Quyance Meris (Post-Alduin)



he/him, but they/them is fine too | 30 | gay

after the events of Skyrim!

some notes:

  • a bit more chill. but just because he's simply lost the energy and will to care. he did Not plan to get out of this alive lmao
  • doesn't cause as much havoc at the very least. solitude is thankful he is no longer a public nuisance there
    • this is not to say he does not want to be a public nuisance. he still does, he just can't as much anymore
  • has very impaired vision in his left eye (a fuck ton more impaired than it used to be. he's got a bit of a cataract in it). in bright light, he's almost blind in it
  • important new scars/injuries: 
    • broken right top horn, cracked right side horn (the top one)
    • burns all across his left side (a bit on the right too, but mostly the left) (these may end up fading with time)
    • two big ass scars across his chest, crossing almost his entire chest
    • missing pinky finger on right hand and another finger on his left hand (undecided which one)
    • missing at least one toe (undecided which one)
    • crooked tail tip (from frostbite. the missing fingers/toe are also from frostbite)
    • has a permanent limp in his left leg
  • still technically part of the dark brotherhood and thieves guild, but he doesn't do contracts or much stealing anymore. he pretty much just directs them and shit
    • any time the night mother goes "yo someone wants someone dead <3" he just passes the message onto another dark brotherhood member (normally by letter)
    • he still occasionally goes down to the ragged flagon, but he almost never goes to dawnstar to go the sanctuary anymore
      • he really misses the sanctuary tho :(
      • he does visit it when he can, but man's got even more chronic pain than before, so traveling long distances is hard, even on horseback
  • he is. So Restless. he hates being cooped up and not able to do much, it is extremely stressful to him
    • eventually, he does get used to it, and as the pain goes down he is able to do more, but he still ends up in an almost permanent state of pain due to everything
also if it wasn't obvious, in My Canon, i've DRASTICALLY increased the timeline of skyrim so that it lasts several years. definitely at least one hold gets completely destroyed by dragons but i haven't decided which one. probably at least one of the smaller ones (most likely morthal because honestly who even goes there (i do not go to morthal like ever), and possibly a big one too (i want it to be windhelm but idk). all i know is dawnstar and riften are both definitely safe at least from being completely destroyed. i also want falkreath to be safe, or if it is destroyed, the sanctuary there is not Completely demolished (or at least not damaged much further than it already is)
quyance also has Multiple fights with alduin, not just the two in game (i think there's only two but i could be remembering wrong. don't feel like checking). there's Several others. so there's a lot more build up and a lot more hatred that builds up between them.

also, obviously, the final fight with alduin is much more intense, if the amount of scars this man gets didn't make that obvious. because let's be real. that fight was SO fucking disappointing. there is a reason i've only finished the main questline Once. it was not worth it. it was so anticlimactic. so yeah, it's gonna be super intense in my canon. idk ALL the details, but alduin is gonna be one hell of a beast to fight.