


1 year, 2 months ago




"The world bows before my power and glory." - Hazor

Name: Hazor


Age: TBA

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Orientation: Heterosexual
Species: Vastaya

Height: 182cm, 6.0 ft

Occupation: TBA

Origin: Navori, Ionia

Residence: Noxus Prime, Noxus

🎭 Personality 🎭

Hazor is a full vastayan who once was sidekick to Revis and eventually after Revis's death, took in their place as "known hunter and survivor". Until his ego took best of him, betrayed Ionia and Vastayans to join in Noxus during the Invasion of Ionia, now Hazor is ranked mage in Noxus, forever trapped in his own brain and narcassist persona he built.

🎭 History 🎭


Hazor, once a loyal and fun-loving companion to Revis, has become consumed by his own ambition and narcissism. He no longer cares for the well-being of others, including the people of Ionia and his fellow vastayans. Hazor's actions reflect his selfish nature, prioritizing his own survival and reputation above all else. He has abandoned his former sense of humanity and empathy, showing a cold and harsh demeanor. Hazor's betrayal has left a deep impact on those who once knew him, and his presence serves as a painful reminder of the fractured bond between friends.


Hazor, a young and talented vastayan, began his journey in the mystical forests of Ionia. With his loyal companion, Revis, by his side, he was always there for Revis to help them out, always looking for danger ahead, knwoing Revis's recklessness. Driven by their love for the hunt, Hazor and Revis faced countless challenges together. Their bond grew stronger, and they reveled in their successes. Hazor's life took a tragic turn during the cataclysmic event known as the Ruination. In the grips of the Black Mist, Revis met their demise, leaving Hazor devastated and consumed by grief. The loss of his dear friend shattered Hazor's spirit and set them on a path of change. Seeking solace and distraction, Hazor threw himself into his hunting pursuits with relentless fervor. His reckless nature and unmatched skills garnered attention from the citizens of Ionia, who admired his dedication and admired his remarkable abilities. Hazor basked in the newfound adoration, and it fueled his desire for recognition and validation. Basking in the glory bestowed upon them, Hazor's confidence soared. He became the epitome of arrogance, reveling in his own achievements and losing sight of his true purpose. The once playful and carefree vastayan transformed into a narcissistic and self-centered individual, driven solely by his thirst for admiration and status.


Hazor and Revis shared a deep bond that began in their early years as toddlers. Revis, a young non-binary vastaya, was bright and full of energy, always eager to practice their hunting skills. Hazor, a more level-headed vastayan bird, acted as Revis's loyal sidekick, balancing their recklessness with caution. They embarked on numerous hunting expeditions together, with Revis's ambition and Hazor's guidance making them a formidable duo. However, tragedy struck when Revis fell victim to the Ruination, becoming a half-wraith, half-vastayan being. This event deeply affected Hazor, leaving him devastated and grief-stricken. Despite his grief, Hazor eventually succumbed to the allure of fame and adoration, becoming a renowned hunter in Ionia. Over time, his egotism and self-centered nature grew, leading him to betray their past relationship with Revis and forsake his ties to Ionia.


As the sands of time passed, Ionia fell victim to the ruthless invasion orchestrated by the forces of Noxus. Amidst the chaos, Hazor found himself faced with a pivotal choice — remain loyal to Ionia or succumb to their own self-interests. Blinded by their insatiable hunger for power and recognition, Hazor made the unthinkable decision to abandon his homeland and join the ranks of Noxus. His pursuit of personal gain, Hazor betrayed everything he once held dear. The path he had chosen led him down a treacherous road, forsaking his integrity and disregarding the bonds he had formed with Revis and the people of Ionia. The once-celebrated hunter became a shadow of his former self, haunted by the echoes of his past actions. Hazor's story serves as a cautionary tale of the destructive power of ego and selfishness. His journey from a promising and admired hunter to a soulless agent of Noxus reflects the consequences of abandoning one's principles and losing sight of what truly matters. In the end, Hazor's legacy is one of regret and isolation. His insatiable thirst for recognition and personal gain led them down a path of betrayal, leaving behind a trail of broken trust and shattered friendships. His story stands as a reminder that even the strongest bonds can be severed and that the pursuit of individual glory should never come at the expense of others.

🎭 Abilities 🎭

  •  TBA
    • TBA
      • TBA
  • TBA

🎭 Trivia 🎭

  • Hazor's design has been inspired by a real life bird known as Crescent-caped lophorina
  • Hazor's skill with illusions is legendary, often using their magical abilities to create dazzling displays and trick their opponents in battles.
  • Hazor's favorite pastime when not hunting or engaging in magical pursuits is participating in vastayan dance-offs, showcasing their agility and grace.
  • Despite his appaerance being flamboyant in past, he greatly took only interests in female vastayans.
  • The necklace and rings he wearing were stolen during his younger age, being fascinated by shiny objects.

🎭 Design Notes 🎭

  • TBA
