Aldrin the Lynx




  • Name Aldrin the Lynx
  • Nickname Aldrin
  • Age 48
  • Gender M
  • Height 120 cm
  • Sexuality Straight
  • Species Lynx
  • Occupation Elemental Mage
  • Residence Magical tower in the woods

Aldrin is a wise, powerful mage, adept in elemental Chaos magic. He scours the world, on the search for wisdom and magical artifacts, and a possible cure to his disease. His sickness is magical in nature and spreading throughout his body, and is believed to have come from his exposure to his elemental Chaos gems, from which he derives most of his power.

Though he was once a more kind, open Mobian, eager to help others and spread his knowledge, following a tragic event with his student, Aldrin has become closed off, very reluctant to trust others or let them into his life. Most of his time is spent traveling, or studying alone up in his tower.


  • Tea
  • Reading
  • Exploring
  • New or interesting magical artifacts
  • Classical music
  • The clarinet


  • Crowded areas
  • Selfish or harmful people
  • Coffee - upsets his stomach; can't stand the smell


  • Music (Plays clarinet)
  • Studying and recording his magical findings
  • Keeping plants


  • Elemental Magic:
    • Aldrin’s various elemental gems allow him to control one element at a time. He usually only takes one gem into battle.
  • Levitation/Telekinesis:
    • Aldrin has basic levitation and can lift medium-sized objects with his telekinesis.
  • Strong:
    • While nowhere near the likes of Knuckles or Mighty, Aldrin can hold his own in a battle of strength. This coincides well with his favorite element to use: Earth.


  • Lack of full control:
    • When using the full power of his amulet, Aldrin can find himself losing control of it, both physically and emotionally. His powers can fly out of his control and hit things he didn’t mean to, and it has a powerful effect on his psyche.
  • Machinery:
    • Aldrin has no clue how to operate even the most basic machinery, and has only even seen a screen a handful of times. This makes it hard for him to not only use, but fight against.
  • Dependence:
    • Most of Aldrin’s abilities derive from his amulet, and it’s not exactly hard to notice. If an enemy sees this and manages to remove it, Aldrin is largely powerless save his basic levitation techniques.
  • Low Stamina:
    • Aldrin’s worsening sickness and old age are a drain on his stamina. He often can’t last in sustained fights using large amounts of power.


  • Intellect:
    • Aldrin is very intelligent, often clever enough to think himself out of tough situations and solve difficult problems.
  • Vast magical and general knowledge:
    • Aldrin’s spent virtually all his life reading books and studying the arcane, so naturally he’s very knowledgeable on that and other subjects as well.
  • Cool-headed:
    • When not abusing the full power of his amulet, Aldrin has great control over his emotions and mind, giving him clarity and calmness even in the heat of battle.


Aldrin had an agrarian upbringing in a small village, but shortly after reaching adulthood, he said his goodbyes to his family for a life of adventure. Aldrin’s travels across the world would take him to mysterious ruins and introduce him to all sorts of interesting people, and this culminated in him taking an interest in the arcane.

Studying ancient texts and artifacts found in ruins, Aldrin eventually learned to craft rudimentary gems, fueled by Chaos energy and able to manipulate elements. He’d use them to construct a magical tower for him to reside in and house his findings.

On his travels, Aldrin exchanged knowledge with other mages and using his powers to help those in need. Though now older, his adventurous, kind heart still remained. Investing most of his time into his studies, Aldrin never sought out romance or marriage. Going into his late 30s, however, was when his life would change.

Aldrin met an exhausted, starving teenage squid in the forests near his tower. He’d feed and house the young boy until he regained his strength. Learning the boy’s name was Marcus, and an orphan following the death of his parents to pirates years prior, Aldrin offered to take the boy in.

Over the following years, Aldrin taught Marcus basic magic, and began to treat him a bit like the son he never had. After a while, he became a full-blown mage just like him, adopting the name “Maelstrom” and excelling in lightning and water magic.

By the time Maelstrom was in his early 20s and Aldrin, his early 40s, however, the older mage began to notice changes in the boy. He’d become more short-tempered, closed off and even aggressive. He became worried for Maelstrom, but maintained his distance, that is, until he discovered Maelstrom was secretly practicing dark magic.

Enraged, but also deeply disappointed, Aldrin confronted Maelstrom. A heated argument turned into a battle, which the experienced wizard easily won. With no other choice, and his star pupil and practical son wounded, he cast Maelstrom away.

Now, Aldrin lives a far more closed off, secluded life. His adventurous, go-getter attitude is largely lost, and he’s extremely protective of his secrets, fearful of creating another Maelstrom. He doesn’t know what became of his student, but he dreads the day he may cross him again, and what such a confrontation may force him to do…


  • Favorite song: "Blue Shades" - Frank Ticheli
  • Aldrin has a magical disease believed to have come from the elemental crystals he forges and uses. However, removing his amulet makes the sickness even more severe and spread even faster. So for now, he's stuck, cursed by the same artifact that seems to slow the disease's progress.
  • Having spent years alone reading and studying, Aldrin is well-studied in history, science, music, and most of all, the arcane arts.
  • Relationship Former apprentice and friend

Maelstrom was Aldrin’s first and only student of the arcane arts. Aldrin him for a few years, teaching him elemental magic, and the ability to forge his own elemental crystals. Maelstrom eventually grew to be almost like the son Aldrin never had. The orphaned squid especially took a liking to lightning and water magic. However, after Maelstrom became tempted by the dark arts, Aldrin begrudgingly fought the young wizard, injuring, but not killing him, and casting him out of his life. This is a scar that Aldrin would never fully recover from, and is the reason for his reclusiveness to this day.


  • Relationship type



  • Relationship type