


10 months, 30 days ago


Eredi is a young woman that grew up in a small village by the swamps. And while she wasn't treated terribly poorly by most of the villagers, there was an apparent distance between them and her as the young orphan she was.
She eventually left the village, for reasons known only to her - and a couple of others - and spent her recent years traveling. During her travels she learned of an ancient city called Beloia - which was a key to unlocking her past, as well as the unusual abilities she possessed.
With the help of the crystal guardian she found, Amparos, the two of them set off on this adventure to unravel the mysteries of Beloia, and what remains of it. 

Eredi is very shy and soft-spoken, still learning how to stand up for herself as she is very nervous most of the time. But she is very kind and caring, and will not hesitate to put others before her.
Her biggest concern currently is her struggle to control her powers- a type of dark shadowy magic that eminates from her under extreme stress.

Character Bio & Ref are a Work in Progress! Will fill in more information + an updated ref later!