Serena Yilith



4 years, 6 months ago


Serena Yilith

Yentrea's Sea, Faction Leader of the Bloodless

Hear me, beloved peoples of Inawyth! You, yes you all standing here right now, are entitled to the very land beneath your feet! Don't ever let the Council take your heritage- your own home, your very birthright- away from you!!!

The fearless leader of the populist faction of Inawyth, Serena Yilith has certainly been making waves recently, encouraging her followers to 'take back' land they've been stewarding for millenia, and fight to take their rights back from the over-reaching hands of the Council.

full name

Serena Yilith


Leader Serena


Energy, Change








Summer Midpoint



place of origin



Faction Leader


  • Although Serena is both Energy and Change, she can't use every aspect.
  • She is most proficient with Fire, Water, Earth, and Air magic.
  • Her favorite city is Reafen, but her home is in Kuvdrop.
  • She doesn't ever wear any silver or gold.

Full Reference

Come on now, you didn't really think I'd just lay down and die here, did you?

Young Volcanoes - Fall Out Boy

Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds, it's all over now. Before it has begun, we've already won!


Early Life

The island of Yentrea, located just off the west coast of Inawyth, has always been an exceptionally interesting part of the country, especially when analyzed through the lens of Inawythian history. Natives of Yentrea are fiercely independent of the mainland, priding themselves on their sustainability and stewardship of their island that they've lived on for so long. The island also used to have its own monarchy, which was beloved by the people but eventually dissolved once the Council established control over the island, over a thousand years ago at this point. As such, there's a sort of disconnect between how Yentreans versus the rest of the country feel about being part of Inawyth. It's not exactly animosity, but there's still definitely a prevalent cultural distinction from the mainland- most people who are born there or have lived there for a long time will introduce themselves as 'Yentrean,' rather than 'Inawythian'.

Serena Yilith, for one, was never really the type to buy into the ever-present hype of Yentrean 'supremacy' that those around her all seemed somewhat deluded with. Sure, her home island was certainly nice and all, but one large city with some pretty sights and the remnants of a monarchy long since past, do not necessarily all come together to make a compelling place to live for the rest of your entire (and in her case, very long) life. Still, she absolutely loved living there, and grew up the same as any other Yentrean kid would, well-connected to native island culture and with great ties to both the land and sea, grateful for all of the many bounties that the island had to offer her. Despite her 'disconnect' with the popular hegemoniacal culture on the island, it was quickly discovered that Serena seemed to have a far more magical connection with Yentrea instead, one unrivaled by any of her peers'. Blessed with the power of the elements, she was able to shape the island and sea around it in ways that no others could.

Yentrean Yassification

Education has always had a particularly strong emphasis in Yilith family values, so it was hardly a surprise to most that upon learning that Serena was remarkably elementally gifted, her family had her shipped off to the finest school on island, so she could learn to make the most of her gifts. There, in addition to gaining life skills and new perspectives from her peers, she also learned that she had quite the penchant for politics and leadership, rightfully earning the class presidency every time she ran. Running a school really was not as hard as people made it out to be- just make sure the troublemakers stay in line, keep the right people happy, be generally amicable, and people will be willing to do almost anything you can't get done yourself, if you just ask nicely enough. It definitely helped that she had an accomplice in the Yentrean Royal Remnant Lavinia Finche, and the two were so powerful and popular that they became known as Yentrea's Sea and Sky; titles that hadn't been used in centuries. In the meantime, her magical prowess developed into a frightening weapon, her immense untapped power becoming clearer as the years drew on.

One wouldn't really expect someone from Yentrea to have any particular investment in mainland Inawythian politics- they're usually far more focused on things going on at home-, but Serena has always been one to pride herself on being an exception to the rule whenever and wherever possible. Island politics certainly have their merit, time, and place, of course, but anyone who wasn't still keeping their head in the sand from a couple hundred years ago could tell that the 'real' moves were being made in the heart of the country with the Council, and not on its formerly-important island outskirts. Smelling an opportunity to make some necessary (in her opinon, at least) change to the political landscape, Serena packed up her things once she felt her education was furthered enough, and left to join this cool and new faction- The Bloodless- that she'd heard had some pretty decent ideas going for it; but also an unfortunately sore lack of good leadership. This was a blessing in disguise; Serena knew just the right person for the job.

Birth of The Bloodless

Behind closed doors, and through a great number of quiet discussions and exchanged favors, Serena found herself as the figurehead speech giver for the Bloodless, before her capabilities as a political leader were fully realized by the rest of the crew. Though the shift from isolated school politics to real-world implementation of her training was somewhat jarring, Serena took it all in stride. Experience from ruling her school, where students came from any and all walks of life, proved especially useful in both appealing to the common masses who simply wanted their issues to be heard, and in dealing with the rich aristocrats that ruled city politics with their wealth behind the scenes. She could handle anything, it seemed, and the success and popularity of the faction quickly exploded once she was 'allowed' to make larger-scale decisions instead of just regurgitating rhetoric in front of a crowd. If you ask her privately, though, she'll say she was running the faction for practically her entire tenure.

Serena's eloquent manner of speaking, combined with her connection to the land and refusal to compromise on matters that were important to the common folk, made her incredibly admired by those who felt as though the government failed to listen to their concerns. Nowadays, the Bloodless is the largest currently active faction in Inawyth, and it's no surprise that Serena is one of the most well-liked public figures in politics. Though she's yet to run for a Council seat, she's adamant that she simply doesn't need to in order to make necessary changes to the country; the voices of the people behind her empower her enough to see things through. After getting together with Council Member Sky Grey a decade ago, her politcal machinations have been more ambitious than ever, and with the popular support of both the people and the council, she's reshaping the way that politics work while causing as little bloodshed as possible. It's just all in a day's work for Serena Yilith, after all.



Storm Sorcerer Subclass












Serena has a very large pool of magic, and is highly proficient at utilizing it. If needed, she has incredible destructive power avaliable to her at her fingertips, although she honestly prefers to solve her diplomatic issues with less messy, and more delicate methods.


Serena's special connection with the ocean, due to her Yentrean upbringing, give her both the winds and rain at her disposal to do with as she will. She's yet to sic a tempest on anyone, but there's really no telling what crazy thing she'll pull out of her sleeve next.

From Many, ONe

Serena's control and expertise over her elemental magic is such that that she can use multiple elemental spells of different elements at the same time. This is no easy feat, especially when you are performing such powerful and precise acts as she is capable of. You really wouldn't want her to be your opponent...


Sky Grey


Serena and Grey got together about a decade ago, and boy did it cause a stir in the Inawythian political landscape. They just seem to work together, forming a great team in politics, parenting, and pretty much anything else they put their minds to.

The news of a child between them certainly upset many, but knowing both of them, it was never really much of a surprise. Plus, they seem to have a pretty good handle on things, so why shouldn't they enjoy their golden years together with their Violet?

Inaba Gray


Serena and Inaba certainly have quite the odd relationship. One would think that because of their rather similar goals of giving power to the people, they would be a force to reckon with when put together, but instead, there seems to be this strange animosity between them.

If you ask Serena, she'll say he's jealous that she gets more of Grey's attention. He'll vehemently deny it, of course. She thinks he needs to lighten up, he thinks she should keep her nose out of it. Whatever the reason for their quarrel, it doesn't look like it's going away soon.

code by Leporidactic