Kuki Fehn



11 months, 11 hours ago


Can’t Catch Me Now
Olivia Rodrigo
vs. EVE
Funk Fiction
Weyes Blood

“At your feet, soldiers. Here enters Seneschal Kuki Fehn."

When you enter a room with people and Kuki Fehn is in it, there’s no doubt that there’s no lie more qualified than her. Her titles convey that sentiment; heir to the Fjell Peiskos throne, Seneschal to the Republic’s best unit of knights, and master of poisons. But she doesn’t need her titles to speak for her.

Kuki may come off as stern and unfriendly, especially upon first meeting her, but she’s actually quite kind. She simply takes her work very seriously, and it certainly doesn’t help that she looks angry when she focuses.

Stern but not unkind. Serious but not heavy handed. She likes to lead and guide with a firm order but a kind hand. She enjoys making friends with her coworkers, she is just guarded with those she doesn’t know.

When not working on poisons and antidotes, she can be seen lighting up the room when she laughs. Her smile lines give away just how much she loves to grin, and how wide that grin may become. She’s quite the lover of light pastels and bright pinks, adoring dresses that are perhaps too expensive for the paycheck she has.

More often than not, she’s talking her loved ones ears off about the stories she has and the worlds she wants to create. When comfortable and with those she cares for, she’s as bright as the summer sun.

Regardless of which setting people find her in, she will always be a stable and warm place to rest. She’s a pillar for people to lean on and a reliable face to look for. She’s Kuki Fehn. There isn’t much more to say.


Full name
Kuki Fehn
/ koo . kee ・feh . N /
— Her first name is pronounced like “cookie”

— Fae of the Republic
— Lost Beauty of Fjell Peiskos
— Lieutenant General, Lieutenant, ma’am, Seneschal
— Master of Poisons
— Dearest, Buttercup (Julián Ezra)

Thirty-Two (32)

March 19 (03/19)


She / Her


Nation of origin
Fjell Peiskos
— Currently a citizen of The Republic.



relationship status
— Queer
— Polyamorous

code by jiko

First Face : The World

How does Kuki behave generally? What does she do if the world has a camera on her?

Elegant, reliable, and untouchable.

Those are the things that Kuki is known for by others. Her outfits are always matching and always beautiful, her hair always perfectly styled, and she never once seems to fumble in her speech or actions.

Her calmness is a sharp contrast to the chaos of life and the battlefield around her. It only aims to heighten her elegance. She’s tightlipped but not stern, rarely ever aloof, but her patience runs thin. She’s the one to impress in both negotiations and simple social interaction.

This isn’t to say that she’s unkind. She’s reliable and trustworthy, just holds most at an arms length. If the Elders, and especially her unit, need her to get a job done she will do it with precision and grace.

She is at her element on the battlefield or in her tent, which is covered from ceiling to floor with books and tinctures, almost all of which are poisonous and half of which are antidotes. She is reliable, with a steady head on her shoulders and a calmness that all her unit have grown to respect. When her friends, family, and knights are shaken, she is always there to lead a guiding hand.

She is known as the prize of two nations for a reason.

Second Face: Close ones

How does Kuki's behavior change in front of friends and family?

When with people Kuki both trusts and loves, her hard exterior vanishes within seconds. Where she was once tightlipped and serious, she’s often seen smiling and lax. She laughs often and doesn’t seem to care how she’s perceived anymore. Though, she is still the beauty of the room.

She’s seen as “girly” and maybe even a bit superficial with the way she likes to spend her money but she’s the brightest thing for miles to see. She’s almost always in pinks and pastels. Her biting personality still shines through the way she pokes fun at her loved ones but it’s all in good fun.

Kuki also lets the fact that, outside of her fields of work, she actually holds a bubbly and bright personality. And she won’t be the only one to admit that she may be a little airheaded in topics outside of the ones she spends hours studying. Especially when it comes to money. She was thoroughly in her youth and it’s screwed with her sense of money and budgeting.

