Helica Alembi



5 years, 11 months ago


"The punishment of every disordered mind is its own disorder." - St. Augustine of Hippo, Confessions

Basic info

PRONOUNSShe/they (demigirl)
BLOOD CASTETeal Cyan (#04A180)
TROLL TAGpertrubedRetort
"Boiling internally" is pretty much Helica's thing in general, as opposed to Lutzia being 100% external. Also, retorting is what she constantly does when talking to Lutzia.
OCCUPATIONUses her lusus' slime to make and sell cheap bootleg sopor slime. She gets zero actual sleep herself thanks to Lutzia, though.
Uses it to preserve her hair that she has a habit of nervously combing. That still doesn't save her from getting super puffy from all the humidity in the air.
Has no complicated mechanic to it, but has a limited amount of relatively small slots that can be merged together. Helica thinks it's good enough.
HIVEGiant spiral shell-shaped hive somewhere in the forest, but closer to a town. It's a cool and damp place, next to a waterfall, so Helica has a chronic cold.
A snail grandma with hearing problems, who spends most of the time just chilling and sleeping. She's a caring and protective grandma, though.
INTERESTSShe's into cosmetology and is currently working on turning the snail mucus into beauty products. She often makes youtube makeup videos that no one watches. Being a troll model is hard in general: she has a runny nose and eyebags and snailma constantly messes her hair with slimy smooches. She also might be a bit obsessed with making everything look neat and pretty, and can't help being upset about snailma leaving mucus everywhere.
- first letter of a sentence: yes
- after a period: yes
- names: yes
- "I": no
- commas: yes
- periods at the end of a line: yes
- apostrophes: no
Replacement: "b" with "6"

PT: Oh no, i require a proper explanation this instant. I dont like what youre implying, miss Cullex. Are you doing this to spite me, is that how it is? I'm a6out to have a 6reakdown, is that what you want??



Helica is prissy, crabby, neurotic scaredy cat, the passive straight man to Lutzia's maniacal behavior, the living embodiment of #ugh.

She's indecisive, slow and methodical compared to Lutzia, and retreats into her shell to hide from scary things she's not ready for, or just gets overly defensive. Just like a snail, she also has no backbone, is at the end of the food chain and one day will die from her own salt.

In general, Helica is all smoke with no fire. She tries to be as loud and angry as possible to scare potential threats off, but is actually very passive, cowardly and insecure. She's a compulsive perfectionist and hates working under pressure; it doesn't take long for her to start whining and complaining instead of actually doing what she's supposed to do. 

She often overthinks and overanalyzes everything, or gets torn between her choices so much that she misses the entire opportunity; the same happens to her friends when she gets involved into their plans. As a smart, devoted and organized person, she has plenty of potential, but her worst enemy is herself.

Helica's living conditions are good enough for her to not worry about survival. In fact, she lives a quite sheltered life. However, she still isn't where she'd like to be. She's a total corporate shill and dreams of leaving her damp hole in favor of working for highbloods at expensive, beautiful, prestigious places. She just wants to realize people's inner potential through their outer beauty and escape the horrors that is life on Repiton for the vast majority of trolls.

  Good/neutral traits

  • alert, cautious;
  • disciplined, organized, proper, meticulous;
  • sensible, responsible, studious;
  • sentimental, sensitive;
  • resourceful, thrifty;
  • observant, pensive;
  • introverted;
  • persistent, passionate;
  • skeptical;
  • loyal;
  • creative

  Bad traits

  • cowardly, worrywart;
  • compulsive, perfectionist;
  • fussy, nagging;
  • melodramatic, whiny, martyr;
  • materialistic;
  • indecisive;
  • insecure, subservient;
  • inflexible, stubborn;
  • pessimistic, resentful;
  • dependent, needy;
  • vain


  Lutzia Cullex: Somewhat dysfunctional kismesis. Helica can perfectly pinpoint Lutzia's problems and constantly tries to talk sense into her, but Lutzia won't listen. Helica vocally regrets all of her life choices related to Lutzia, but still sticks around because she secretly needs that blast of careless insanity in order to not stagnate in her shell completely. She actually finds Lutzia cute and kinda admires her energy and optimism, but hates the fact that she has to be involved in her crazy schemes.


  Snail's House - Lullaby
  Cillo - Raindrops

Credit: Xamag