Lazuli Pahia



6 years, 1 month ago




LonelyAlert to Sounds

"Forget it."



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  • She's afraid of clowns. She'll fucking swing. Don't touch her
  • Started coming out of her room now bc she wants to annoy people... Oh the life of an Impadimp
  • She's pretty much the ultimate house wife. Great cook and seamstress! She makes all her own meals and clothing, its what she usually does to fill her time alone.
  • Naps a lot
  • Doesn't roll in dirt as much as she use to... Her skin doesn't have to be Dry anymore ): shit sucks
  • Can see really well in the dark.
  • Naps constantly
  • Struggles a lot with anxiety/depression, but she's been making positive strides.
  • Noctunal

Religion - Tapus

  • Laz was raised in a highly religious orphanage, and said religion was the only positive influence on her life for a very long time. They worshiped the Tapus- specifically Tapu Fini as that was the guardian said to watch over Sapphire. Laz was always a bit indifferent about the religion as a whole, but she liked the spirit of it, and the traditions.
  • Some general traditions are giving offerings, face painting, dancing and giving back to the land- these are the few that apply to all the guardians!


  • Match 20th (first day of spring) - Time of cleaning and rebirth! Common traditions include hiking to spiritual locations (varies per island), picnicking(Foods vary depending on the tapu: Koko - Meat/breads/baked goods | Lele - Sweets/Meat/Chocolate | Bulu - Vegetables/Chocolate/Fruits | Fini - Fruits/Fish/Tea), dancing, face painting and then they day is done you build a small statue resembling the guardian of the island and leave a plate of your picnic meal with it.
  • June 21st (first day of summer) - Very similar to spring! Only difference being is its common to camp out under the stars if possible afterwords.
  • September 22nd (first day of fall) - There is no hiking or traveling included in fall, but rather you are to visit the graves of loved ones, or pay tribute in some way. Incense and candles are burned while you honor those in your life who have passed. The day ends in celebrating the people you do have in your life left with a feast, following the same general food patterns listed in the spring description. Face painting is also common in each holiday. December 21st (first day of winter tho this can be celebrated earlier based on the first snow fall) - like fall, there is no hiking involved but rather preperation! Preparing for the winter with loved ones (cleaning, gathering food, cooking, preparing clothing). Day often ends with down time with loved ones, burning incense and relaxation. Its common to go to bed earlier.
  • January 1st (new years) - New years is to be spent outdoors (if possible)! Celebration though dance, face painting, music and a feast. At the strike of midnight, you are to right your new years resolution inside a paper lantern, along with a thank you to the guardians for another safe year, and send it off into the sky.
  • Not every holiday has to be followed to a T, these are just common traditions- although Laz has always been very adamant about staying true to them. Its also very inclusive, outsiders are welcome to get involved and have fun.

Tapu Koko - Emerald Island

  • Tapu Koko is said to be the guardian of Emerald island- having a few notable spiritual locations - x (yellow with white are the noteworthy spots) Tapu Kokos common worship locations are well known for being very difficult to travel too- some think its the guardian proposing a challenge to its followers. Strident- or more accurately Thunder Peak is the most noteworthy spot on all of Emerald.
  • Tapu Koko spisific traditions include training/sparing (ESPECIALLY during holidays), traditional dances, wearing the color yellow during holidays, and celebratory drinking.

Tapu Fini - Sapphire Island

  • Tapu Fini is said to be the guardian of sapphire island! Having a few notable spiritual locations of worship - x (blue with white are noteworthy spots) Tapu Finis worship locations are far more accessible than Kokos, and are typically full of water! Luckily for Laz, she was always in close vicinity of locations of worship, making her travels easy. The most noteworthy location was also right near by! A waterfall not too far from Sea Song.
  • Tapu Fini spisific traditions include, beading/Making your own jewelry and giving it to a loved one, face paint, wearing the color blue, swimming (one of the few things Laz never participated in), loose and very flowy clothing, dancing while involving moves, and cleaning.

Tapu Fini - Sapphire Island

  • Tapu Bulu is said to be the guardian of Ruby Island, and despite Rubys size, it actually has quite few spots of worship. x (red and white are noteworthy spots). Tapu Bulu is known to be quite the recluse, people say it likes its space, thus you are never suppose to go to the heart of any of its spiritual locations out of respect for the guardians privacy (even if its not really there) You're simply suppose to stay on the outside bounds of its spots. Its most note worthy location is a watering hole in Ruby Canyon- a dangerous trip to make but the beauty of the watering hole makes the trip quite worth it.
  • Some Tapu Bulu spisific traditions include - giving back to the land (cleaning up nature, helping hurt ferals, reducing your waist), battling Tauros, face paint, sunbathing, relaxation, self love (taking care of yourself/treating yourself), wearing red, camping.

