

11 months, 6 days ago


      69421895_um1oKoqk0gKmLJw.gif     grimace_s_birthday_shake_vector_png_by_tCool_Text_-_GRIMACE_440843963907829.png hamburger.gif
 672e2b3f.gif?v=d7271437bf75e966.png?v=d7271437ee6c3339.png?v=d7271437a creature who resides in the back areas of the classic mcdonald's playspace, in those dark, strange places between the plastic equipment's gaps where you can catch glimpses of rough concrete floors or pillars and pipes. a steady drip, drip drip can be heard in the early morning and late night shifts, and when children dare peer out from the indoor playground they catch a glimpse of wild black hair.

           once a victim, now a monster on their own.

     29accfeb.gif?v=d7271437 its tail drags behind it constantly, a disposal unit for the never ending creation of grimace shake its body produces, and often it doesn't drain well enough, resulting in the rough zippers it has embedded in itself to leak as   well. its organs are simple cheap mcdonalds' toys, where they simply float inside like an unmade puzzle and honk when its kidney hits its liver. literal bigmac brain. it incubated in a giant grimace shake like some shit ass scary experiment :3 specifically stole some poor kids buckteeth to add to its mascot/plush-like body bro has chompers a238a09c.gif?v=d7271437  mcdonalds.giff48ee541.gif?v=d7271437