


10 months, 21 days ago



Angel Cassidy

Called Angel

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Age 36

Species Angel

Role Bounty Hunter, Overwatch Agent

Theme Rhiannon

HTML Pinky


A runaway angel that fell out of Heaven and landed in Texas! Now she's a bounty huntin' cowgirl angel, yeehaw!

Angel's main feature is of course, her wings. They're usually covered by a cape when she's walking around towns. She tries to carry herself as confident, a bit flirty and very headstrong.. but she actually gets flustered incredibly easy. The biggest giveaway to how she's feeling is when she's feeling an extreme emotion her wings will flap on their own. With a pretty high bounty, Angel tries to move around as much as possible.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Optimistic Pessimistic
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious



Animals Angel LOVES animals, she loves observing them and taking care of them when they're hurt! She's a big lover of horses and hedgehogs specifically.

Rock Music Loves classic rock, she likes country music too though! Her favourite band is Fleetwood Mac.

Dancing She's really not the best at it, but you'll definitely find her at a honky-tonk..

Cake Her favourite food... A real sucker for coffee cake specifically.


Steak Hates the texture... Bleh.

Gangs Not a big fan of gangs that disrupt the peace, she's happy to turn them all in for a payout.

Her Wings (sometimes) Hiding her wings in public is a hassle, and sometimes it doesn't even work well.

Cacti Spikes Yowwwch!



Attack 80%
Defense 50%
Magic 0%
Resistance 60%
Agility 80%
Stamina 70%
Strategy 40%
Luck 40%


Wings Her wings are strong, thick enough to be bulletproof and act as a shield for a little while. She can also fly with them!

Scythe Powerful, sharp scythe!

Gun Angel's a good shot, she uses a shotgun during OW missions.

Charm Very charming, used to flirt with people to get food/a place to sleep.


Wings (again) She thinks her wings get in her way, and make people view her as a freak.

Flustered Despite being a flirt, when she's flirted back with by someone she's genuinely interested in... She gets super flustered..!

Emotional Gets flashbacks from her past at times, the memories make her really emotional and can make her lash out.


Height 5"5

Build Varies

Eyes Blue

Skin Tone Porcelain

Hair Color Blonde

Hair Style Twin Tails

Demeanor Flirty mostly


  • Doesn't have a halo!
  • Her wings stay around the same size, they don't shrink or grow!
  • Has different designs for different AUs
  • Her cowboy hat is optional, but she loves wearing it hehe..
  • Loves wearing gold, probably won't wear silver much unless it's an AU. (deadlock, blackwatch mostly)
  • Her casual outfits are for the ranch/days off!




Angel grew up in Heaven, a place that was run entirely by rules after being under new management. Growing up under a different name, Angel was taught that she had to eventually be in an arranged marraige and undergo angelic training to hone her skills as either a fighter or a healer, as all angels do. Angel had high hopes though, she dreamed of falling head over heels in love, being loved back unconditionally, starting a family.. Living how she wanted to without the pressures of Heaven. At 18, she married her first husband. She didn't love him at all, in fact she despised him. He was mean, spiteful, all around just an asshole. She saw it through though, she thought even if she didn't love her husband, she'd love the baby they bring into the world. Once Angel gets pregnant, she actually gets excited for the future. However, a while into the pregnancy she suffers a miscarraige. This devastated her so badly that she prepares a plan to run away from Heaven, leaving her old life behind. She believes there's nothing there for her anymore.

After running away and escaping Heaven, Angel falls out of the sky. She lands in Texas and decides to stick around, creating a new backstory for herself and naming herself "Angel". She figures if people are going to see her wings and call her that anyways, she may as well take control of it. Angel had done some training to become a war angel in Heaven, so using the skills she learned she opted to become a bounty hunter, eventually getting her own bounty along the way. She'd frequent bars and hop from place to place, never really staying put for that long. When she was short on cash, she'd flirt and use her angelic charm to get food or places to stay. It wasn't ideal especially because she hated half of the people she'd have to flirt with, but it worked. Something she really loved about Texas though were the ranches. She was no stranger to breaking into ranches to spend time with the animals, learning how to take care of them. It was the closest thing she got to peace.