Tapu Bulu - Ruby Island

  • Tapu Bulu is said to be the guardian of Ruby Island, and despite Rubys size, it actually has quite few spots of worship. x (red and white are noteworthy spots). Tapu Bulu is known to be quite the recluse, people say it likes its space, thus you are never suppose to go to the heart of any of its spiritual locations out of respect for the guardians privacy (even if its not really there) You're simply suppose to stay on the outside bounds of its spots. Its most note worthy location is a watering hole in Ruby Canyon- a dangerous trip to make but the beauty of the watering hole makes the trip quite worth it.
  • Some Tapu Bulu spisific traditions include - giving back to the land (cleaning up nature, helping hurt ferals, reducing your waist), battling Tauros, face paint, sunbathing, relaxation, self love (taking care of yourself/treating yourself), wearing red, camping.

Tapu Lele - Diamond Island

  • Tapu Lele is said to be the guardian of Diamond island, and is known for having the most worship spots out of all the tapus. x (Pink and white are noteworthy spots.). The most noteworthy location of worship is a spring just off of New Moon.
  • Some common traditions Tapu Lele is most known for - Expressing beauty (though clothes, or just presenting yourself in a way that makes you happy and comfortable), celebrating personal victories, music and dance, wearing pink, burning incense, LOTS AND LOTS OF FOOD, face painting, ART of any kind! Especially painting.


5'5" | 165 cm
143 lbs. | 64.8 kg
Pink/dark purple
Dark Purple
Plugs, Navel
Pan, Male Leaning
Tooth (Future s/o)
  • Laz is very skinny, unhealthily so.
  • Has VERY strong teeth
  • Shes a very skilled climber. Now that she can't glide, she tends to climb tall mon or buildings to get that fix of being up high again.
  • Makes all her own clothes!




  • Honest
  • Humble
  • Patient
  • Rational


  • Coarse
  • Sarcastic
  • Skeptical
  • Unambitious


  • Pessimistic
  • Abrasive
  • Irritable
  • Petty


"Funny enough, I really don't care."

We're going to start with the bad and work our way into the good- so, pessimistic. Lazuli is always expecting the worst out of everything and everyone, unless she knows someone well enough. Always prepared for something bad to happen, Laz is always a bit on edge but not enough for her to come off as stressed or uncomfortable... just... unimpressed or not very hopeful. With that, comes her skepticism. Its hard to convince Laz of stories or things that seem even a little improvable, however she typically keeps this internalized, willing to humor people if they have some kind of story to tell. Its rate she calls people out on what she thinks is bullshit unless what she considers a lie has more weight on everyone rather than just herself- Or if she just wants to shoot someone down that's annoying her. That said, irritable- Laz' levels of irritability vary from person to person, shes willing to be more patient with people she understands, but if she just doesn't like you for one reason or another, she'll make that very clear either verbally or just through the expressions or actions she takes. That brings us to petty- its not uncommon for Laz to dislike people for very shallow reasons, her pessimistic attitude leaves her rather hateful in turn. Its not easy to make her like you after she's decided she doesn't, even if the reason she doesn't like you is clearly the cause of an accident. And finally, abrasive. Lazuli has very little concern for the people around her or how they feel. If she hasn't grown at all close to someone, she'll likely dismiss their feelings and speak without a filter, weather she intents to be rude/hurtful or not.

Moving into the neutral, Lazuli is a very coarse person in how she speaks and expresses herself. Shes blunt, and will say whatever she feels like saying, be it crude or vulgar. Shes not afraid to speak her mind no matter who shes speaking to, but also being low energy makes her less likely to pick a fight this way and more so just... say what she wants to say however she wants to say it. Sarcastic, its very rare Lazuli speaks genuinely to people shes not familiar with, however this comes with a decent sense of humor- and a willingness to take what she dishes out without getting discouraged or insulted. Rolling back to skeptical, her disbelief isn't all bad. Being as skeptical as she is, Laz is a very difficult to manipulate, as she never hesitates to questions peoples ways or words, not being afraid to call out bullshit if she sees it. Lastly, unambitious- Laz as a lack of motivation when it comes to her future and doesn't really care about making it big or being anything special, she just goes with the flow. Despite this typically being a bad thing, it's actually a part of why shes so relaxed, shes never worried about her future, she doesn't care if she just works a 9 to 5 job or stays an explorer forever, shes content on doing whatever comes her way, maybe with a little change now and then.

