Gorree G. Jansen



5 years, 11 months ago




JollyHighly Curious




  • Rain
  • Tea/Coffee
  • Winter
  • Collecting Pins and Broaches


  • Food (texture)
  • Yelling/Sudden noises
  • Hot weather
  • Dirt/Mud


  • Gorree carries photos of his son Val and team mates in his wallet
  • His mist changes color based on his emotions!
  • He's a very religious man, coming from a village completely dedicated to following Xernias.
  • He has an X shaped scar on the back of his neck.
  • Despite his friendly disposition, Gorree is struggling with depression.
  • He is not aware of his own depression, as its something hes never been properly educated on.
  • He often goes for late night walks!
  • After losing his leg, Jonesy Jun designed a prosthetic for him!
  • He's still struggling with re-learning to walk and stumbles now and then. His cane has been helpful with that however!
  • However he also struggles with phantom pains in his leg. He'll often grind his teeth and grip his leg when it gets bad. He also wont be able to stand until it ends.
  • He's a hemophobic, often making him faint at the sight of blood. Which isn't great for his job, but he manages!
  • Growing up being taught many diffrent forms of art- Gorree has a knack for singing, piano, dancing, and some string instruments!
  • He also use to be talented with figure skating, but since losing his leg hasn't been able to do it anymore.


173 lbs.
Dark Blue
Blue + White
  • Gorree recently lost his left leg and re-learning to walk with it.
  • Gorrees mist can change color based on the dreams he eats!
  • If he doesn't eat enough dreams his mist will disappear- has dark blue hair underneath
  • Has an "X" branded into the back of his neck. Always keeps his neck covered.




  • Optimistic
  • Empathetic
  • Patient
  • Kind


  • Naive
  • Excitable
  • Competitive
  • Passive


  • Oblivious
  • Melancholic(inwardly)
  • Dishonest
  • Petty


"Our lord Xerneas may be in our hearts, but it is us who make the difference."

Why if Gorree isn't the most lively and chipper man you've ever met, than, well, you grew up around some painfully bubbly people. This here Musharna is quite the positive individual, always seeing the good in the people around him, and always believing that there is a rainbow on the the other side of those storm clouds. Any day can be a good day in his mind, you just need to put in the effort to make it so! With his happiness comes a much softer side as well, being very empathetic and understanding, very patient and a good listener. With that, though, comes how emotional he can be- often sympathy crying if hes exposed to someone elses tears, or just breaking down for people if they ever recall tragic events in their life around him. He wants to see his peers nothing but happy, that when they're not he can't help but feel it too. Finally, as you might of guessed Gorree is a very kind man, always there do to his best for the people around him.

Unfortunately, his kind and trusting nature comes with a price. Hes a naive and gullible man, very easy to use. His social skills and ability to read people aren't great, and he tends to just assumes everyones good! Hes a curious boy, always interested in the new things around him, especially with the huge shift from where he use to live. Finally, Gorree is very VERY passive, its rare he even gets mad. He can hardly defend himself in an argument unless hes pushed to the edge, and tends to just be a huge pushover, over all.

Gorrees happiness tends to work against him at times, making him... honestly a bit obnoxious. Although he is very understanding and empathetic, at times he can be over the top with his positivity and forget to mellow out sometimes and just let himself be sad. He tries to work himself up into a happy mood when sometimes he should let himself be sad or give people the space they need. He can also be a bit clueless, slow even, especially socially- often forgetting to mind peoples boundaries or space. Along with that his happy go lucky attitude can be a bit overbearing or uncomfortable even, not knowing how to quiet down when others need it. Gorree also does have the capability to be spiteful, believe it or not, not taking well to people his loved ones personally have issues with. He'll handle things normally in a very petty way if hes fed information from someone he trusts more than the person in question, and typically handles things in a passive aggressive fashion, even going as far as to spill drinks or "accidentally" ruin their things. and finally, Gorree internalizes his own issues a lot. He tries to keep his own problems to himself in fear of both making himself and his peers upset. Hes never properly had an outlet for his own depression or anxiety so at the moment he just believes if he keeps himself all preppy and happy, he will be.


