Chai's Comments


Would you accept art for this guy? :3

Yeah i would be cool with that!

Any specific type of art that you are offering?

I could do a flat fullbody

or a shaded headshot with a bg kinda like this

or whatever you'd like really :D

I would love a flat fullbody!!

Would this oc be alright? I can also give another oc if you want!

Sure!! I'll get that to you as soon as i can!


Wow that was quick!! And it looks amazing!! Thank you so much!

Transfer has been sent!!

1 Replies
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Heyo! Sorry for the late reply!

May i see some examples of your art?

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Alright! ^^

Hi!! I was wondering if you’d be up for trades on this one! Anyone in my TH marked with a price is up for grabs! 

Heyo! I’m only looking for money offers rn due to unfortunate circumstances ^^”