Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Content Warning


Abuse of Power


Animal Abuse/Cruelty



Child Abuse







Drug Use


Fire Imagery


Gender Dysphoria







Mental Health








Religious Themes

Romantic Issues

Self Harm

Sensitive Content

Sexual Content

Sex Work





Story Spoilers

Suggestive Content

Supernatural Beings




Underwater Imagery

Unethical Experiments




Weapon Use

Before you follow/Interact

Please read our TOS and CARRD. These warning tags are for STORIES, no art will be posted, minus vent art but everything will be spoilered properly or just not visable. You may put any character in a "dreamie" or wishlist folder, but please keep in mind if they are not in market, the likelihood is low of getting them.

Do Not Interact

Never interact with me or my characters if:

  • You or a friend is on our blacklist as well if you think any of their actions are just.
  • Youre younger than 13.
  • Sexist/homophobic/racist/ableist/etc.
  • Dont take responsiblity for your or your systems (if you are one) actions.
  • A problem starter, or dont get full stories from both parties before taking action.


You may interact, but I will be wary of you if:

  • Youre 13-16.
  • American /j.
  • TBA.
  • TBA.
  • TBA.


The following users are blacklisted:

  • Skaiasthekite (Currently Banned from TH) - We had been consistently approached with various forms of offers for a character we own, all of which I respectfully declined. In an attempt to streamline communication, I requested a solid offer, which was promptly provided. However, amidst this negotiation, I realized that there was outstanding artwork owed to us from a previous agreement— a detail that needed addressing before proceeding further. When asked to put the character on hold, I declined, as the terms of the offer were not yet finalized. Subsequently, upon completion of the owed artwork, the other party inquired about the acceptance of their offer. I sought assistance in crafting a response, intending to express appreciation for their timely completion of the overdue artwork while respectfully declining their offer. Regrettably, the message may not have been conveyed as tactfully as intended, resulting in an aggressive response from the other party, which included profanity and harassment. Also took a over a month to finished owed art for us, is known to scam and back out after everything is done and/or last minute.
  • cyanidejellyfish - The individual in question has demonstrated a pattern of behavior wherein they appropriate character designs without consent and draw inspiration from existing creations without obtaining permission.
  • SmolOrca / intxcatedlover - I was pressured into adding a trait to my character during a BPD episode. While posting comfort art of my character to feel better, SmolOrca demanded I include something specific. Despite explaining that I didn't know how to draw it and that it was meant to be comforting, they persisted. Others joined in, which only made things worse, and they even brought someone into the conversation without informing me, making me think they were a random person. This situation caused me a great deal of stress and led to a downward spiral, resulting in us being muted on the server for a week. Given my hyperfixation on the species and my high activity level on the server, being unable to talk but still seeing everything felt like torture to me and seemed like an excessive punishment.
  • medicstreak - They've lied and expected to get characters I paid for back for free, even stating in the transfer notes "returning if losing interest"—which I never agreed to. Regarding the doll joints situation mentioned above, I blocked them because right after the issue with SmolOrca, they messaged me saying, "That wasn't handled well; you should apologize." or something along those lines. I barely knew this person; we only talked for character exchanges. I told them I was an adult and blocked them. In response, they went around saying I was a troublemaker and blocked them despite their polite message. It wasn't about politeness; it was about them overstepping their boundaries. Also, the status wasn't about you— get over it. I have no idea what the favorite artist shit talking is about. I don't believe I bad-mouthed anyone, and even if I did it wasn't to their face, I'm allowed to express my feelings. I never guilt-tripped you. I asked what you wanted for the characters, and you gave them to me for nothing. I never requested them for free; that was your choice.