Sp Attack
Sp Defence

Team / Move Set

Team name

Team Rank Normal_Rank_Explorers.png | Solo Rank Gold_Rank_Explorers.png

Gorree Jansen

d9muhok-6144a3c9-4e60-4156-a218-6dccaccbPsychic | ♂ | Support | Leader Sometimes


d9mxyl3-c8bada2e-9931-4101-9591-6c14f362Fire | ♂ | Medic | Status Support | Leader Sometimes

Maeve Fourneir

d7b6anh-ef4fa46c-d372-4fb7-9c3f-ff1c79afFire | ♀ | Muscle | Leader Sometimes


dapc31o-8b34ccf0-1002-47e6-8ce1-badb5afbDark | ♂ | Sout | Attacking Mix | Never the leader



Ice | TM | SPECIAL | PWR 60 | PP 15 | ACC 100



Psychic | LV. | SPECIAL | PWR 100 | PP 15 | ACC 100



Psychic | LV. | PHYSICAL | PWR 90 | PP 10 | ACC 100



Grass | TM | SPECIAL | PWR 90 | PP 10 | ACC 100



Psychic | LV | SPECIAL | PWR 120 | PP 10 | ACC 100



Psychic | LV. | STATUS | PWR -- | PP 20 | ACC --



Psychic | TUTOR | STATUS | PWR -- | PP 10 | ACC --



Electric | TM | PHYSICAL | PWR 50 | PP 10 | ACC 90



Psychic | TUTOR | STATUS | PWR -- | PP 15 | ACC --



Steel | TM | PHYSICAL | PWR -- | PP 5 | ACC 100



Fairy | TM | SPECIAL | PWR 80 | PP 10 | ACC 100



Ice | DM | PHYSICAL | PWR 25 | PP 30 | ACC 100


"Perhapse now it is best to look forward to the future..."

Home Island
Home Town

Portobello is a small religious village just off of Diamond port. The village is full of multiple churches and beautiful home buildings. Rivers run through the town, railing and bridges protecting citizens from slipping into the ice cold water. 90% or more of the citizens living here are religious and follow Xernias, however it's not the toxic religious community most come to expect from towns like this. However, there is some warped views of the world amongst the people, especially higher ups living and running the churches.

Childhood - [0 - 10]

In a town on diamond at the point between Diamond Port and New Moon, a baby boy was BORN. The day of Gorrees birth was a celebrated one! The Jansen family was very blessed to have had a son so early on, and were excited to raise this baby boy to be their next head of the Xerneas Church his father oversees. He was a bright kid growing up, very chipper and friendly, normally spending the majority of his time with his mother as his father was typically busy with preaching and other management tasks. Gorrees mother was a peaceful woman, content with her position, that Gorree never really could understand at his young age. By the time he was 6 he got to meet his his first baby sister! Oh he was so excited! He remembers his father mentioning something about her being "Late", but his attention span in the moment made it impossible to actually remember what he meant. Around the same time Gorree began his schooling, which wasn't in a school persay, but rather just in the Church's dining hall. It was a one on one class, although it was a bit different from past generations. Under normal circumstances Gorree would of had a much much older teacher, but the woman who was suppose to teach him next passed away shortly before he was born, leaving Gorree to her successor. The successor in question had a much much more modern views than what the Church would normally preach, and those views ended up feeding into Gorrees beliefs, giving him a much different perspective growing up.

Teenage - [11 - 17]

The years of Gorrees schooling were probably the most tense for the family, (though Gorree never seemed to notice). His parents were having baby troubles, having Gorree made this a bit easier on the pair, not having to worry about having a successor, but they did owe other families a son or daughter to marry off. Likewise, the family they had a deal with to marry their son off to were also having troubles, not being able to give birth to a girl until Gorree was already 17 and going into his more advanced schooling. At this point, Gorree was.. sane. He knew the moment they told him his future bride was born that something. wasn't... rig h t......Just holding her was.. uncomfortable. At this point though, he didn't argue, not exactly sure what to say about it just trying to make himself look as visibly uncomfortable as possible. Noticed or not, he'd never know, but for the next 15 years he tried to tune it out and avoid the young girl as much as he could possible manage.


Adulthood - [18 - 36]

Unfortunately, that contentment was short lived, thanks to Ciri turning 15. The next four years were probably the worst of Gorrees life, as he was SUPPOSE to marry Ciri when she was 15, though he managed to weasel his way out of it by mentioning she was still in her schooling. He didn't have to marry her until she graduates, but he was pressured to spend more time with her, and it was awful. It started out simple enough, having her join the family for dinner, then slowly progressed as she got older into the Espeon trying to make advancements on who she'd been convinced was going to be her future husband. Anything she'd try was instantly shut down, Gorree not having Any Of It. He did his best to distance himself from the younger girl at any chance he could get, it soon leading to scoldings from his father or ridicule from the church. He was seen as neglecting his duties, even if they pretended to keep the rumors on the down low. And then it was finally time, the day Ciri turned 18 her and Gorree were pronounced engaged, and good god the poor Musharna had never felt so sick in his life. He didn't wear the ring whenever he could get away with it, often taking it off when he was alone. Her persistence with trying to be around him only grew, and it was becoming harder for him to deny her that time, as eyes were always on him. It was dreadful, the only space Gorree managed to maintain was his personal quarters, which he was convinced he was going to loose soon as well. A couple painstaking months passed until their wedding day, that fell on the most important time of year for the church! Every year there is a graduating class of Sisters of Xerneas, who he was suppose to give his blessings to graduates before being wed, but after that he took his speech another direction. He announced that he'd not be marrying Ciri, causing very divided opinions to wash over the hall. Fortunately, and... unfortunately, though, none of those opinions left anyone's mouth. Near the end of Gorrees speech, a horrendous disaster hit the small town hard.

