
11 months, 7 days ago



Name Sylvia
Pronouns She/They
Age Unknown
Gender Trans-Femme
Species Mutated Norfolk Horn Sheep
Height 5'0
Hair Status Lots of wool
Status Alive
Alignment N/A
Theme N/A

Sylvia was once a regular sheep before a nuclear fallout that lead to her getting mutated. She now wanders the wastes with her partner, Barnaby.


  • Barnaby
  • The smell of flowers


  • When Barnaby fusses over her
  • the irradiated creatures that attack her and Barnaby


• Sylvia was a regular Norfolk Horn Sheep grazing in a pasture, before a giant blast happened that ended up mutating her. Giving her human attributes and abilities and giving her the ability to speak. A few weeks later she got sick with a fungus that ended up taking her vision. But left them with immunity to the radiations effects that are left in the wastes.

• Sylvia met Barnaby a few years after they both got mutated. They formed an acquaintance, and after a few years they became partners

Trivia/Fun facts

• She and Barnaby have matching bows on their tails that they made for each other. The bows are a symbol of their engagement (like wedding rings)

• Sylvia is blind from the sickness she had, and since Barnaby is mute, he communicates to her through tactile sign language. And she always responds verbally.

• Since Sylvia and Barnaby met after she lost her vision, she's never seen what he looks like. But from feeling his face and checking them for wounds, she has a basic idea of what it looks like and she thinks he's very handsome and sweet.

• She always sews up Barnaby when he gets cut or hurt, and uses her wool as stuffing to help repair him.

• She doesn't like when Barnaby goes out of it's way to help her or fuss over them.

• Sylvia feels Barnabys face often to know what kind of facial expression he's making

• Sylvia and Barnanby wander the wastes of what's left of the world



Barnaby [ Partner ]

Sylvias partner that she cares deeply about


N/A [ relationship ]


N/A [ relationship ]

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