  • Tubost / TubostAdopts / Snixor / EternityProject / ETC (EX Friend) - An alter in their system told me they were evil and explained why, claiming to be a malicious alter. They sounded more like a pro/persecutor to me, and I find the term "evil" extremely uncomfortable. I don’t believe in labeling people as evil. I tried to explain this, but they insisted on their evil nature, accusing me of excusing their actions, which I never did. This made me very uncomfortable, and I expressed my discomfort. They became aggressive when I said they were making accusations. They brought up serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy, asking if they were evil. I was overwhelmed and didn't know how to respond, so I said, "They did really bad things and were messed up, but 'evil' isn't a good word to me." I should have clarified that their actions were evil, but not necessarily the people themselves. Their response was, "If I could, I'd be just as bad, but I have some morals," which made me extremely uncomfortable. I responded with, "K bye." Their reply was, "Don't text us until Jeff says it's fine because I will be waiting." At this point, I was shaking, so our primary protector stepped in and asked if it was a threat. They said it was a promise. Our primary protector then replied, "No need to worry then, Juni won't be texting here for a while. We do very much wish you a good day. /g" Their response was, "I wish you the most terrible day, and I hope you suffer." Our protector, trying to stay calm, said, "Thank you, I'll keep that in mind." We stopped talking to them for the rest of the day. Because of this and other reasons, like the serial killer comments, we got blacklisted by previous friends. The next day, I texted them expecting some accountability from their system, but got only excuses and "They won't talk to you anymore." This doesn’t solve anything. I was hurt, and it took that for them to decide "They won't talk to you." Does someone else need to get hurt for that to happen too? It's just gross and makes me very uncomfortable overall.
  • holymackerel (EX Friend?) - They blacklisted us without any explanation, simply stating we were being blacklisted and blocked, leaving us feeling deeply unsettled. We later discovered the reason: I had expressed my feelings about someone, but they never told me it made them uncomfortable. They also shared our private messages, where I voiced my dislike of a member (in a vent/rant), with the server owner. This led to us being kicked from the server for a month on unfounded charges of harassment and bullying. Furthermore, this individual endorses IRL/DA, a troubling concept coined by the community that isn't medically recognized. People who 'experience' IRL/DA believe they are someone or something they are not, whether or not they have a delusional disorder, all while knowing they aren’t actually that person or thing. This is not how delusions work, and encouraging it is counterproductive to recovery. Delusions of grandeur is not IRL/DA, Delusions of grandeur being the term medical professionals use and are researching! Overall, this person’s behavior is deeply disturbing and unacceptable.
  • NaiveSp1der (EX Friend?) - Consistently showed favoritism towards staff in their server for their closed species, Eromona (which we are now banned from for false accusations), failing to address rule violations and the harm caused to others by staff members. Instead of gathering the full story, they blamed the victims and spread false information about them. They also allow Systems to avoid accountability for their alters, falsely labeling efforts to hold them accountable as ableist. Overall yuck, they make me highly uncomfortable.
  • Ghost_BunnyLover - They lied, got us banned for something that never happened, and treated us significantly differently from others—ignoring us while responding to others unless money was involved, which is just gross. They even blocked us at one point without telling us, leaving us to discover it on our own, avoiding the problem instead of addressing it. There’s so much more I’d rather not get into. Overall, this person is toxic and unpleasant.
  • M1dnight_pup (Ex Friend) - They spread our private DMs, which led to one of their friends harassing us, and did nothing when informed—even though this person is still a staff member in a server we helped them create. They spread false information, lied about us, and allowed someone to remain on staff in an age regression-based server despite knowing that person was active in a DDGL server. When informed, they banned the person who reported it, essentially avoiding the problem. There's more I will not be going into. Overall gross person.


You can ask me anything, like if a character is ufo, any info about a character or about us and our mental health (disorders), please do not ask about our trauma as its none of your business.

You may not

You may not do any of the following:

  • Disrespect us/our art or our blacklist.
  • Steal our art/designs or take heavy inspo without permission.
  • Offer on ocs that are in personas (System and Juni) or rp.
  • Give our characters (our designs or not) to blacklisted members.
  • TBA.

You may

You may do any of the following:

  • Ask questions about ocs or us (disorders).
  • Ask if a character is ufo then offer.
  • Draw fanart or write about our characters.
  • TBA
  • TBA

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