Tom Suzuki



9 months, 29 days ago

Basic Info


July 17th (25yrs)


5ft 11in / 180cm

Arcade Board System Type:

SEGA X Board / Grumman F-14 Tomcat


Tom, "Tomcat"


they think that im tom cruise

Carrier Zone's own top-level pilot within the cockpit of his F-14 and an energetic one at that, Tom's a half-jet half-arcade board who's an enthusiastic thrillseeker in plain sight. Blazing through high altitudes at high speeds, hunting down his targets whilst pulling off manouvers to show himself off in a way that only impresses nobody but himself, he's an excitable but passionate person with a much softer core under his shell.

While Tom often tends to come off as a “rude” show-off who acts first before thinking, he's actually a more caring and sweet person deep down! Though, asking him anything relating to the F-14 he pilots tends to get him talking about it for hours on end, making it also seem like he only thinks about himself or his jet. He'll also get excited over anything relating to the jet he also happens to be, lighting up at any mention of something like After Burner II or Top Gun. Otherwise, Tom's a sociable enough person that tends to be blunt at times. He also possesses plane wings that he can "pop out" at any time that look identical to the one he pilots, but they only come out under strong emotions or whenever he feels like it.

[Segata SG], his commander on the carrier, gets consistently annoyed with some of the near-dangerous stunts he keeps pulling off, but still holds him in high regard for his performance and sees him as a best friend outside of duties. SEGA AGES, on the other hand, has a less favorable view of him due to him having pulled said stunts off near the city's airspace, but he has a much more lax view of him outside of his god form...? Strange. But him trying to crack a joke at the expense of Harrier Jr. Koshiro, Race of AGES' own cannon specialist, has only led to the both of them growing closer and closer with every time they meet up, becoming lovingly intertwined with each other and being an unstoppable duo if they're together on a mission.

...He's also got a fear of the ocean, but he doesn't really want to mention it in any form. Don't ask for the actual reason, either.