[★] NEHU



6 years, 15 days ago



Name Nehu
Age 122
Build slim but with misleading sof t
Species naga demon
Gender ???
Orient. what's that
Pronouns any
Occupation [info]
Creator me flirts
Worth $17

Despite living in a world (my world to be exact, s o my logic and mythology tyvm) where his species, the naga is considered cunning and tricky, Nehu is extremely forward and open about his nature. Right from birth, his father, a greater snake demon, decided him the lesser brother of his two children. This led to him growing up shunned, neglected and feeling as though he had to work twice as hard to look half as good as his brother. He was named 'Nehu', a spun-off version of Nehushtan / Nohestan and basically told to fuck off by his family. Nehu began residing in the 'small' world, which is what the demons call the mortal place. He's extremely primalistic, doesn't care for pretenses, callous and often deflects from all conversations or questions about himself, no matter how innocent or well-meaning. He sticks completely to himself, holing up in the wilderness, surrounded by small trinkets and trophies within a dark cavern. He only ever leaves to hunt and does not discriminate when it comes to meals.


Shape shifting naga !! Actually, he's kind of ? a ,, demi-demon, since his father was a greater demon who sort of .. made him or birthed him asexually. He has the ability to change the lower half of his body by 'shedding'. It can take anywhere from a few hours to a week for him to shed his lower half, depending on the complexity. E.g, changing the colour of his tail is very simple and would only take an hour- but changing his lower half to that of a horse would take roughly a week to add all the extra limbs. The process is similar to a caterpillar; his skin hardens like a cocoon on the outside and on the inside, everything turns goopy until ready to emerge. Since he's so highly adaptable, Nehu makes a really intimidating foe, and being a predator enforces that even more. He'll eat pretty much anything, including humans and other sentient or human-like species & he sheds to tweak his hunting style for certain prey. His default form is a snake though and once his current form gets itchy or uncomfortable, he'll change back into a naga. His villain/hermit cave is often filled with disturbing skin sheddings of many different shapes and sizes...


  • sometimes the red under his eyes is eyeshadow, sometimes it's blood; hard to tell tho
  • stole his human pants from a freaking kid; they're actually a cloak that he sewed/refitted to be pants.
  • basically never fucking cleans up after himself so...
  • he's almost always filthy and his lair is hORRIBLE.
  • can seem almost cheerful when he shows his teeth; but he's actually baring them.

  • meat
  • meat
  • crunchy bones
  • red dyes
  • meat?

  • family
  • ppl looking at him suspiciously like he's gonna pick pocket them
  • no he'll just eat ur face off
  • but at least you'll see him coming
  • he's polite like that?

Kind of wary of this guy since he's a known demon hunter, and while he hasn't outright attacked Nehu; he still doesn't like him since he's really outgoing and obnoxiously loud. Kenji has this sort of deceivingly heartiness about him that makes Nehu scowl. Yet he always manages to slip away when Nehu tries stalking him to make the kill.

Has a really weird relationship with elk; they met in a tavern while Nehu was searching for prey in a humanoid form; except he kinda tried to eat Elk and it turned out he was tougher than he looked? So Nehu was kinda like 'oh' and left him be, except now they still see eachother in the tavern and have staredowns.

His brother. Their relationship is vaguely similar to Inuyasha/sesshomaru except if inuyasha was just ALWAYS in his demonic form and wore red eyeshadow.. and he wanted to eat kagome in a completely different way :eyes:. Oh and if sesshomaru was actually kinda nicer and didn't like killing.

theme credit | vom