And to close, the good in her. Laz is very honest, both with herself and others, never skipping around the truth to spare someones feelings. She gives decent advice when she can, although it might be a bit sarcastic depending on how well she knows you. Despite how irritated she can get with people, Lazuli is surprisingly patient when she does actually manage to sympathies or pity someone- this is normally when she can relate with someone on some level. She can lend an ear and quiet company, giving people the time they need to express themselves if anyone ever manages to rant to her. This also goes for people who might have trouble keeping up or training, shes willing to wait for people or slow down for their sake without being too bothered (if they're not in a dangerous situation). Moving alone, Laz is a very logical and rational thinker, always knowing when its a good time to fight or retreat. Shes not afraid to give up or call for help, its better than dying. And to finish, Lazuli is a very humble Gligar, often having a hard time taking complements in general. Most of the time she assumes people are being sarcastic with her, but she can't help but take kind words to heart, even if shes typically so negative, ending up having a weird need to make it up to people through... none verbal means, shes not good with words.


Sp Attack
Sp Defence

Team / Move Set

Team name

Team Rank Normal_Rank_Explorers.png | Solo Rank Gold_Rank_Explorers.png

Team Mate 1

Sprite URLPsychic | ?/? | content | position

Team mate 2

sprite linkFire | ?/? | content | content | position









Dark | LV | PHYSICAL | PWR 70 | PP 5 | ACC 100%






Dark | LV | STATUS | PWR -- | PP 20 | ACC --






Fairy | LV | PHYSICAL | PWR 90 | PP 10 | ACC 90%



Dark | TR | STATUS | PWR -- | PP 10| ACC --



Bug | "TM" | SPECIAL | PWR 60 | PP 15 | ACC 100%



Electric | TM | STATUS | PWR -- | PP 20 | ACC 90%



Fairy | TM | SPECIAL | PWR 50 | PP 10 | ACC 100%



Normal | TM | SPECIAL | PWR 50 | PP 15 | ACC 100%



Psychic | TM | STATUS | PWR -- | PP 10 | ACC --



Normal | TR | STATUS | PWR -- | PP 10 | ACC --



Fighting | TR | PHYSICAL | PWR -- | PP 20 | ACC 100%


"Perhapse now it is best to look forward to the future..."

Home Island
Home Town
Sea Song


Childhood - [0 - 11]

From day one it was all wrong- so so wrong. Look at her, look at this gross purple... scorpion thing... Ugh and what came along with her? a pewny frail spider. It was one thing to think the Gligar was repulsive, but the mother couldn't bare to look at her own species either. It was likely rooted from self hate she already had for herself and looking at what she'd cooked up for the past couple months just disgusted her. They ruined her body further, they took months away from her life, and she was not going to let those months turn into years.

The twins were the product of a one night stand, father was nowhere to be seen and the mother, on top of already not wanting the kids, was young as it is. The pair were quickly dumped off on the mother's brother, a Pinsir named Nicolas. He wanted just as much to do with the children as his sister did, but alas he didn't have the heart to just... not take them. Thus, he was stuck with a set of twins and the mother took her leave for Tincaster, saying something about starting new somewhere else. He was admittedly disgusted by her neglected and at the time sworn to do better than his irresponsible sister. Though, that only held true for so long.

He too was a young man, only 23 at the time- and being as young as he was, with no knowledge as to how raising a baby girl, let alone TWO that weren't even his species, things became frustrating and stressful fast. By the time the girls were 3, he was at his wits end. His money was running short and he lacked the support of family himself- as before she left all he had was his sister. He'd been relying on friends for the first few years and had just been doing his best to not resent the girls. Lazuli and Lilo were well behaved babies, both quiet and mostly just slept a lot, but that didn't mean they didn't have their moments. Waking up at night, being needy for attention, Lazuli needing sand and Lilo needing constant hydration- it was draining, and Nicolas had finally reached a point where his resentment for the toddlers was bubbling up over his limits.