She laughs often and smiles even more, oftentimes fluttering around. This side of her only shines through when she’s both comfortable and surrounded by loved ones. She rambles on and on about her stories, her thoughts, and spontaneously breaks into songs that come to her mind.

This dichotomy is a thing that most people find shocking upon meeting her. She presents herself as a serious and no nonsense individual, especially in public. But underneath all that hardened professionalism, she’s a simple woman who enjoys simple things.

Third Face: True Reflection

How does Kuki behave by herself? What is she like when she's all alone?

When alone, Kuki is either relaxed and writing or frantically researching. And she always misses sleep, regardless of which mood she’s in. Afterall, there is very little time to waste when there is so much to do and so many people to save.

See, Kuki lives with a strange dichotomy of being content, hell, she could even say happy, but it is undeniable that she is torn between two duties. Two countries. Two loyalties that she honestly does not know who to pick.

Because Kuki Fehn, or more specifically Kuki Dybdahl, is the Princess and soul Heiress to the throne of Fjell Peiskos. Her father is the Tyrant. And her fiance is the Divine Hero of the Republic. One of them is going to die in the end and she must choose who to save. She must choose which nation will have to grieve and which one will prevail.

She dreads the day that she will have to decide and so often doesn’t like thinking about it. She doesn’t even speak about these thoughts with anyone. Because there will always be a biased opinion. There will always be judgement on who to pick, who to side with, and they will urge her to do it quickly.

But she doesn’t want to choose. She doesn’t want to see either of them die. She doesn’t want to have to sacrifice one person for another. She can’t imagine her life without Julian. And she cannot imagine never seeing and speaking to her father again after twenty long years.

So, she doesn’t think about choosing. She is determined to find a solution where both of them can live. She spends her free time researching but tries her best not to let it utterly consume her. It is, however, always there. It’s always in the back of her mind, always haunting her. She knows that it is virtually impossible to change this prophecy, to change the Laws of Moira that ordained this. But if there is a will, there is a way. And by gods is Kuki willing.

The lucky thing is that she has time. Has had years. She must be close to the answer. But the clock is ticking and as they grow closer to the South, the more she grows worried.

She sincerely wishes that she had someone to speak to about her anxiety and the severe amounts of responsibility that she places on herself but there is no one to speak to. She is alone. And that is something that Kuki tries not to dwell on because she knows she is loved. She knows she is cared for. But this is something that is too raw and too personal to share.

Purple Columbine


Choleric - Melancholic

Chaotic Good


The Wheel of Fortune - Upright
The Hermit - Reverse
Optimist Pessimist
Introvert Extrovert
Daredevil Cautious
Logical Emotional
Messy Organised
Honest Deceiving
Leader Follower
Affectionate Stoic
Grouded Dreamer
Moves On Stays in Past

  • Story writing.
  • Expensive dresses.
  • Movies.

  • Moths.
  • Early mornings.
  • Schedules getting messed up.

  • Spiders.
  • Heights.
  • Needles.

  • Make a show or publish a book franchise.
  • Create a completely new antidote to a poison that doesn't have one yet.
  • Retire.

  • Writing/Research..
  • Gardening.
  • Hiking.

  • Her name was originally supposed to be “Cookie” but her father was so sleep-deprived when he was writing her birth certificate that he misspelled it to “Kuki”. He tried to fix it but only wrote it worse so they settled with Kuki.
  • In addition to this, she was named Kuki because of her obsession with cookies. She loved cookies even as a baby. She wouldn’t even eat them. She’d just use them to teeth and also she would keep on crying until Andreas have her a cookie to sleep with.
  • She used to be incredibly spoiled as a kid. To the point that she refused to look at “ugly” people without bursting into tears. She’s much better now.
  • She has an ardent and unconditional love for dresses. A vast majority of both her own and Julian’s disposable income is spent on expensive dresses. The rest of her money is spent on gifts for Julian.
  • Utterly terrified of heights because she fell when she was first learning how to fly.
  • Most importantly, Kuki writes in her free time. She has dreams of publishing her story to be sent out to the public. Whether to be a book, a show, a movie, she has a whole story she wishes to share. A world filled with characters and an entire world with months worth of world building.
  • She bases many of the characters in the series off of the people she knows. Especially her loved ones.

