▣ Zaccai Hiraki [OUTDATED]



6 years, 29 days ago

Basic Info

yeah alot of the info in his bio rn isnt currently

accurate to my idea of him, needa change it.


Zaccai Hiraki



Called: Zaccai/Cai
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 5'11
Build: Lanky but toned
Race: Demon
Role: Student
Theme: X
HTML: lowkeywicked



Cais history is anything but easy. At the young age of 3 his mother died due to health issues, making his dad have a very bad depression, Cais sister Naya tried her best to help and support her father in that hard state of emotion. Cai's mother was a very kind woman and made music boxes for a living while his dad was a blacksmith. He was gifted a music box for his 2nd birthday by his mother, and he still owns it and listens to it, even though he cant listen to it for more than 20 seconds without crying.

Even though he lost his mother, Cai's father still wanted to give Cai and his sister the best life they could have, given that they weren't very financially stable. His father enrolled Cai and Naya into the physical training program that the school that they went to offered to teach, so at least his kids could defend himself and that Cai and Naya wouldn't be incredibly vulnerable and could defend themselves.

Cai was teased a lot for being "the quiet edgy kid" but it stopped very fast due to Cai not caring and using his physical and magical abilities to scare the hell out of them. Randomly one day when Cai was reading alone on a bench, he looked up and a random kid his age came up to him and asked if he wanted to be friends, Cai, not knowing how to react he just accepted the offer and the kids gave him his name, "Damien". he asked why he wanted to sit with him given he wasnt the most well know and Damien was apparently very impressed with how Cai handled the mean kids at their school and how that Damien couldnt defend himself to he looked up to Cai. he was shocked, someone looked up to him? Cai just just sat there and Damien stared at Cai nervously before getting the courage to start a conversation. Damien finally started taking and while Cai thought that he wouldn't get along with this kid he found his conversation amusing more than anything else.

Cai and Damien kept hanging out and becoming closer over time, Cai was really flattered by the fact that Damien thought he was cool! Cai never really had many friends so he did what he could to keep Damien around and help him.

But even though they became best friends, the thing that they didnt have in common is popularity and status, see Damien is a very popular guy at their school, Damien partakes in school events and since hes attractive he garnered alot of attention. meanwhile Cai was more of the outcast. But him and Damien have a bond that almost no one could compete with, so he had nothing to worry about.




  • Reading
  • Alone time
  • Quiet animals
  • Sketching
  • Spicy food
  • Video games


  • Cocky people
  • Loud areas
  • Sour food
  • When Akira vOMITS ON HIM
  • Losing


  • His full name is Zaccai, but he dislikes his name so he just tells everyone to call him by his nickname. Calling him Zaccai is also the quickest way to piss him off.
  • Usually his eyes are low and resting and looks tired all the time. This isn't the case he usually just doesn't really care. (ow the edge)
  • has a pet creature called Akira, he just found the creature once on his way to school as a kid and put it in a box and took it home. Akira is someone he feels very close with, even though he cant really communicate with them.
  • His household consists of him, his sister Naya, and his dad. (and Akira if you count him)
  • Hes kinda a low key tsundere
  • he draws as a hobby, usually draws things from life and draws people he likes and scenarios in his head. its to express himself in a way were he doesnt know how to express physically.


Quick thinking


Cai has the ability to lift up things without touching them. These can range from objects to people. Hes very smart and manipulates his power to lift himself up and fly around, but it requires a heavy amount of focus. Cai's main form of attack is levitating someone up and slamming them around or far away.

Skill name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.

Skill name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.


Cai is a very timid and reclusive boy. He prefers to keep to himself as he doesnt enjoy social interaction much. he has issues opening up to people and expressing himself sometimes, and can come off as rude with his blunt attitude. Its hard to get him excited but when he does its a slight to behold. Cai is also known for not really being intimidated by anything, someone could threaten him and he wouldn't budge, and he can murder someone with words and isn't scared of people who threaten him, as he is very physically capable. He can a very calm and monotone-ish voice, and is calm is most situations. Hes secretly a very sensitive and emotional boy he just doesn't know how to express it comfortably and feels vulnerable so he just bottles his feelings. He can make snarky comments and get have a smugish demeanor sometimes.

Design notes

-Clothing style is cool yet casual. (His style is more japenese streetware)

-please draw him wearing his boots!

-he has freckles and they have 2 different shades.

-he has a face mask he'll occasionally wear.

-he has a piercing on his left ear


Vivamus libero eros, eleifend vitae nibh nec, imperdiet euismod leo. Etiam sed maximus mi, eget semper neque. Pellentesque feugiat sed nibh quis pharetra. Praesent fringilla mauris purus, a sagittis purus consequat sed. Nullam non augue scelerisque, pellentesque massa sodales, sagittis ex. Praesent efficitur dolor vitae nisl fringilla cursus. Nunc condimentum tortor ac condimentum viverra. Donec at enim diam. Vivamus mollis, odio scelerisque suscipit placerat, lectus nunc sollicitudin lectus, id blandit eros justo ut leo. Nullam tincidunt neque nec dui condimentum, a sagittis odio consectetur. Nullam sodales, metus ac imperdiet laoreet, urna neque tincidunt nunc, ac cursus augue arcu id nisi. Nunc ac pharetra diam.


"Silence is better than bullshit."



[ Best friend ]

Damien was Cai's first real friend, He visits Damien's house often to play video games, talk and basically just enjoy a more calm environment. Damien's household is like a second family to him.



[ Friend ]

Cai isnt massive best friends with Amelia but she is some of the only people hes comfortable around. He admires how much of a kind girl she is and he isnt uncomfortable around her.



[ Friend ]

Cai Loves to play video games with Belle and Damien, and Cai enjoys her personality so hes comfortable around her and knows how much she means to Damien.



[ Sister ]

Naya is Cais big sister, shes very overprotective of him but Cai still loves her, even though shes a bit of a hothead.