Q 🌟



1 year, 14 days ago


Literally just a silly little kitty…Horror sona, ghostface kitty

- Cat? Doesnt take mask off… Black kitty (probably)

- Gay..They/He.

- Mute + Fidgets a lot. can speak in artwork though lol idrc, that’s just in canon.

- Declawed. Has very sharp claws built into their tall leather gloves

- devil ghostface mask… optional :3 mouth, indifferent. optional white pupils, not preferred, depends on style rlly.

- outfits usually black/red but like go wild tbh, not picky. Most common combos are hoodie/t-shirt + sweats/short with silly boots. So long as clothes are ambiguous or masculine and darker, idrc. Bro could wear a leather jacket, jeans, whatever rlly.

- Always has red gloves on. Can just be gloves, but actual canon design has full arm length stitched leather gloves with built in claws. 

- Shoes optional, but preferred. has silly little paws. Can wear big red boots, black boots, slip on vans, sneakers, etc. shoes can have paw designs on bottom tbh. Boots are preferred, paw design on sole id love to see ngl. Leaves paws in dirt when running around

- If drawn with hood up, prefer it has the ear shape still, but obviously depends on style.

- Weapons can be whatever. Loves playing with dangerous things.. knives, guns, fire, whatever. Absolutely has no common sense or care for safety. Too silly

- May or may not be a serial killer, there’s no proof!…especially loves hunting other killers and bad people. Sees it as fun and stimulating in general.

- Big blood fan yo 🩸 Finds it neat to look at and feel texture wise. 

- Desensitized to horror and gore, but finds it fascinating and humorous, depending on the content. Absolutely went wild with earlier internet.

- High pain tolerance. 

- Thin, short, actual gender/sex kind of ambiguous

- Partially vent sona, but yk. Like Hyde, but more silly 🤷‍♂️