Evangelos "Eve" Cleovoulou



The illegitimate son of a famous Turkish oil wrestler, Evangelos Cleovoulou, better known as Eve to those close to him, is a world class fighter on his own path separate from his father's career. His mother Maria, became a fan of Kadir Ersoy and one day after one his matches, they slept together and conceived a child, as Maria had gotten pregnant. 9 months later, Evangelos was born without his father's knowledge and he was raised in his mother's home country of Cyprus, growing up in Famagusta. His childhood was generally quite happy, though not knowing his father weighed heavily on his conscience and even more so due to the fact that his mother had become ostracized from her community due to having had a child without being married, Maria grew to resent her son as he represented all of her past mistakes. She felt as if she never should have left home to forge her own path and should have just settled down with the man her mother wanted her to marry. She never was outright cruel or abusive to her son but she was certainly neglectful and looked on him with shame, as in addition to causing her to lose her community, her son was also much more flamboyant than she was comfortable with and his behavior only added to her ostracization from her former friends and family. As a boy, Evangelos had a passion for the arts and would frequently dress in his mother's clothing and put on fashion shows with other children in his neighborhood. His original dream was to one day go to an art school and become a renowned fashion designer and dancer before he eventually gave it up, due to the events that happened on the day of his eighteenth birthday. 

When Evangelos turned eighteen, his mother told him about his father after keeping his parentage a secret for his whole life. Shocked by this revelation and excited to finally know the truth, Evangelos booked a flight to Turkey to finally meet his father and when he expected to be embraced and accepted as his son, he was shocked to find that his father rejected him entirely and berated the boy, telling him that he would never have fathered a weakling like him and that he was delusional for thinking that the two of them could ever be related. This rejection combined with the fact that he had waited eighteen years to finally learn who his father was broke Evangelos and he left Turkey that day, desiring to just go home and forget about everything but he would never forget. The insults his father had berated him with stayed in his head, constantly taunting him and making him feel even more inadequate than his mother had ever made him feel. From this point on, Evangelos dedicated himself to getting stronger and began to train himself in both taekwondo and kick-boxing, combining the two with his passion for dance and mastering styles of fighting that his father could never dream of ever touching. 

With his newfound power, Evangelos left his home country and moved to Metro City in pursuit of a life he could make his own. He works a day job as a barista and at night, takes to the streets. Evangelos lives in an apartment with Jonah Henare and the two are close friends who share slight romantic tension, with Evangelos crushing hard on his roommate but being afraid of commitment as he's never had a partner before nor does he really know how to process his feelings of love due to his upbringing in a loveless household. He met Jonah through his training with Luke and the two became friends almost immediately due to their similar personalities and after Eve invited Jonah out for lunch at a local cafe, the two bonded further over their shared love of food and became close friends and eventually moved in together out of convenience. Evangelos is quite smitten with Jonah to the point of not knowing how to talk to him at times, he gets easily flustered whenever Jonah is complimentary of him and has a tendency to follow him around like a lost puppy, volunteering to go alongside him whenever he leaves the apartment even for a simple grocery run. 

Evangelos is very tuned in to his physical appearance and can seem somewhat shallow due to putting a lot of effort into how he looks, he never leaves the house without a pair of earrings on and at least one accessory on. Eve has three tattoos that he got purely to spite his mother, who had expressed her dislike of tattoos for his entire childhood. The tattoos are as follows: An elaborate heart shaped tattoo on his lower abdomen, two heart shaped tattoos on his buttocks and a small star shaped tattoo on his left shoulder. He is a sweetheart with a heart of gold who loves to support his friends and cherishes them, vowing to do anything in his power to protect them and ensure that they are well taken care of. He is a little bit socially awkward both in part due to his upbringing and also due to having a slight language barrier, as his English is not perfect though it is rapidly improving with his time in Metro City. Eve gets flustered very easily and when he blushes, he turns a bright red shade. He has a one-sided rivalry with Bae Minseo, who hates his existence but he feels positively about her and does not have any negative feelings about her. 

Age: 27 (August 13th)

Ethnicity: Greek Cypriot/Turkish

Height: 6'6'

Weight: 195 lbs

Pronouns: He/Him 

Identity: Bisexual 

Likes: Jonah Henare, souvla, Chuu from LOONA, the color pink, iced coffee, cats, the beach, working out and taking selfies, tank tops

Dislikes: His father, eggplants, the smell of fish, matcha, rude customers, pigs, the color orange, sand, Shadaloo