


11 months, 5 days ago



Name Cake
Called Cake
Age 15 (June 6th)
Gender Female
Race Alien
Flower Begonias
Relationship Status Single
Theme TBA
Mineral Mahogany Obsidian
Voice Sample TBA


  • Fighting
  • Raw strength
  • Confident
  • Loyal/obedient (to Dark Red)


  • Childish
  • Impatient
  • Loud
  • Self-important


  • Dark Red
  • Human fashion
  • Violence
  • Monsters


  • Being ignored
  • Things that take a long time
  • Losing
  • Citrus flavors



Cake is 5'6". She has lightless, red-brown eyes and long, blonde hair that flows to her mid back in large, twin-drill style pigtails. Cake despises humans, but enjoys their clothing, and prefers to dress in it. She's well-built for being so young, with toned muscle throughout her entire body. Cake is incredibly strong, and can heft lots of weight with ease. She's not particularly fast, but the strikes with her weapon can be deadly.


Cake is a simple girl who follows a very easy to understand model for how to treat people, and how she should be treated: Dark Red is absolute. From there, Cake views herself as second-best. Every other alien is beneath her, and every human is beneath them. Anything less than human is pointless garbage. Even when someone is smarter, stronger, or otherwise better in some way than Cake, she'll either convince herself (with ease) that she's actually better in a more important way, or belittle or ignore it. She's extremely easy to tease and has a foul temper, becoming violent at the slightest provocations. However, she also loves to be flattered, so it's easy to manipulate her into calming down with even a stray, pointless compliment. She's narcissistic and cruel, and fairly unintelligent. She's easily distracted, and has one strategy in battle: hit it until it stops moving. Most strategy is lost on her. The best way to get Cake to do something is either to flatter her, or tell her she can't do something--at which she'll decide she has a point to prove. If she can't accomplish something, she'll blame the task itself or other forces as opposed to herself. She likes seeing what kinds of weird monsters that the alien parasites turn animals into. Cake isn't particularly energetic or laid-back, though she is impatient and doesn't like waiting around for things. She's often working out or training, honing herself as a weapon for Dark Red's use.

Alien Details

Weapon: Delicious Star -- A large morning star, particularly the style that looks like a long, metal club with thick spikes on all sides. It's metal all the way through and absurdly heavy--Cake is the only person she knows who can wield it effectively.
Attack Name: Cakiller -- When not using her usual 'strategy' of, "Let's swing Delicious Star around at random and hope we hit someone", Cake manages to focus long enough to put all of her strength into her arms and swing Delicious Star sideways at her opponent, and then stop quickly and swing back, like a pendulum (though in practice it looks more like she's going to swing a baseball bat with the slower speed of the first swing and the faster speed of the second). In this way, if she misses an opponent the first time, there's a greater chance she'll catch them off guard and hit them on the second swing. (Old, might not be incorporated)


Dark Red --- Cake is completely and utterly devoted to Dark Red. Treats her with reverence and wants nothing more than to be acknowledged by her. Cake liked Dark Red even as a young child, so when the opportunity came to serve her and get revenge on the humans who killed Deep Blue, Cake leapt at the chance. She's never been happier or filled with more ambition in her entire life than she has on earth, blindly following orders. Dark Red's leadership and will are absolute, and Cake will take any order from her without thought or hesitation.

Tsuya --- (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) Cake sees Tsuya as a cage for Dark Red, and if that cage wasn't important, Cake would smash it without hesitation.

Takeshi --- Takeshi is on pretty neutral grounds with Cake--he's a human, so of course she has no problem treating him like garbage when it suits her, but it's a plus that he's quiet and obedient. She likes that he does what he tells her to and doesn't talk back, but this also means he's usually the first one she'll turn to when she wants something trivial done. She likes bossing him around.

Daikon --- Encouraged not to go out amongst the humans unless there's a job to be done, Cake finds herself unable to freely shop for human fashion. Thus, she pesters Daikon whenever she sees him, asking him to make her clothes and giving him pictures she'll rip out of magazines or posters as reference material. She says she's very particular, and worse, gives vague instructions, but she's usually so delighted to have the clothes he makes her that she typically forgets about any absurd or impossible requests she made initially. She also believes Bau Daikon's sadistic personality is the way that baus should be, so of all the humans she knows, Cake hates Daikon the least--though it's unclear if this would save him when the time comes to finish off any remaining humans.

Friedrick --- Cake does not like Friedrick. He's huge and strong--so he must think he's important, she thinks (Cake's non rank-related logic is a mystery). She wonders in the deep recesses of her mind of Friedrick is as strong as she is, and is weirdly harsh with him, usually putting him down or being extra rude to him. She often finds herself being stared at by him, and it pisses her off.

Yukio --- Cake thinks Yukio is mostly useless, insulting trash. He barely fights when told to, and she doesn't like that he's so promiscuous, but she never stays mad at him because he's constantly flattering her.

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