Disaster - [36]

24 hours of nothing but extreme colds, blizzards, raining meteors and buildings being destroyed, it truly felt like the world was ending. Eventually, things seemed to calm, though, the normally calm and peaceful people did not. Panic still raged though the towns, rumors of some kind of divine punishment, or wrath from their god- the mayor had no idea what to tell the people. Until it clicked... divine punishment. Out of just... no other way to settle things, the Mayor pointed the finger at Gorree and another church member with an out of the norm situation, blaming them for the disaster as if they were being punished for going against the Churches ways. The trial went quick and the two were exiled and branded as a reminder, the two being sent on their way immediately with just whats necessary to survive.

Post Disaster - [36]

Days past and Gorree stuck to this much smaller and younger Sister of Xerneas he'd been exiled with, who was named Valeri. He was quite the negative fellow, which almost helped Gorree in a way, encouraging himself to be more positive in these dark times for Vals sake. Eventually though, word spread to the two of guilds re-opening, and one in question was looking into figuring out what exactly happened to the world, and fixing it. Gorree jumped at any chance at hope and practically dragged Val along to this "Everstone Guild". It was a long ways away... but... what did they have to loose?


Valeri Jansen


"Adopted Son"/Teammate

Gorree and Val come from the same place, and left for the same reason; they were exiled. Over time, Gorree grew to love Val like family, even seeing him as a son. They've been so far, and through so much together, he always feels the need to put on a bright smile and confident demeanor for him. Its not a joke to say Gorree would lay down his life for the Brixen without hesitation. Sadly though, Gorree struggles with sharing his personal feelings, fears and troubles with the younger man, fearing he'll put too much pressure and stress on the mon he considers a son.



???/Team Mate

Gorree is admitidly unfamilair with Boon! After Team Force Of Nature fell apart, he and Val were in need of a new team, and Val suggested his friend Boon. Although hes not familiar witht he Alolan Meowth, he is excited to get to know him!

Maeve Fourneir



Same situation as Boon, hes not quite familiar with Maeve! However, he has seen her around the guild rather frequently, and admires how involved she is! He is very excited to get to know her!

Hodge Jansen


Cousin/Close Friend

Hodge and Gorree didn't exactly know each other until Gorree moved to Everstone. They knew each other existed, but never got the chance to meet for the majority of their loves. Luckily, he and Hodge got along just fine, Gorree finding her to be a huge comfort in his life very quickly. Already being deprived of family, Hodge quickly filled that role, and he found himself confiding in her more than he ever expected, even living with her while the guild was in Gloomwood. He is very grateful for her.

Jarek Hemlock


Good Friend

Is it weird to be grateful to someone for cutting your leg off? Well, that's how he and Jarek met. From then on he pestered the other man quite frequently after he joined the guild. He is very grateful for basically saving his life, even if it was just his job. Its not uncommon to see the two playing Chess or cards when the guild is still. Its also not uncommon to see Jarek bulling him. Its fine. Gorrees all right.

Naomi Sterling


Good Friend

Naomis always been a positive force in Gorrees life since they met. She keeps a good eye on him and makes him feel secure! He often looks to confide in her, as he always feels unjudged around the Quilava, even if he'd done something stupid (like leave a poisoned leg without medical assistance for hours). And, honestly, he's always had a lowkey crush on the other woman, though he'd never admit it.

Aurelius Clarke


Good Friend

Gorree can't help but feel a kinship with the other preist. Although their backgrounds are far diffrent- religion and all, he finds comfort in not being the only holy man in the guild. He finds Aru very easy to talk to, and always lowkey gets excited to have someone else around his age to talk with- even if Arus a Ninetales, it makes him feel younger. He'd like to talk more with him over tea and snacks!



Friend?? / Ex Teammate [NPC]

Hunny is one of the two young ladies Gorree use to team and room with. Out of the two, he's secretly always preferred Hunny. Although she's not exactly nicer than Mellow, or well... she's not Anything more than Mellow- he has a fondness for her, almost feeling like a parental figure. He's also always liked how she treated him, specifically after he lost his leg- like nothing ever changed... It was nice. He's sad they had to part ways.

Mellow Mollyhorn


Frrriiieendd I Guess/Ex Teammate

Gorree's always found it hard to get to know Mellow. Even living together, her cold disposition and commanding attitude made it hard to feel like equals with her. A particular spat they had while Gorree was hospitalized also pushed back his opinion of her further, but he still does respect her, and values the time he spent on a team with her. However, he can't say he's all that disappointed to part ways.