


5 years, 11 months ago


I'm 5'3" and filled with rage

Name Yuki Fujikawa
Age 25
Build Tiny
Species Aerolin - Mage
Gender Female
Oreint. Straight
Nicknames None atm
Occupation Botanist
Creator Jutta
Taken? Yes
Design Notes

Yuki is a short, thin lady, only standing at 5’3", she has long-ish white hair, that's always worn up in some way or another. She's usually seen wearing sleeveless shirts and highw waisted jeans! Her left eye is blind, which explains the lack of colour.

  • Yuki is blind in her left eye!
  • When her hair is down it goes down to her mid back.
  • She has yellow Pupils
  • Horns grow depending on her emotions.

Yuki is usually a very chill woman, she mostly prefers to keep to herself and her kit but there are times when she's more open and out there. One of the more abvious times she is like this is when she's trying her best to find romance; Sadly Yuki has the worst luck when it comes to men, usually dating jerks or weirdos. However Yuki takes no shit, if she sees you as a threat to her, or her daughter she will fight and she's not afraid to challenge people taller, bigger, and stronger than her. It's very noticable when it comes to her Ex, Raziel, who she constantly butts heads with.

Story Summary

Yuki has always been an independant person, moving out of her house right when she turned 18 so she could start life on her own. By age 20 she already had her own little shop, a tiny flower botique on a street corner in Sector 12 and a good boyfriend in Raziel; However that relationship wouldn't last long. Still 20 Yuki had gotten pregnant with her kit, and the relationship with Raz was going down the drain. Yuki didn't feel respected as a person, and when confornting Raz on that issue things escalated and the two had gotten into a huge fight leading into Yuki breaking up with him. Now a single mother Yuki finds herself missing a romantic partner in her life, however dating doesn't really go that well. She always ends up with weird, jerky, and just nasty men in general. But things changed when she had met Ivan 5 years later, he was sweet, kind, and overall the best guy she has seen in the past 5 years. The two became fast friends and when Ivan had joined her one day on a shopping trip for new date clothes, she ended up canceling her date with some tinder dude to spend the night with Ivan. Though things aren't going to be staying peachy for too long.


  • Yuki's horns grow depending on her mood. If she's angry they get up to 9 inches long. Normally they're only 5 inches.
  • Yuki is a botanist! She runs a cute little flower shop on her own.
  • She is literally a momma bear. If she thinks her daughter in trouble she will do anything she can to protect her.
  • Though it's hard, Yuki tries her best to be strong, even if life as a single mother is hard.
  • She boasts that she's a good cook, but in reality all she knows how to do is chicken nuggets and mac and cheese.

  • Flowers!
  • Her daughter.
  • Having days where she can sleep in.
  • Spa days.
  • Gardening.

  • Her Ex.
  • Drama.
  • Leaving her hair down.
  • Creepy dudes.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque placerat lectus eget tempor ullamcorper. Nam congue sem sit amet nibh elementum ultrices. Mauris dictum dolor sed eleifend vulputate. Nullam convallis justo neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas fermentum risus sed orci molestie venenatis. Nunc eget ultricies lorem. Nunc lacinia posuere pretium. Aliquam tristique aliquet ligula, in venenatis turpis. Aliquam eget convallis dolor. Etiam sollicitudin pulvinar nisi non egestas. Aenean eget finibus turpis, ut facilisis nulla. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus commodo, magna eleifend blandit finibus, lorem quam volutpat lacus, a aliquet metus diam eget felis. Nam ut magna non eros vehicula pretium. Suspendisse potenti.

Nam vel hendrerit ante. Nullam facilisis fringilla metus, at bibendum eros tincidunt sed. In porta eget nisi vel ultricies. Phasellus eu sem vitae ligula ultricies malesuada. Curabitur pharetra dolor ac sapien lacinia, eget pellentesque tortor posuere. Fusce at ultrices dui, eget porttitor enim. Donec tempus, neque ut laoreet dignissim, sem velit congue turpis, id pharetra justo erat vitae diam. Cras eu porta tortor, sed auctor tellus. Morbi aliquam erat mauris, ut luctus mauris volutpat ut. Morbi metus quam, posuere id sagittis pharetra, venenatis id mi. Aenean eleifend feugiat odio ut malesuada. Etiam vulputate mollis erat, non auctor tellus rutrum ultrices. Cras id orci pharetra, finibus lacus vitae, dapibus nisl. Pellentesque id dolor quis sapien ultrices pharetra vitae sit amet sem. Nam venenatis imperdiet quam, ut accumsan justo egestas placerat. Sed facilisis varius fringilla.