
5 years, 11 months ago




Wise • gentle • Elegant


Race: Feoni
Role: what they do
Birthdate: April 22 700's
Age: 1318
Origin: Rome,Italy
Rarity: Rare
Worth: $100+


  • Herbalism
  • Crystals
  • Hunting
  • Botany


  • Conflict
  • Anger
  • Oceans
  • Loudness

About - WIP


Write about your character here! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla commodo sodales lectus, a sollicitudin ante venenatis non. Donec nec commodo urna, id condimentum nisi. Aliquam iaculis nulla ut maximus semper. Pellentesque aliquet viverra libero vitae sagittis. Mauris enim lorem, dapibus vitae tellus ac, porta finibus nulla. Aenean dignissim mi at elementum vestibulum. Maecenas mollis est massa, eu sagittis erat fringilla non. Curabitur finibus diam at mauris viverra, nec sollicitudin urna dignissim. Aliquam aliquet magna a velit consequat gravida. Morbi odio elit, pellentesque quis magna maximus, vehicula auctor nibh. Nullam vitae ante tellus. Vivamus tellus sapien, facilisis gravida pulvinar ac, dapibus eu nibh. Ut laoreet cursus magna a interdum. Aenean gravida, justo non ullamcorper eleifend, odio eros fringilla neque, ut maximus diam lectus at lectus. Duis nec nulla purus.

Feoni | Closed Species by BirdyBlu

No one really knows how or when Feonies came to be. Legend goes, they were created by one of the ancient gods of the old world, the goddess of wind, night and knowledge Feo, who could take the form of an owl. All Feonies are female and were at first called the daughters of Feo. It is said, they are the goddesse's celestial projection/replacement on Earth, because once the old gods were forgotten by the people, they were no longer allowed to make an apperiance on Earth. None of this can be proven though. Through the years they were given many names, such as the feather race, knowledge seekers, book thieves, and even demons, but the one that was used the most was Feoni. They are very intelligent and curious beings who gather information in all possible ways, especially from books. Each Feoni strives after her very own field of knowledge, a specific interest she desires to know everything about. Their core interest can be anything - herbs, medicine, history, animals and even humans. A Feoni usually doesn't have more than 1-2, sometimes 3 core interests. They live a mainly nocturnal lifestyle and usually sleep through most of the day, preferably in their owl form. Feonies can live in forests or amongst humans, as they prefer really. They feed like other owls when in their animal form and like humans when in their original form.

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