


11 months, 4 days ago


Dream watcher

(21 yrs) 4/21
Earth pony
All of 'em
An actual hovel

i. summary

(BIG WIP, may change entirely also assets not made) After reading into it's own dreams prediction, Dream watcher put itself into a very deep sleep for a long time, not wanting to face having to ever wake up ever again. For dramatic purposes, it's 70 years or so(HUGE WIP). It has woken up after an accidental (and embarrassing) sleep-depraved attack on innocent ponies and is trying to integrate back into life. It has been essentially frozen in time, a living relic of it's not so distant past. It's very embarrassed for how it acted in the past and now has to face the consequences to it's childish behavior. Dream watcher still has a lot to learn, both about trusting others and having more faith in itself. It currently has a goal of trying to fix it's old house, but the house in question is in really bad shape. It often does odd jobs on the side, not feeling ready to offer its talents to the world again just yet.

ii. backstory

Dream Watcher had gotten their cutie mark very early on, being very empathetic to peoples troubles and finding more meanings in their dreams than they might have originally seemed. Of course, a lot of their predictions weren't really based on the dreams themselves, but how they knew there was something more on other ponies' minds. It was also a very easy way to become vulnerable with someone, as ponies are often too frightened to talk about their true feelings face to face with a stranger. It made them happy seeing others look more at ease and feeling as if they were helping them.

As he got older he had realized it was not much of a talent, but still used his insightfulness with dreams to help which blossomed into a career. He had been such a normal pony until word got around, causing him to be flooded with new visitors around the clock. In some ways he felt awkward with how some ponies would call his readings 'prophecies' until eventually it fed his ego. It felt nice to be wanted, to be valued as something greater than he had thought he had been. He felt he could truly make predictions, which isn't the case at all, and started to look too deeply into his own dreams. He became more and more stressed, taking less and less clients as He isolated herself.

One night after a particularly startling nightmare he found it nearly unbearable to continue on staying awake knowing what future he may face. In a state of childishness and self pity, he searched for a way to put himself into a permanent state of sleep. Once he was able to find such a pony to help him, he was put into a deep slumber where he would not wake up on his own. In this he escaped reality but at the cost of abandoning all he knew, leaving behind those who he cared about rather than face them.

As the years dragged on, he had become overgrown with plants as well as his house, which actually had become quite a hazard in that time. Being so unkempt and unattended, it was tasked with being deconstructed. The ruckus stirred Dream Watcher in its sleep, and suddenly its dreams bled into other ponies' dreams, causing unrest (literally!) by intruding on dreams in search of a way out. No one was able to rest, and it was driving the townspeople a bit mad.

Luckily, a brave pony managed to trace back the dream's source, finally waking Dream watcher from its long sleep, much to its horror. It was rather embarrassed about the whole thing, clearly meaning no ill will. After explaining their situation and being put on a very strict clean up duty they were allowed to try to get back to normal life. It is hard, but Dream Watcher tries every day to make up for their foolishness, and is horrified of how their own insecurity had caused it to fulfill the very dream it had. That everyone it knew would not be there when it woke up.

He works part time, as she still owes a lot of people different favors and generally is a big pushover and ends up adding more to her plate. Dream watcher doesn’t do readings anymore, though, still feeling insecure about their ability, often hiding their cutie mark or talent in hopes of ignoring the problem until it goes away. It has joined the (insert name for group) hoping to learn more about modern magic and possibly how it was able to harness such a power to go into the dreams of other ponies. Especially considering he is an earth pony.

Funnily enough, he is not even well rested, always looking tired or drained. It still struggles to fall asleep, fearing it may hurt others once again.

  • Despite being up late at night most of the time, he is an early bird.

  • He was the third pony in his class to get his cutie mark.

  • He has a long, soft coat which makes him feel ill and gross during the summer months.

  • It rarely asks for help as it feels it does not deserve any yet. Despite this, it believes everyone is capable of change.

  • It's favorite color is brown.

Cutie Mark




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