Revis (Past)



9 months, 7 days ago


  • Little Troublemaker
  • Laughing Lark
  • Doodle-dagger
  • The Hunter Among Woods
  • The Obscured Pursuer
Species Lhotlan
Pronouns They/Them
Gender Non-Binary

861 AN

Height 172cm, 5.8 ft
Weapon(s) Dagger
Personal Status
Status Alive
Place of origin Lhotlan Village, Qaelin, Ionia
Current residence Ionia
  • Unnamed Father
  • Unnamed Mother
  • Unnamed Aunt
Professional status
  • Hunter
Region(s) 71505038_DI7eRWc8AFL3PBX.png Ionia
Faction(s) 71505062_IDe8gmjpPFkcR4o.png Vastaya
Layout by Cheeriko
Laughs and daggers, my way of cutting through life's boring methods.

Revis is a spirited Vastayan with a mix of human and animalistic features. They have a lively and outgoing personality, driven by an insatiable passion for hunting and the thrill of adventure. Despite their often reckless nature, they remain empathetic and are quick to stand up for justice. Revis shares an unbreakable bond with their best friend, Hazor, a protective bird Vastayan. They're known for their clumsiness and their aversion to physical touch without consent. Revis's backstory is one of transformation and tragedy, having gone from a beloved and respected hunter to being taken by the Black Mist during the annual Harrowing. This character embodies the spirit of adventure, loyalty, and a desire to protect others, even in the face of darkness and adversity.


Revis is a Vastayan who closely resembles a human, with notable animalistic features. They have small feathers around their cheeks, long owl-like ears, and bird-like feet resembling Lhotlan birds. Purple markings adorn their face and upper arms. Revis's hair is a chaotic blend of pink and purple, and they have red pupils with short yellow eyelashes. They wear a red/pink tank top vest with lace straps, a red baggy jester-like outfit with thin yellow stripes, and bandages wrapped around their arms, wrists, and lower legs. These bandages are often dirtied due to overuse. Revis wears a dark purple belt around their waist, carries a dagger in a special case given by their aunt, and has small potions of magic dust. They wear a dark purple cape with dark purple feathers on the edge and a golden medallion signifying their reputation as "The Hunter Among Woods."

Design Notes:
  • They always carry their dagger and pouches of mists around them
  • Don't forget about the purple markings on their face, upper arms, and their thighs.
  • You can simplify design on anyway shape or form you would like to, just don't replace the color palettes or important feature to their design.
  • Despite them having "feminine" body shape and facial feartures, don't draw them in any feminine clothing or feartures (breasts, wide hips, etc.)


Revis is a vibrant and adventurous Vastaya, always eager to hone their hunting skills. They display a bold and reckless nature, often leading them to injuries due to their carelessness. Despite their brash exterior, Revis possesses a strong sense of empathy for those around them. However, they can be stubborn and quick to annoyance, choosing to avoid problems rather than confront them head-on. Their clumsiness in everyday situations often places them in harm's way, necessitating assistance from those close to them. While Revis has a vibrant and outgoing personality, they are wary of physical touch without consent, stemming from a traumatic experience with their best friend, Hazor. Leading them to avoid any kind of romantic relationships.


  • Revis is an only child and grew up in a small village near the Ionian coast.
  • Revis' favorite color is Castleton Green.
  • Revis has a knack for doodling and often leaves small sketches of animals and monsters in unexpected places, a playful habit that reflects their adventurous spirit.
  • Their favorite snack is roasted nuts, and they always carry a pouch of them for quick energy during their adventures.
  • Despite their playful and outgoing nature, Revis is an incredibly light sleeper and can be woken up by the faintest of sounds.
  • Revis has an affection for puns and wordplay and will often crack forest-themed jokes that make others groan and laugh in equal measure.


Vastayan Physiology:
Revis is a Vastaya, an ancient race of demi-humans changed by magic of the Spirit Realm. The connection to the Spirit Realm increased their longevity so they can live for centuries, and granted them powerful magic. The Vastaya are divided into several different tribes, each one defined by an specific animal. Rakan is a Lothlan, a type of birdlike Vastaya.
Enhanced Agility:
Lothlan are much more agile than a normal human.
Magical Plumage:
Revis has a "wing" on their back that produces magical feathers that can be used for shielding themself in or healing them and other as well. They can create extra protection from example falling from high heights or to prevent any attacks from enemies.


Revis's early years were spent in Lhotlan Village, Qaelin, in the vibrant and mystical land of Ionia. Raised by their father and mother, they were assigned male at birth, but their spirited and often troublesome nature created concern for their parents. Revis was known to climb tables and promptly tumble to the floor, causing constant worry for their parents. In an effort to help Revis channel their energy and instincts, their parents entrusted their care to an experienced aunt who happened to be a highly respected hunter and warrior. This aunt had honed her skills and earned a fearsome reputation among her peers. She took it upon herself to impart her knowledge to her eager and energetic nephew, Revis. Over time, Revis's love for adventure, the allure of monsters, the enigmatic allure of forests, and a talent for doodling caught the aunt's attention. She recognized the potential for Revis to follow in her footsteps, and thus began their training in the ways of a hunter.

However, Revis's boundless enthusiasm, while endearing to some, made it challenging to forge lasting friendships. Their exuberance, playfulness, and occasionally deafening boisterousness led to isolation and bullying by others who deemed them "loud and annoying." In a pivotal moment, Revis witnessed a blue bird Vastayan being tormented by two individuals. Fueled by a sense of justice, Revis intervened and defended the bird Vastayan, who turned out to be Hazor. From that day forward, their bond grew stronger, and they became inseparable best friends. Together, they embarked on countless adventures, often teetering on the edge of trouble. Hazor's unshakable support complemented Revis's spirited nature. During their teenage years, Hazor's persistent romantic pursuits began to bore Revis, who couldn't fathom the fascination with lifelong romantic commitments. This eventually led to a violation of Revis's boundaries by Hazor. While the experience left Revis somewhat embittered, they ultimately forgave their dear friend.

As Revis entered adulthood, they became a respected hunter in their village. Their reputation as "The Hunter Among Woods" brought immense pride and contentment. However, their life took a tragic turn years later when the annual Harrowing descended upon their homeland. During one such Harrowing, the malevolent Black Mist claimed Revis's life, leaving them forgotten by the very people they had valiantly protected for centuries.

Hazor | Best Friend
Revis and Hazor share an unbreakable bond as best friends and hunting partners. While their personalities differ, with Revis being outgoing and Hazor more cautious, they complement each other perfectly, creating a dynamic duo in both adventure and protection.
Revis' Aunt | Mentor
Revis's aunt played a significant role in shaping their life, training them to become a skilled hunter. Their relationship is one of mentorship, respect, and shared passion for hunting. Revis looks up to their aunt and values her guidance.
Revis' parents | Neutral
Despite their initial concerns about Revis's recklessness, their parents' love and care eventually built a strong and loving bond between them, especially with their mom, who enjoys sharing humorous moments and jokes with Revis. This dynamic showcases the enduring love and understanding within the family.