By the time they were 4 he was breaking down and yelling at them whenever they themselves would break down, he couldn't take it anymore, he was tired and stressed- he didn't want to hurt them or scare them, he wanted them to have a good life but that wasn't something HE could provide. Not now, not in the place he was in at the time. The decision killed him inside, he didn't want to put these poor girls though an adoption system, but he didn't have any other options to turn to at this point. He left them at the Sea Song orphanage, and with that he got himself a new job on the water and did his best to avoid the city when he could. The guilt ate him up inside, he couldn't see them again.

And that brings us to Lazuli, or, at least when he life really began to take hold of her. Before her uncles melt down things were simple, bouncing between babysitters, spending the nights with uncle, eating, sleeping, etc- though his outbursts at the end of her time with him made her a bit skittish at the time- the same could be said about Lilo. Lazuli typically kept to herself, she didn't really want attention, but she wasn't one to reject it (at the time).

The orphanage wasn't so bad, it was highly religious, worshipping the tapus- the caretakers were kind and the kids were relatively in good spirits. Lazuli, on the other hand had a hard time connecting with them- she mostly stayed close to her sister, but even that ended up changing the day Lola was adopted. Lazuli was 6 at the time when the only family she had left was taken from her- the couple interested in adopting her didn't have the funds to take two, and Lazuli was the one left alone. She shut herself off from her peers after that, spending most of her time at her bed or outside in the yard. This continued as she got older, the only time she'd let herself socialize had really just been during holidays and celebrations involving the Tapus, otherwise, she had no one. Watching her peers get adopted left and right only pulled her further from socialization, it didn't help that all her schooling happened within the orphanage so avoiding people only continued to be very easy for her.

Teenage - [12 - 17]

By the time she was 12, she was the oldest kid in the home- she didn't... understand it... Maybe she was too standoffish, or she was just ugly, had a bad attitude- she really wasn't sure, and in a way she didn't really care. Part of her didn't want to be adopted... she was so familiar with the orphanage and her caretakers she just... didn't want to deal with change. Though, change ended up coming much quicker than she would of liked.

The home didn't exactly get the best funding ever, and by the time Laz was 14, they wanted her to be doing odd jobs whenever she could, and generally just stock up on money early so she was ready to move out when she was of age. Small jobs turned into a part time job, and a part time job turned into a full time job by the time she was 16. She was merely making clothes at the time and it ended up paying well enough for her to be ready to move out by 17. She lived in a run down little one room apartment alone, and the day she moved in was the day things truly started to fall apart for the lonely bat.


Adulthood - [18 - 0]

Work was nice.. her boss was... okay, not mean but not very social either- Lazuli didn't have to deal with people but she did have the option to talk to her co-workers if she wanted to, or even just listen to their conversations while they worked. Being around people gave her energy... even if she needed breaks from it now and then. Not being alone was reassuring, not really knowing these people or being their friends didn't change that for her either... she just wanted to feel like she existed, even if just in the moment. Thus, going home every night was painful. It was painfully quiet... painfully isolating, it was like she was walking into another world, a world where no one knew she existed- and honestly, even on the outside she wasn't sure if anyone knew who she was. Lazuli had been depressed for a long time, though, it'd never been a serious road block in her life- not like how it was becoming.

Waking up in the morning kept getting harder... What was she working for? What was she accomplishing? What was she living for? Every path her saddened mind took lead to Nothing. She wasn't eating regularly, when she was home she'd often break down, the silence was awful- god how she missed all the noise the orphanage had, there was at least SOMETHING to keep her mind off of. off of this.

She wasn't entirely sure what managed to give her the push she needed to take a new step in her life... She was 20 now, 20 and baffled by how she even got this far- chrise what was even driving her, work lost its spark of positive influence, and the only thing she had to look forward to were holidays where she could force herself to travel a bit to bring worship to Tapu Fini- but even that was lonely. She chocked it up to be a radio show she'd listened to at random one night, talking about Tincaster and its lively working city. Sea Song was lively, but god she never felt like she belonged. Colorful, happy, positive, filled with water and pretty people- and what was she? An ugly bug bad hybrid ground type with the attitude of a wet rag and the drive of a dying cow. And in a way, that's what made Tincaster stand out to her... A big loud dirty city filled with dirty people who just wanna get big or make enough money to go somewhere they can live their life.

Lazuli didn't want to rot under the sun and salt water of Sea Song (surprisingly enough to even her), she wanted SOMETHING, ANYTHING to make the silence stop, she just wanted a life something new and fresh and maybe even something she could hold on to. There was no going any lower than she already was- and so, she got herself a ferry ticket down to Ruby.

