


11 months, 21 days ago

Basic Info

♦ pronouns:


♦ age:

au dependent, 25 in knight au

♦ height:

169cm (heh)

♦ alignment:

neutral good


a soft and mostly serious boy made to be Jun's childhood friend/ex-bf then things got out of hand and now he's in a poly relationship with him and D in most aus he's featured in. he's very attached to Jun and would do anything for him. even when they're not officially together they never stop being touchy with each other

he might seem normal but there's definitely something wrong with him ;3c his obsession with Jun borders on unhealthy, which is also the reason they had stopped dating but both of them regretted that decision. he's also the anxiety to Jun's adhd, a chronic overthinker and master of walking into situations™ (99% gay sex)

he's a single child of doting parents, in knight au he's a craftsman (haven't decided what kind), in priest and chef au he works at a cat café

he's pretty elusive, only showing his true self to people he's closest to. he's the kind of person who will ask you to tell him everything about yourself but he doesn't say much about himself. he's a habitual liar but not as good at lying as he thinks he is. he loves exploring nature and places for inspiration for his crafts


  • Jun
  • Snowball
  • tea (he's so fancy about it)
  • quiet relaxation
  • seeds and nuts


  • crowds
  • being bullied by D (?)
  • nosy ppl
  • his more feminine traits (he's mostly over it by now)


knight au
reverse knight au
priest au
angel au
succubus au
chef au