Shuichi Amaki



11 months, 20 days ago


  • Shuichi Amaki
  • Illuminus / Spectator
  • 24
  • Gender
  • He/him
  • Bisexual
  • Demon
  • Villain
  • Aerilon- OC REALM


Shuichi is the main Amaki of the Amaki family, which are all centred around the spiral. Shuichi, or better known as "Illuminus" by the people of Aerilon, is a sly and manipulative male who has no known aims. He jokes around constantly and is never to be taken seriously. He does what he does purely because he can (and for the fun of it). His power? Spirals. He can control spirals. Shuichi has the ability to do everything that is anything with these funky patterns, and he abuses it a lot. Some things he can use the spirals for/as include: hypnosis, teleportation, violence/shredding things, time travel, realm travel, changing peoples species (usually into snails).

Shuichi's appearance consists of messy long (shoulder length) black hair that he never ties up and it's debatable whether or not he washes it. He has two red eyes, his left one being covered with a spiral shaped scar- which glows when he uses his spiral power and starts to spin when he overuses it. Shuichi stands at 6,2.

Shuichi has an obsession with The Three Rings, which were created many hundreds of years ago. The rings are extremely powerful and once you have one ring you'll start to want the others- it's irresistable. At the age of 6 (on his 6th birthday), Shuichi's father Kiken Amaki encouraged Shuichi to wear the rings- all three at once. Unable to control the amount of body his small 6 year old body now contained Shuichi's spiral power went haywire- killing everyone in his family in the process (EXCLUDING SHINTARO AMAKI AND SHIMIZU AMAKI). However over the years Shuichi and a mysterious fellow began to revive the Amakis- all except Kiken and his wife. It was a mutual decision that they should remain dead. Shuichi hasn't forgiven himself for it but will never show how he really feels about the ordeal and will most likely joke around about it.


  • Spirals
  • Snakes
  • Annoying/Upsetting people
  • Horror games


  • Heat
  • Comments on his spiral scar
  • Physical contact
  • "Cute" aesthetics


  • He is left handed
  • Can only see the color red AND is half blind+needs glasses desperately
  • Has to write in caps otherwise people can't read his writing
  • Has a pet snake called "man-eater-3000" Shuichi has little control over his power due to how strong it is.


Shuichi and Shintaro can't be in the same room without arguing or even getting into physical fights with each other. Always insulting each other or making remarks about how the other acts. They're usually separated by Shimizu Amaki, and encouraged by Fifth.

These two are best friends, always pulling pranks on everyone (including each other sometimes), joking around. They're such good friends they can finish each others (sandwiches) sentences. They're inseparable.

Caspian and Shuichi have an.. interesting relationship. It's hard to tell whether they like or hate each other, but they get along well and can often be seen talking together. Caspian is usually telling Shuichi to brush his hair, to which Shuichi messes up Caspians and runs.