Kuki often feels out of control in her life. her two roles and responsibilities make her feel chained down to a fate (and multiple fates) that she can’t change. But Kuki’s stubborn. And if fate doesn’t want to change then she will force it to. It’s something that hasn’t failed her yet and won’t fail her again. It will get her out of the impossible task of defying the gods and their will too.

— Kuki’s hair is coily and dark, with stands of pink hair. She has thick hair, and a lot of it, usually being worn in a big puffy afro.
— Has two little bouncy strands of hair at the sides of her cheeks. They're always seen on her hairstyles.
— She usually ties it up with a pink (sometimes other colored) cloth around the front of her head. It wraps around the back of her head and keeps her hair contained and manageable. She thinks it’s cute.

— She has a long but soft face, only sharpness found on it being her chin. And even then, it's not that prevalent. Her nose is also included in this fact.
— As any other fairy, she has pointy ears instead of round ones.

— Soft pink eyes with a prominent flower shaped pupil, an indication to her past Mirror of Eyes. She has pinkish eyelashes on her lower eyelid. They're sharper on the tips.

— 1.57 m | 5’2 ft

— She's mainly slender and long, but this doesn't mean there isn't any muscle. She has a lean build but not enough to be considered bulky.
— Due to being a fairy, she has a (type of gem) gem on the space between her back and lower back, in which she can summon and hide her wings in.

— The most prominent scar she has are the two nips on her left cheek, which go all the way down to the side of her neck.
— She has white freckles all around her body, they clump up around her cheeks and other extremities.
— There's flower marks around her body, due to not being able to access her Mirror of Eyes, they have slowly faded over time.

Name Name from "Name Name".
— Content

— She was a golden earring that wraps around her right ear. A gold ring with a pink gem that she doesn't wear on her knight uniform, this being her engagement ring with Julián.
— She usually has a cloth wrapping around her head and hair to keep her hair up and tidy.
— Outside of work, she is always seen with a myriad of jewelry and accessories.


Always draped in pink, Kuki is fashionable and aware of her style. Outside of work, she will always be seen in pretty dresses and cute accessories.

She loves styling her hair and expressing herself through her clothes, her body is kissed with freckles, and she truly could be described as an ethereal sight. Her style is a mix of styles popular in The Republic and Fjell Peiskos. With her accessories, cunning eyes and nature patterns sewed into her every article of clothing, Kuki carries herself with pride.

Design notes
  • content
  • content
  • content


Normal using her Mirror of eyes




  • WIP
  • WIP
  • WIP

  • WIP.
  • WIP
  • WIP




  • WIP.
  • WIP

  • WIP
  • WIP



Mirror of eyes
"Mother Earth"

Weapon of choice
Daggers/Throwing darts (laced with poisons)


“Hey, I know my strengths. Full offense is something I could never do.”

TL;DR: "Too Long, Didn't Read"

WARNINGS: list all warnings here.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.
  • Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.
  • Curabitur ac finibus eros.
  • Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Chapter One: "Title"

WARNINGS: no explicit warnings.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio?"

"Duis porta eros et velit blandit!"

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Chapter Two: "Title"

WARNINGS: no explicit warnings.

Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


“Oh, that loveable idiot. He’s the brightest thing in my life! Even if he does get himself into trouble, I love him so much.”

Positive Negative

Though their first meeting certainly wasn’t a meet cute, Kuki can confidently say that being with Julián is one of the many blessings that she has in her life. There’s no one that she feels safer or more heard in.

He indulges her in her endless ramblings and erratic moods. He even acts as her personal heater when she (often) runs too cold for her own good.

She knows that Julián has responsibilities bigger than the entire nation and all she can do is hope that she provides him a soft, safe place to land when the day ends. He burns brighter than the sun and she loves basking in the warmth of his presence.


