Yelila Aqua



10 months, 11 days ago


Name: Yelila Aqua
Age: "14 y.o" (140 y.o)
Pronouns: She/They
Species: Demigod of Lake (Danuir), offsprings from the God of River (Sungr)

Optimistic, Whimsical, Insensitive

A young demigod of a nearby lake in the woods had gotten invested on a "ritual" that she observed many human tourists do on the forest ground she lives in, that being confessing their romantic love when the time is right. She finds these "Love Declaration" very fascinating to watch, so much so that she hoped to be able to partake in them someday with another human. Growing more curious, she decided to take on a human form to see more closely of their "rituals" whenever she finds free time from her duties; despite being told repeatedly regarding her noticeably strange hair and abnormal eyes straight to her face by anyone she managed to encountered.

Even if she never took offense to all the comments, she does starts taking on careful precautions by bringing about a leaf-like umbrella to cover her hair. Though it seems that the decision of taking on the look of a human has her having such child-like appearance has some tourists worried; but she does get permissions by the foresters to roam around the woods freely so long as she can keep continuing her homework, "observing human love", as she convinced to others.