Tincaster was... different. Definitely lively, but in a far different way than Sea Song, people seemed colder, either trying to escape poverty or make it big one way or another. She both parts felt lost, and at home, oddly enough... It was weird, but she'd take what she could get. It didn't take long for Lazuli to find herself a surprisingly sizely apartment, it running a surprisingly cheap price thanks to the rat problem it had- that, she really couldn't care about. So then began the job hunt.

Suprise suprise, job hunting went pretty easy too- thanks to her ability to glide and simply hope between buildings, the was picked up by a mail delivery service, delivering all over the city and occasionally to Ruby Port. It was thanks to this job that she later met Liam, a dumb positive Zweilous that worked as a guide through Ruby Canyon. Over the time she worked with him, the two became, what he'd call friends, and she just kinda... ran with it. Later on they decided when he evolved he'd move in with her since he'd need more space, and when that time came- he did just that.

Having a roommate, and quite a social one at that, changed a lot in Lazulis life for the better. Although she was still hitting depressive lows quite frequently, they were never as long or as bad. Just having someone say good morning, or call and ask about her day really impacted her day, and made her feel a lot less alone. The two nearly spent 4 years together- going on little trips for Lazulis holidays, working together and just... hanging out, over that time she could comfortably call him her best friend- even if she generally kept that to herself.. It was nice, she was getting better, despite still being a bit cold outwardly.

But unfortunately, all good things come to an end.

Disaster - [0]

Without warning the world spiraled into distress- some kind of fight between whats said to be two legendary pokemon broke out in the sky above the region. Under normal circumstances, Lazuli would roll her eyes at the suggestion two real gods were fighting right over their heads- but the gravity of the destruction around her drowned her skepticism in an instant.

Rock slides, fires, a huge sand storm- it was... a lot. At the time it all started, Lazuli was out shopping- without hesitation she dropped her bag and tried radioing Liam- but, not surprisingly, there was no response. From there, she did her best to help out however she could, being a ground type made it easier for her to see through the intense sand storms blowing through the city, giving her an upper hand in helping people to safety. She herself managed to avoid too much damage, having fairly tough skin and quick reflexes saved her life that day, eventually finding her own hiding place hours into the storm, falling asleep out of pure exhaustion.

Post Disaster - [0]

When she finally woke up, the city was filled with the sound of people yelling, the disaster had ended but Tincaster was in shambles, and those who survived were doing all they could to set up shelters and dig out survivors. Lazuli found herself being ushered over to a medical tent after she emerged from her hiding place- she didn't protest... she was too... tired, and scared. She only had one person to care about, and yet she was worried to the point she felt sick, constantly trying to radio Liam despite knowing the towers were down. During the days she searched the city.. often distracting herself by helping with repairs and forcing herself to eat. She couldn't find him... She couldn't find Liam anywhere, the one life line she had left. Gone. And despite everything that happened, she knew he couldn't be dead... Hurt, sure, but not dead. The only thing she had to comfort herself with was telling herself he was just.. hospitalized or something, he must of done some stupid stunt to save people and got fucked up.

Little did she know, she couldn't of been more correct. After a week passed, she finally spotted him in the city- he was hard to miss after all, being a Hydragon. Without hesitation, she rushed to him, relief washing over her as she clung to him. However, that relief was quickly shadowed with dread when he spoke- "I'm sorry, do I know you?".

He had amnesia, the only person in her life had amnesia and remembered nothing, absolutely nothing about her. It hurt, it hurt so much- to the point where she almost just wanted to cut ties, give up all over again, but she knew she couldn't. He was in the same place as she was now, alone, and she knew he was just going to get himself hurt again if he went out in the world by himself. So despite her bitterness, she stuck around, doing her best to fill in the gaps of his broken memory.

Now without a home, the two were a bit stuck... They managed to make some money doing odd jobs around the city, while typically setting up camps at night doing their best to stay out of the way. Soon enough, word of 'mystery dungeons' began to spread... soon followed by guilds, organizations dedicated to rescuing anyone who may get lost in these newly forming mazes, even Tincaster was getting one. However, something caught the duos eye- or, well, Liams at least. Everstone City, making the claim that they would dedicate their guild to fixing the world... With such a big goal, Liam suggested he and her travel to Everstone and help! And, well, Lazuli having nothing better to do- had no reason to object. And so, the two went on their way- to help "fix" the world.


Character Name



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.

Character Name



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.

Character Name



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.