“He’s like… the most misleading stuffed animal. Don’t get me wrong, he’s terrifying! But he’s kind and gentle and so sweet. I’m glad we’ve gotten closer.”

Positive Negative

Vihaan and Kuki don’t know each other very well but they both share a love for Julián and a respect (at least from Kuki’s side) that took quite some time to foster. Kuki was incredibly mistrusting of Vihaan initially due to the fact that he very nearly killed Julián. But months have passed and it was proven to her that Vihaan is not someone that is as violent and dark as she thought he was.

Quite the opposite. Vihaan is truly the definition of gentle giant. He did not hurt because of the person he is but the extreme hurt that he’s experienced in his life. She is glad that he is beginning to find light and life through his friends and family again. She hopes that they can become even closer in the future.


“He’s… he’s my dad. And I love him so much. I know he’s done so many things wrong. I’m not removing that. But he’s… you know… he was the one that hugged me when I was too small and scared to comfort myself. I… haven’t seen him in a long time. I hope he’s okay.”

Positive Negative

Kuki has very complicated feelings about her father. On one hand, he is someone that lifted her into his arms and kissed her cheek every morning. He is the one that spun her around and pampered her every day. He was the one that spoiled her rotten and cared for her so gently.

But on the other, he is also the man that has caused so much strife and grief. Hundreds of lives are on his hands and a curse lies on solely his head. He is the one that must be killed to save the entirety of Mar’ah. She knows that he is not the moral man she used to think he was.

But he is not just a Tyrant to her. He is not just the King of Fjell Peiskos. He is Andreas. He is her father.

She misses him.

Future mother-in-law

“Don’t tell Julián but I am her biggest fan. She’s a genius and genuinely the kindest person in my life. Plus, it’s so nice to have another woman in this family of men.”

Positive Negative

Mercedes is perhaps the most important woman in Kuki’s life.

Kuki has never had a biological mother, or even an adoptive mother, to look towards. But in Mercedes she has found both a mother and a friend. In their relationship, she’s found companionship and understanding.

She enjoys spending time with her, whether it be quietly sharing tea or laughing breathlessly as they walk endlessly throughout a mall with bags of clothing. There is so much Kuki wishes she could convey about Mercedes Luna.

Plus… making fun of men with her is always the best of things to do.

Future Brother-in-law

“I’m not as close to him as I’d like to be but he’s a riot to be around. He has a wit like no one other and I love bickering with him.”

Positive Negative

Hower and Kuki don’t have an especially close relationship but it isn’t a negative one. They share looks across the room when Julián says something especially foolish and they often beeline to one another when they aren’t busy with work. They share jokes and complaints and gossips, but not often outside of work hours.

She cares about him and she intends to spend more time with him in the future.

Strange Acquaintance

“I sneak her candy when no one’s looking. What matters is that she doesn’t fuck my shit up like she does with everyone else.”

Positive Negative

Kuki wouldn’t say that they were friends. But they weren’t… mortal enemies like most of her coworkers are. She doesn’t think that Ilia is really as bad as so many of them complain to be. She’s clever enough to sneak out from dozens of guards at her home and then evade them for hours outside of it. That isn’t the telling's of a child that is stupid.

However, she has no desire to try and be closer with her past that. But she can say that they share a strange partnership and sneaking each other candies and office supplies when they pass each other. She can’t say how many times Ilia has gotten Kuki a well times paperclip when she ran out.


"Isla’s brilliant. I don’t have a doubt in my mind that the future is in good hands. She’s going to do amazing things. Plus, pink buddies!”

Positive Negative

Isla! Oh, she adores that girl.

They have a close relationship, especially considering how much time she spends at Mercedes’ home to train with her teacher. Since the day that they met all those years ago, they almost immediately hit it off from the shared love for pretty, frivolous things like dresses.

Ever since that fateful meeting, they squeal and run towards one another in greeting. To have such a heartwarming relationship is something that warms Kuki’s heart.

She really does have to buy that girl some new jewelry sometime.