Horatius Von Sova



11 months, 15 days ago


Content Warning!

This character's profile includes sensitive themes like demons , vampires , and smoking

Proceed at your own discretion.

serif-fonts serif-fonts

is doing menial tasks

Not a visible enthusiasm but a hidden one, an excitement burning with a cold flame.

Curious ● Logical ● Dramatic

Horatius lowell von sova enjoys information and amusement above most everything else. He is stubborn to a fault but he tries to be a thoughtful and rational person. He is also very, very stupid, despite everyone's best efforts to tell him he is otherwise. He loves talking and listening equally. He feels things very deeply and is a very caring, though generally unempathetic, person with a love of helping and analyzing people. He likes to think he is down to earth, though some people think otherwise because he is purposely dramatic about things that are inconsequential, just for the fun of it. He will joke around easily even in difficult situations and will forgive most inconvenience if he finds a situation personally amusing. He is also autistic.

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Hora, Sova








6'2" (188cm)


69 y/o


November 22nd


Yuan-ti Pureblood


Vampire Demon


Wild Magic Sorcerer


Tea (the drink), tea (drama), asking questions, politics, music, reading, video games, men, infodumping, being out in nature, water in general, walking around in the rain/snow, talking about other peoples feelings, carrot cake.


Coffee, people who try hard and wont admit it, capricorns, politics, strategy games, talking about his own feelings, contact lenses.


Writing, playing instruments, singing, drawing and painting, swimming, martial arts, boxing, making spreadsheets, making lists, organizing, playing ttrpgs, procrastinating, ice skating, baking, cooking, thrifting, going to antique shops and flea markets.


Smoking cigarettes. Blinking a lot when he is thinking or gets distracted. Twirling his hair.


To figure out what makes him truly happy. To help his lovely friend Hamoreth on his endeavor to see human things. To find a place he doesn’t need to know everything about to be comfortable To find people he doesn’t need to monitor to feel safe.


People, dogs, bugs, rejection, holding small animals. A lot of things tbh, He's got anxiety.

[ ttrpg . demons . war and politics ]

When I dream on my own
I'm alone but I ain't lonely
For a dreamer night's the only time of day

Santa Fe - Jack Kelly (Newsies 1992)

Duty means doing something your heart may well regret.

Wolf Womb

by Holy Locust

She tried to warn you,
but her shout was just a whisper,
and she couldn’t force you,
to get passed the last nail, that sinks in to the coffin,
and your busy counting your last dollar bill,
Now theres no getting out of this one...
looks like you sang hallelujah for nothing

You're Not in on the Joke

by Cobra Starship

I'm no cynic, you know,
I'm just getting bored,
I only show you,
What I want you to see,
I got my tongue in my cheek,
If you see them laughing,
Don't follow in,
'Cause you're not in on the joke


by Sleeping at Last

And now I want to generously lose this energy,
That I've been hanging onto so desperately,
I finally feel the universe expand,
It's hidden in heartbeats,
Exhales, and in the hope of open hands.

Private Cars

by The Ross Sea Party

And oh, I've been a prisoner,
And each day I woke,
And the walls of that prison were,
Closing in slow,
For so long I've been growing used to,
The coming and going,
But lately I've had mixed emotions,
Of what we've become.

o n e . Early Life

Horatius was a naturally gifted child with behavioral problems (read: autistic) but he found a love of school through his tutors. He lived in Demonholde with his immediate family. His parents always favored his siblings and his mother made his life hell as a result. His father left demonholde when he was young, not giving anyone a reason apart from the fact he enjoyed human society, but the real reason was that he hated Horatius’s mother almost as much as Horatius did. His parents haven't divorced, but they haven't really spoken to each other in any consequential way in a long while.

Horatius finished up school a few years early, and moved to the human world as soon as he could. His original reason for leaving demonholde was to get away from his mother and spend more time with his father, which, he then realized, kinda sucked. Once he was of age, he took his moderate trust fund and decided to just run around in the human world while he had the time. His siblings are all overachievers, and their professional careers are impressive in the human and demon worlds, but Horatius never really wanted that.

t w o . The Human World

He spent his time running between the human world and Demonholde. He gets bored easily but he does enjoy menial tasks and took a lot of temporary jobs to have something to do. He took jobs needing school or certification when he really cared and then switched when it was no longer interesting, and he still has a variety of college degrees and certifications. His past jobs include chauffeur, Roman Catholic priest, personal assistant, string instrument maker, tattoo artist, relationship counselor, swim coach, maths tutor, florist, funeral assistant, freelance coder, stage hand at the local theatre, office intern, political secretary, etc.

