adopt's Comments

can i offer a fullbody and an animated headpiece?

I'll definitely consider!

Hi there! Apologies for not responding as I became busy and haven't had as much time to answer people. That said, if you're still interested I'd be happy to accept your offer. If not, no worries!

Sorry for the late reply! But I’m up for it, anyone you want me to draw specifically?

No worries! Could you draw her for the full body and them for the headpiece? Let me know if you want me to switch anyone out

I dont know if you got my message but Apparently it’s not appearing. I had exams and didn’t have time to complete them but now that thanksgiving is around the corner they’re being more lenient. I’m sorry for the big hold up. I’ll get started today!

I was wondering if it was just me not getting your message. Aside from that, thank you for letting me know! No rush, take as much time as you need.