
8 years, 6 months ago



  • Frigid Reputation
    Cold/Aloof, Judgemental
  • Personality
    Organized, Understanding, Perceptive, Pragmatic, Intimidating
  • Physical Attributes
    Age: 28
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Flavor: Coffee with Cream
    Marking Type: Solid
    Ear Type: Elf
    Eye Type: Standard

Iago has always been a quick learner. He was brought up in a well-to-do shark family and was raised with strict expectations and no warmth. He learned everything he needed to know about succeeding in the world while keeping his reputation respectable. He was a child prodigy and spent countless hours absorbing information for a wide range of topics.
Iago took his knowledge into the real world with the goal of being a businessman. But his family wasn't willing to get him started, and he had to find his own job. He was quickly accepted into The Dreadnaughts as Bismarck's personal advisor and bookkeeper. Although he doesn't personally agree with the way the gang behaves, he always performs his job well, giving Bismarck the best logistical advice for all plans.
Iago and his brother Autolycus don't tend to go out of their way to hang out, but they have no disdain for one another. Their growing up together was harmonious enough, and they always look out for each other.
Iago's closest relationship is with the kind-hearted shark Euterpe. Although at first he was prepared to use and twist her to get what he wanted, he quickly became charmed by her, and they found they had a lot in common. Their friendship grew rapidly, and they decided to become an item not long after. She takes great care of him and showers him in affection, which Iago unexpectedly enjoys. Her love is not without reciprocation, and he is uncharacteristically very compassionate and considerate towards her.

  • Gang Info

The Dreadnaughts are a well organized gang of sharks under the command of Bismarck. They gain power by using their well-trained group of fighters to take out any form of opposition while maintaining a social image of class and cunning. They are not opposed to using immoral measures to further their agenda, including kidnapping and killing pups, fierce torture for interrogation, and killing innocents to send a message. While the group has lately dropped in numbers, they have increased by association and connection, and the remaining members are incredibly vital.
Iago leads all intelligence operations. He is well read in methods of business and success, and uses his knowledge to give Bismarck the smartest option when making decisions. He is also the bookkeeper and treasurer. While he doesn't personally agree with the gang's ways, he enjoys being a behind-the-scenes leader, and he respects Arlyne's endeavors.