


11 months, 6 days ago


ask for her spotify playlist if you're interested :-)

noela's ref

noela joyce laskavec
△ nobody really calls her this it's just noela laskavec △


( the important parts of her story take place between her 40s and 50s )

idk tall

her height compared to barnegat and al

dumbo octopus thing lady creature

related characters
yves barnegat ( ex husband, friend ) △
albert sully ( husband ) △
glasgow lantana ( partner ) △
△ chloë laskavec ( daughter ) △
△ the laskavec triplets & their father ( its complicated brrrrrbrbrrbrb) △
△ also her mother, father, and siblings probably △
△ elizabeth sully ( sister-in-law ) △

△ friendly & chill for the most part △
△ enterprising. will hear the slightest suggestion of an opportunity
and go "okay let's do it" △
△ creative and always happy to share △
△ open-minded and generally compassionate.
she's willing to give a shoulder to cry on △
△ trustworthy △

△ ^ has problems with trusting other people and can either
be overly suspicious or overly credulous △
△ can be quite petty or immature when she's angry △
△ is actually fairly lonely. she's been rejected in a number
of different spaces and most of those that have welcomed her
have only seen Socially Conventional Noela™️ △

other tidbits
△ hides a bunch of her Octopus Collectibles on her person¹ △
△ plays baseball sometimes △
△ very outspoken when she's upset but is good about just letting
it out instead of bottling things △
△ usually willing to compromise but she's also stubborn with
the people she's closest with and this leads to arguments △
△ it took her a while to get used to how loud instruments are
( especially multiple at the same time !! ) but she's basically fine with it now △
△ she's almost constantly humming, whistling, or singing to
herself, even when there are people in the room with her △
△ she occasionally plays strings in the guitar family
( ukulele, acoustic guitar ) or harp △
△ very close with lib △
△ writes lyrics :-) △
△ has sharp, triangular teeth ( despite being an octopus ) △

¹ octopi are known to collect little trinkets, i think this
is common knowledge but i'm not sure


noela lives in a large insulated underwater structure way at the bottom of the abyssal zone that houses a bunch of silly sea people. she was born into a large family with an expansive lineage. during her childhood she performed well academically and played for a local baseball team ( a sport which miraculously found its way miles below sea level. yippee ), but she had difficulty making friends and forming meaningful relationships. she spent most of her free time collecting records

noela started attending live shows quite frequently and eventually took independent gigs as a vocalist. she was able to befriend al sully and took an interest in his piano playing. he later asked her to be a vocalist for him and yves barnegat's band. they saw quite a bit of recognition as
a jazz trio.

eventually the three of them pursued a polyamorous relationship and had a daughter. barnegat would leave suddenly after becoming unhappy in the relationship, though they were able to become friends again after a few years of hard feelings. noela was still a bit sour about him leaving unannounced. goyo lantana became noela and al's partner, and the band's drummer, some time before they had made amends with barnegat.


noela sneaking The Land Before Time

she displays her interesting definition of mischief


she's annoyed