Yamato (angel au)



Yamato is a dutiful and serious angel who has been close to Jun since he can remember, guiding him along the path laid out before them. The nature of their relationship is already strange as no other angels have bonds like this to his knowledge. He yearns to touch his beautiful angel companion but that's another thing they aren't allowed to do, forming friendships and relationships is for humans only, the angels should be obedient soldiers of god. So he keeps these feelings buried deep inside his mind behind many layers of denial. 

However it all comes crashing down when one day Jun returns different. He doesn't look changed but Yamato can feel how bit by bit he's getting corrupted, and after interrogating him he learns the reason is D, the human Jun is tasked with guarding. Yamato freaks out, getting hit by many emotions at once: panic, jealousy, fear and so on. He doesn't want to lose his precious angel. He's very hostile to D at first, hating him for seducing and corrupting Jun and also for being the one to feel his warmth instead of himself. D is very good at seeing through him and even with their bad start turns out Yamato is not immune to the human either, slowly getting himself corrupted too. D encourages them to stop holding back and just touch each other like they had wanted for so long, embracing corruption instead of heaven's cold, unshakeable order.

Why would it be wrong if it feels so right?