


11 months, 18 days ago


Basket Case
Green Day

01 — Profile

Name Ken
Age 18
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Height 5'7"
Birthdate March 20th
Race Caucasian
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Dropout

Code jiko & Pinky
Owner RimuruRin
Designer RimuruRin
  • Light blue eyes

  • Deep earthy red hair (not ginger)

  • Mask inspired by Ken Kaneki

  • Various body stitches inspired by Juuzou Suzuya

  • Occasionally wears silver piercings

  • Prefers baggy clothing and pop culture merch

  • Outfit inspiration

02 — Personality

Ken is a reclusive teenager who thrives in the digital realm. His insatiable curiosity and sharp intellect are channeled into his love for gaming and anime, which serve as his primary modes of self-expression and connection. In person, he's reserved and may not initiate many interactions, preferring the solitude of his thoughts. However, when it comes to virtual hangouts, Ken is an enthusiastic participant, eagerly joining online gaming sessions and engaging in deep discussions about his favorite anime series. His loyalty knows no bounds, and he forms meaningful bonds with those he meets online. Ken's problem-solving skills, honed through countless hours of gaming, make him a valuable teammate, even if he shies away from face-to-face conversations.

  • Gaming

  • Anime

  • Technology

  • Music

  • Early Mornings

  • Crowds

  • Small Talk

  • Loud Noises

03 — Background

Formative Years

In his early years, Ken faced a significant loss with the untimely passing of his parents when he was just a child. This tragic event left Ken and his older sibling, Raine, orphaned and profoundly influenced their upbringing. Raine took on the role of caregiver and protector, assuming the responsibilities that came with it. Ken developed a deep sense of gratitude and reliance on Raine, who provided emotional support and stability during their formative years. This experience taught Ken valuable lessons in empathy and resilience, creating a strong bond between the siblings.

A Sanctuary in Virtual Realms

To cope with the emotional weight of their circumstances, Ken sought refuge in the world of gaming and anime as a means of solace and escape. These virtual realms became a sanctuary where he could temporarily set aside the challenges of their family situation and immerse himself in thrilling adventures. As he witnessed the burdens that Raine carried and the difficulties they faced, Ken developed introverted tendencies. He often preferred the solitude of his thoughts over social interactions, not wanting to add to the responsibilities already shouldered by his older sibling. While not opposed to forming connections, Ken's early life experiences made him more reserved, especially in face-to-face interactions.

04 — Trivia

  • Ken holds the high score in a popular retro arcade game at his local arcade, earning him the nickname "Arcade King" among his friends.

  • He's secretly a huge fan of cheesy romantic comedies and has a soft spot for heartwarming love stories, even though he doesn't openly admit it.

  • Ken holds an annual "gaming Olympics" with his friends, featuring a variety of video game challenges and tournaments with quirky trophies as prizes for the winners.

05 — Relationships

Older Sibling

Ken and Raine have a strong, supportive, and close sibling relationship, with Ken deeply appreciating Raine's role as a caregiver and protector in their lives.