rest of the island. It was the only obvious choice; she hadn't spent the last few decades building up all her people skills for them to just go to waste. Wasting little time, she almost immediately got to work building her cabinet of allies once she was freed from the confines of her familiar academic stronghold. Though there was some pushback from lazy and ancient coots who'd enjoyed their privileges of power for far too long, Lavinia dispatched of those who were no use to her or the island, and made sure to rebuild with people who would bend to her will. After all, she was Yentrea's Sky, so clearly, she knew what was best for Yentrea itself. Have faith in the nobility- they'd done it before, so what's the worst that could possibly happen?

Taking over island politics was certainly a gamble for both Lavinia and Yentrea, but in time, their faith would pay off. Under Lavinia's guidance and leadership (although some would simply claim that she's just sitting there looking pretty instead of actually doing anything for the island), Yentrea has undergone a resurgence in economy, tourism, and culture. Though she says she has absolutely nothing to do with it, the rising nationalist sentiment in Yentrea has certainly helped Lavinia garner public support and she's been riding on a wave of success ever since she established herself as the new head of state. Still, she's not completely isolationist, and has maintained close contact with the Council- mostly without her people knowing, of course. She's got an image of Yentrean supremacy to maintain; what would people think if they knew who she'd been talking with? Still, it doesn't look like Lavinia will be stepping down anytime soon, and the people of her homeland thank her greatly for it.



Storm Sorcerer Subclass












By amplifying sharp and sudden sounds, like that of a snap, whistle or clap, Lavinia can do some serious thunder damage to anyone who isn't using proper protection within a short radius. This can also be used to signal for help, as the sound travels far.

Winds of Change

Lavinia can manipulate or alter the air currents around her in order to shape her environment. With them, she can do a variety of things, such as push people around, cut through obstacles in her path, or even punch a hole in whatever is annoying her at the moment.

Silence - SHHH!!!

Lavinia can effectively mute a certain area by simply dampening vibrations in the air until they become imperceptible. She uses this spell whenever she needs to be in her own head and think without being disturbed for a while. (Or to shut up her political enemies.)


Serena Yilith


It's no surprise that Serena and Lavinia have ended up in the positions they're in today; the title "Yentrea's Sea and Sky" doesn't come by accident. It's quite good for the island that neither of them have let their supporters down.

The two get along swimmingly together and, they're both forces to be reckoned with together and individually. Though they may butt heads, for the most part they read each other well enough to get the important work done.

Inaba Gray


As the youngest and newest member, Inaba got stuck with being the Council's liason to Yentrea, serving as a bridge between island and mainland politics. Unfortunately for him, Lavinia can tell he knows absolutely nothing about her homeland and even less about how to deal with her.

Lavinia and Inaba's relationship is strictly professional, and she'd like to keep it that way, based on what Serena's said about him. Though he's polite in their correspondence, the rumors about him make him sound like a little more than a handful on a good day...

code by Leporidactic