Jacob Briggs (Folk-lore AU)



9 months, 18 days ago


Jacob Briggs
Song Title

01 — Profile

Name Jacob Briggs
Nicknames None
Age 19
Gender Male ( he/him )
Height 5'8
Birthdate content
Race (or species)
Orientation. Bisexual
Occupation Royalty?

Status Not for purchase
Designer @ Edensundae
Worth Not for purchase
  • Wings & talons he can control- but often jump out when scared as instinct

  • Pointed, elf-ish ears

  • Piercings, many of them (royalty in this AU flex by body mods & fashion)

  • A big bigger, buffer, taller & hairier than non-AU Jacob, who is younger

02 — Personality

Jacob is extremely full of himself & a bit rude due to his upbringing. He's got a sharp tounge & quick brain that often gets himself in sticky situations- but nothing he can't climb himself out of with his status. His attitude is cold and uninviting, but that view of him melts away when you really get to know him.

On the inside, he's just kind of...sad to be truthful. Most people throughout his life have either avoided him or tried to use him for his famiilies riches which has made it hard for him to make any meaningful relationships. He doesn't really know who he is yet, and it shows when having conversation out side of surface level nonsense.

  • Books, mostly fantasy

  • Sword-play

  • Language learning

  • Running around the city in disguse, getting a taste of life outside royalty

  • Dirty & slimey-textures

  • Balls & Gala's

  • His parents

  • Most things (lol)

03 — Background

Childhood/Teen years

Jacob spent most of his younger years studying. Hard. Every subject or skill you could think of- Mathmatics, history, magic, wrestling, archery, multiple languages... He's spent every waking moment in preparation for his future... His parents are suspiciously strong on that point.

As a child of royalty, he has always been waited on and treated with the up-most attention it seems, by everyone but his parents anyways. But of course, its hard for somone of his status to have meaningful relationships, even in childhood. Mostly paired with other royals, even more cocky than him. He mostly kept to himself until around 17. Then, he began sneaking out the home, using charms to disguse himself as an ordinary person for a glimpse into a normal life. Besides that, he also began attendimg parties, or balls his parents would throw to get him married- he always hated those.


One day, feeling a bit curious and reckless- he sneaks around the castle while his parents assume he was out. Listening in, there was a meeting to be made today for a "trade" of some sorts. He stayed behind, watching. The guests come in- a werewolf family. The exact opposite of what he was expecting. The group came in holding huge crates, while the leader was conversing with the family about buisness-y stuff. One of the pack walked into the study by himself holding one of the crates, Jacob followed close behind. From behind a bookshelf, Jacob peers between the books until accidentally knocking one down, making the wolf boy jump at the sudden appearance. Jacob tried to play it cool, but it was obvious he was spying on him. The exchange names- The wolf boy was named Noah. He's one of many kids, the same ones unpacking all the boxes into the house. They both admit they have no idea what's going on, and strike up a conversation until they hear tustling and glass breaking coming in from the diner. They rush in there, and see the familes fighting. Despite the low number of Briggs Vs the Wolves, the vampires close in and attack the pack for seemingly no reason. Jacob stands in shock while Noah runs to his siblings. Jacob demands his parents for an answer and thats when they finally notice his existance. His father tries to distract him, talking a bunch of nonsense- when from behind, his mother is coming up on Noah from behind with a weapon, ready to attack. Jacob charges in and defends the boy, yelling at his mom to back off. They're backed up in front of a window while one of the wolves point a broken glass bottle at Jacobs head, closing them in. His parents try to grab at him and Noah before Jacob grabs Noah and BUST UP OUTTA WINDOW!!!! GRAHHH if you're still reading this (you arent) welcome to the beginning of the story. Its cool, and probably better than the normal universe which is kinda sad lowkey. Idrk how to write well, because i mostly draw. But uh, I hope this story is atleast kind of intriguing? I want to depart it from this AU and into its own this w its own MCs because its too much and too detailed to simply be a side thing. Theres MUCH more after this, this is just the intro which is kind of ass ngl. There are like, glowing red crystals w magic, and segregations, and drama, this is actually just a prophecy also. YEAH. THE PARENTS PLANNED THIS THAT WAS THE DEAL. THERES MORE THO JUST WAIT FOR WHEN I UPLOAD ACTUAL LITERATURES!!!!


Maecenas at felis non justo egestas convallis. Fusce ornare lacus convallis ex laoreet, nec varius libero laoreet. Donec eget mauris ac justo accumsan fermentum. Vestibulum fermentum interdum libero id tempus. Donec auctor ipsum sed lacus blandit ornare.

Nulla non lorem eget massa suscipit consequat. In aliquet augue fermentum facilisis convallis.

04 — Trivia

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Ultrices dui sapien eget mi proin sed. Semper feugiat nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida. Cursus in hac habitasse platea dictumst quisque sagittis purus.

  • Augue interdum velit euismod in pellentesque. Euismod elementum nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae proin. Sit amet porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus quis.

  • Leo vel fringilla est ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam. Auctor augue mauris augue neque. Scelerisque fermentum dui faucibus in ornare quam viverra.

05 — Relationships

Noah Cooper
Friends? Dating? Mortal Enemies? Lovers? who knows

Gay asf for eachother the WHOLE story is UNBEARABLE.

Jay Sulu
Friends... Bestfriends maybe?

The only person Jacob is kind of okay with (that means theyre extremely close)