


11 months, 25 days ago


Lethe Sato



Name Lethe "Eighty" Sato
Gender cis female
Pronouns she/her
Age 14 - 19 yrs
Sexuality aromantic asexual
Species Dome Octoling
Occupation Foot Soldier
Residence prev. Dome 4, Octo Valley | [current wherabouts unknown]

"I can't let this go on any longer — I have to be the last."


Lethe is best described by most of her peers as a headache. She's freespirited, loud, rebellious, opinionated, and sassy, and doesn't tend to do well following orders. She seemingly takes very few things seriously, rolling her eyes and giggling when people try to make jabs at her. She seems able to keep up her cheery and goofy exterior through a whole lot, but it's almost never true to what she feels. Due to her treatment during her life, Lethe's sense of self-worth is completely screwed. She's impulsive and values her own life very little, leading to a lot of self-deprecating humor and self-blame. She's absolutely brimming with love for anyone other than herself, and will go to immense lengths to do what she thinks will help them. Lethe's leadership skills are often a bit undermined by her impatience and paranoia leading to plans not well thought-out and outbursts. But her ability to rally people emotionally is probably her strongest asset, and helps her lead the charge on things and see them through. She's not naive, but she is optimistic, and believes strongly that she and other outcasts can seriously make a change.


PRE-OE: Lethe is 5'5" with wavy baby pink tentacles. Her front tentacles are shorter and out of her face for training, while the back remain long and are often tied up in a ponytail. She has prominent venomous spines on her elbows and legs, and a thinner-than-average tail. She has dark pink speckles splattered across her face and body like freckles. She is tagged on one ear with a yellow tag marking her as a known troublesome recruit.

DURING OE: Lethe is much more battered and dull on the Metro. Her front tentacles have grown out, while her back have been seared short in a testing accident. There is a prominent sanitization scar on her left eye and hand from a struggle with a doctor in Kamabo's hospital. She has many wounds that remain untreated thanks to her situation.




Eight is Lethe's partner in crime during her time in the Deepsea. The two of them have a nasty history with each other, but they don't remember that. Eight is the only person in the Metro Lethe puts her trust in during their journey. He's her first friend in this new, terrifying life, and he's who she's latched onto. They'll be by each other's side for as long as it takes.


Medusa is the person Lethe left behind; her Octoling mem cake, the love of her life. The two have been best friends for as long as they can remember, and their support of each other throughout childhood helped them survive the harsh Octarian conditions. After her demotion, Lethe was forbidden from interacting with Medusa, and she ran away soon after, disappearing into the Depths. Something inside her is still searching for her, even with her memories gone.


Reus is Lethe's twin brother, and one of her favorite people. Lethe helped Reus come out of his shell more, and protected him from bullying from the older kids. As they grew up, they became a deadly duo, nearly flawlessly coordinated to each other. When Reus "died", Lethe's life spiraled. Her grief propelled her into action, and she ran away from the Domes soon after the incident. She misses him dearly, even if she can't remember who he is.


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Lethe was produced from an affair between her high-status mother and a disgraced military runaway. Lethe's existence caused the separation of her parents, and her mother's seething resentment of her. The same day she was born, her mother surrendered her to the military and disappeared back into the crowd with her twin brother Reus; the legitimate son. They soon were reunited after their parents divorce. It soon turned out that Lethe was growing into an annoying, loud and opinionated little squirt who refused to sit still and shut up, or do as she was told. She was mocked, told she might as well be a dumb Inkling in an Octoling's body. She was bullied by both the older kids and the caretakers, who thought she needed a little discipline to shake the attitude out of her. Though she mellowed slightly from her completely feral child self, Lethe never dimmed, despite all her punishments and teasing. Her guiding lights through all of this was her best friend Medusa and her brother. The three were practically attached at the hip, and as Lethe grew, she managed to make a few more friends, usually with fellow outcasts the relentless life of an Octarian left behind. Most notable of these was Samara, a shy, strange little girl. Despite the poverty and cruelty of the place she grew up, Lethe seemed to always have a knack for finding joy where she could.

As Lethe grew older and reached the age where she could begin training in full, she was still a handful, but she was proving to be a very tough fighter. Even despite lack of skill, she could come back from just about anything swinging, and she never stayed down for long. She was a seemingly endless machine, and even if she wasn't a heavy hitter, she was fast and she fought dirty. Despite her tongue and the difficulty to control her, she was valued for her... "skills." When she was 14 and allowed to officially join a squadron, she was more than glad to be paired up with many of her friends and moved to a higher Dome to patrol Octo Valley. While on patrol one day, she and Reus stumbled across the infamous Agent 3, but weren't able to catch them, getting caught up in the blast of their ink mines, and Reus went missing. Lethe was blamed for the incident, as she was the patrol leader that day. She got demoted as punishment to the lowest rank in the military: foot soldier. She was the only Octoling in a Trooper-populated rank, and the humiliation would have been enough to break nearly anyone. One night, she slipped out of the tiny shack that served as the Troopers' barracks and ran, not sure where she was headed but just looking for a way out.

While on the run, escaping detection by her own people and Inklings, Lethe managed to spot Agent 3, the squid who'd caused all this in the first place. She trailed them and their old wrinkly companion for days, before attacking when they were distracted by an encounter with another Octoling. During the fight, she and all the others were stolen striaght out of thin air and transported to Kamabo Corporation's facilities in the elusive Deepsea.

Present Day

Lethe's memories were extracted in the mem cake process, leaving her a blank slate with only the name Subject 10,008. She was forced through a few tests, but even with her memories erased, Lethe hadn't lost any of her fight, and she escaped the grip Kamabo had on her, though she wasn't able to escape the Deepsea. While running through a test, she encountered another test subject who she helped pass a particularly dangerous test. After finding out it had also been named Subject 10,008, the two of them became inseperable, arguing that they must be destined to do this together, then. Now they explore the Depths, Kamabo Co., and all the mysteries down here, while also searching for a way out.


PERSONAL PLAYLIST: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0lKycKkGxvISpF2Pmya2uh?si=5e70c67fd22648c3

VOICECLAIM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrOqsbT05uM&t=101s&ab_channel=DerpyPig44

EIGHTS SQUARED PLAYLIST: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3VBTxaURU1Muojw6Pehrjk?si=96acfc17e8f34bf5