During one of her nights at a saloon, she's surprised to see a horse outside.. She enters the saloon, trying to find who owns it.. And sets her sights on Cole Cassidy for the first time outside of a wanted poster picture. In her mind, this could be a good oppertunity for a huge payout.. And the chance to ride a horse. She approaches him, using her charm.. and immediately gets flustered when he flirts back with her and reacts nicely to her wings. They spend the night together, riding to a field and laying under the stars. Angel takes a liking to Cole, but won't allow herself to get too close to him.. He's her target, after all.

The two ended up travelling a little together, Cole doing mercenary work and Angel doing bounty hunting work. Angel had a tendancy to run away from Cole at times, fearing she was staying in the same place too much.. But Cole would eventually find her, or she'd come back. The two would open up about their lives over drinks, Angel telling Cole about her time in Heaven, her miscarraige, and how she even ended up in Texas. Fearing the two were growing too close, and that Angel might genuinely be in love with him.. She ended up pulling a gun on him in a motel room, determined to take him in dead or alive. Cole was ready though, because he had also been planning to turn Angel in the whole time.. But couldn't do it because he fell in love with her. They have a little back and forth which ultimately ends up with Angel giving their relationship a chance. The two continued their work, but living at Cole's small ranch way out in the countryside. Took a lot of adjusting, but Angel's happy enough.


When Cole is recalled to Overwatch, he's quick to offer Angel a spot. She... Doesn't know if it's a line of work she'd be into, so she's on the fence about it while he starts recruiting others for the recall. In Cole's mind, if Angel stays while he's at Overwatch, then she wants to be with him and she's happy with their situation. If not.. There's nothing he can do to win her over after everything. Angel does stay on the ranch while Cole's gone though, she just takes care of his horse. She admires a man who keeps a horse even when he can drive a hovercycle, or that's what she tells him. A few hedgehogs also moved in on the edge of the farm, so they kept Angel busy too. Along with this, she was just continuing bounty hunting work, holding down the fort. When Cole comes back and sees that Angel hasn't left, he proposes to her on the spot.

The two privately elope, and after the recall, Angel decides to come and join Overwatch. She honestly didn't know that much about Talon or Null Sector, but figures she might as well help out if she's able to. Her story is pretty steady at this point, not much of note happening until she finally, after years of trying, gets pregnant again. She takes time off of Overwatch and eventually gives birth to her rainbow baby, Castiel ! Angel finally gets what she's always wanted ♡



Cole Cassidy


Angel's cowboy husband! The two of them are so in love it's not even funny.. They had a bit of a rough patch at first, but they're both head over heels for each other. Cole's still able to fluster Angel all these years later.


Castiel Cassidy


Angel and Cole's baby boy! Castiel is a total mama's boy, but the three of them have a close relationship! Angel's very proud of how she's raised Castiel, and has so much love for him.. Cries when she thinks of him sometimes.


Genji Shimada


Angel was really interested in Cole and Genji's past.. Blackwatch, huh? Tell her all about it! Or don't.. As Genji prefers. That's fine! They end up getting along really well outside of the Blackwatch talk!


Lúcio Correia dos Santos


With Angel's love of dancing (very poorly) she loves all kinds of music.. Lúcio introduces her to music she's never heard before! His music gets her dancing!! and then she gets very embarrassed about it...! (she's got the spirit, he likes that!)


Mei-Ling Zhou


Angel gets along with Mei really well, she sympathises with her and the loss of her team, being thrown back into the world years later with no control of what happened to her. She gets it, they talk a bunch c:


Jamison Fawkes


Angel's main target! When she's not doing other missions, she's dead-set on capturing Junkrat. At first Roadhog was in her sights too, but she has this strange need to catch Junkrat specifically..Always pops up to catch him with a "Howdy, Jamison." and he responds with a panicked "COWGIRL LADY!"