Draken Gard



11 months, 23 days ago


Draken Gard


Name ???
Called The Pale Rapture
Age 127
Gender Female
Race ??? (Drahn disguise)
Role Minor Antagonist
Height 158cm (5'2")
Class Harbinger (RPR)


  • stoic
  • ravenous
  • bloodthirsty


  • aether
  • battle
  • fishing

A formidable foe Kasper would encounter after slaying all four Cardinal Virtues. A normal woman before the Flood of Light, she survived the first of the sin eater attacks only to become lightsick. In a freak accident, she would then later fall into the Seed of Destruction, and was thus reborn as an abomination.


It is said that once, long ago, there lived a beautiful warrior maiden near the shores of Kholusia. The pride of her village and adored by all, she devoted her life for the sake of protecting her people. She lived together with her childhood sweetheart-turned-wife in a shared home with parents who loved her.

Yet her good fortune would come to an end following the Flood of Light. When the village ran afoul of sin eaters, she fought with everything she had to slay them all -- yet not without sustaining a grievous injury of her own. Thus infected, the villagers began to fear her, and cast her out. Bereft of hope, home, and family, she wandered and wandered before finally succumbing to her lightsickness -- and falling straight into a rift in the earth, never to be seen again...

Weeks later a trader bearing relief aid would wander into the village to find it completely emptied, all its doors open and meals cold on countertops, yet with not a soul to be seen.


She is most often seen in a form resembling her original Drahn self. She has stark white skin and hair, which is styled in a blunt-banged bob; the fringe longer than the back. She has three sets of black horns sprouting from her head, as well as black scales that run over the expanse of her pear-shaped figure. She has claws and a thin, spiny tail. She has two white pupil-less eyes on two black sclera, framed by tattoos. She also wears black lipstick, though it is typically obscured by a mask. She has fangs, black blood, and a gray mouth/tongue.

It is suggested that her true form is something closer to an amorphous, abominable mass of teeth and eyes and viscera, but she maintains her Drahn form in order to seduce potential victims.


As an existence caught between sin eater and Seed of Destruction, she is less a person and more of a mindless monster whose sole purpose is to hunt and devour aether. She is unfeeling, vicious, and extraordinarily tenacious. She seems to enjoy fighting, as she has a tendency to sometimes play with her food. What awareness she has is difficult to quantify, though it is only employed insofar as is necessary for deceiving and hunting prey. She holds a passive resentment to all life, owed both to the Seed as well as the fury she held in her last sane moments to those who abandoned her.

She does not typically blink, emote, or talk. However, in the midst of a battle high, she might smile too-wide and laugh hysterically, or scream and weep. Her voice sounds like multiple people speaking at once.

A sliver of her original consciousness seems to remain somewhere deep within her, aware of her surroundings but unable to do anything about it.


  • She is a shard of one of Kasper's sisters, Aranhea, on the First. However, the complete corruption of her aether means she will never be able to return to the lifestream
  • Her in-game name, lore, and design are all based on the Drakengard (and Nier) franchises, but she is not based on any character in particular
  • She does not technically have a name, nor a sense of self
  • Despite being borne of the Seed of Destruction, she cannot propagate due to the light's effect of completely stagnating her aether. Thus, she is fallible, and cannot come back after being killed. It should also be noted that as she never completed the sin eater transformation in full, she cannot turn others into one
  • Though she uses a scythe, she is not a reaper



Kasper Leclair [ enemy ]

She is the shard of one of Kasper's sisters: particularly, the would-be matriarch Aranhea, who died saving him. Being a different person, however, she of course does not feel any particular way about Kasper outside of the prospect of making a meal of him. Kasper experiences great inner turmoil for this connection, and his inability to steel his heart prolongs their conflict as he searched for ways to somehow save her. She would still ultimately die by his hands.