It has been over 50 years since Horatius first went to the human world and has started to grow bored of humans. He met a man named Hamoreth a few years prior and let him pull him around to random human tourist traps to reinvigorate his love of Earth and the like. Hora loves his little friend but found himself missing being around other demons still. He didn't want to go back to Demonholde, so he looked for jobs with large a demonic presence instead. Horatius found a demon hotel who was hiring (Highclover) and convinced Hamoreth to pause their travels to work for a while. Hamoreth would be able to be around the human customers, and Horatius would be around the demon workers, so they applied together.

t h r e e . Tattoos and Piercings

While under his mother's roof he wasn't allowed to get body modifications, but, once he moved out, he disregarded those rules. Horatius's ears have symmetrical piercings, mostly because it would annoy him greatly to have them otherwise. Both ears have 2 lobe piercings, a foreward helix, and a double helix.

He has normal tattoos, which were gotten just for fun, and magical tattoos, used for casting his spells. He has the ability to give himself tattoos both magically and because of his past as a tattoo artist. He has a lot of tattoos, yet his body looks almost devoid of them as none of his tattoos show up in normal light when 'dormant'. The personal tattoos will show up under blacklight, or he can choose to show them at will. The magical tattoos will also show up under blacklight or will 'activate' when the spell attached to it is used. When they're used, the spell tattoos turn black and look like normal tattoos and are on his body until he rests a bit.

He prefers not to show his tattoos much, as them showing up randomly freaks people out and he finds it funny. His only permanent tattoos, that he doesn't hide, are a bamboo stalk going down his spine, and a sleeping bunny behind his ear. He has a large scar going down the center of his back which he covered with the bamboo. The bunny is a tribute to his late flemish giant rabbit, who he adopted as soon as he moved out of his mother's house, and died of old age many years later.

f o u r . Chronic Illness

He has been ill since a young age. Most of his life has been spent in and out of doctors offices and, even through magic means, he hasn't been able to find a cure for his current ailments.

He also has poor circulation, heart problems, and chronic pain so he has a few canes and crutches he cycles through depending on how bad his pain is. Usually he just has a brace on under his pants and some compression garments on, and calls it a day. For a few years in his young adulthood he was wheelchair bound and was tended to by a human nurse while he went through university.

Being a vampire also sunburns very easily so he always wears sunscreen or covers up with an umbrella, long clothing, a hat, etc. He also has dry eyes, glasses, cracks his joints constantly, and coughs up blood sometimes lmao #justgirlythings.


tarot card





late fall, early winter




green masala chai

time of day



green, yellow, black


polar bear


snow, thunderstorms


snowdrops, black tulips


  • He drives a hearse he named Strangle.
  • Out of universe the name actually comes from a horse belonging to one of my other characters, Nash

  • He is canonically a draft dodger
  • He is an AU of one of my oldest OCs

Design Notes

  • He has heterochromia :)

  • He has had white hair for his whole life. It is his natural hair color, despite the fact the rest of his family has dark hair (except his grandfather).

  • He dyes his eyebrows because he thinks white eyebrows look weird

  • He has a tendency to mix aesthetics, often without realizing.

  • Example: Leather jacket, pastel flower hair clip, sweater vest + button down, jeans, steel toe boots, patterned knee socks)

  • He wears lots of rings and his medical dog tags

  • He has tons of small dark beauty marks on his body.

  • Has a prominent widows peak and doesn’t care much to style his hair so he just lets it fall as it wants. However, he has a habit of pushing his hair back so it falls back away from his face usually.



[faber est quisque fortunae suae] The Von Sova Family Tree

Benedick Alterman

Beatrice Alterman

Arthur Von Sova

Pamela Von Sova

Harriet Rachel Von Sova Politician/Lawyer

A low level politician in Demonholde, with a successful law practice as the main income.

Edmund Matthew Von Sova Funeral Director

A quiet, introverted funeral director in the human world. He was mostly a house husband in Demonholde and only really started working when he moved away.

Henry Stephen Von Sova Surgeon

The eldest (125). A surgeon and haruspex who tells people in the human world their future illnesses with surprising accuracy.

Eleanor Celia Von Sova Marine Scientist

The only daughter (102). A marine science professor, notorious for ‘surviving’ when her oxygen broke on an expedition during her time as a marine biologist.

Horatius Lowell Von Sova Fail Son

Eugene Robert Von Sova Financial Advisor

The youngest (40). Used to flit about job to job, and now uses his spectacular intellect (future seeing) to his advantage, trading stocks and giving financial advice to poor, financially illiterate humans.
Code Credit (frankensteined)
Family Tree