


10 months, 15 days ago



Castiel Cassidy

Called Buckaroo

Gender Male

Pronouns He/They

Age Late teens

Species Human/Angel

Role Overwatch Agent

Theme Nightrain

HTML Pinky


Overwatch next gen ! Son of Cole and Angel Cassidy.

Castiel was raised to be a kind guy by his mother, but gets his more wilder side from his father. Much like how Cole learned how to shoot from a young age, Castiel learned the same way (with a toy gun this time). He makes good use of his wings, and even has a robot horse made by Torbjörn, Cole is verrry jealous.

Is born 2 years after Angel joins Overwatch, when she's 38.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Optimistic Pessimistic
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious



Horses! Like his mother, Buckaroo loves animals, his favourite are horses! Specifically his robot horse, Rusty!

Western and rock music Gets his music taste from both his parents, his favourite band is Guns 'N' Roses.

Socialising Big social butterfly! He's naturally very friendly and polite!

Anything fun! Just generally always up for a good time, even if it gets him in trouble..!


Being chased When he gets into trouble... He gets chased!

Gangs Stays away from gangs, they love to target him because of who his parents are.

Falling off horses.. He's a little clumsy.. and doesn't always pay attention.. Hence why he's falling off horses :,)

Cacti Spikes OW OW OW!



Attack 80%
Defense 60%
Magic 0%
Resistance 60%
Agility 100%
Stamina 90%
Strategy 30%
Luck 30%


Wings Buckaroo is better with controlling his wings than Angel is nowadays, he's way faster too!

Rusty His robot horse! Super strong, can be turned into a ball so he's easy to carry around! Sweet lil guy.

Gun Like his parents, Buckaroo is a great shot.

Fanclub His little fanclub will do anything for him !! He's too humble to ask them for anything though..


Wings (again) Even though he's better at controlling his wings than Angel... sometimes he gets them stuck in places. They're also not as bulletproof as Angel's.

Easily Flustered Just like his mother, he gets easily flustered.


Height 5"7

Build Lean-ish?

Eyes Blue

Skin Tone Tan

Hair Color Brown with blonde tips

Hair Style Long + Kinda straight

Demeanor Friendly, Confident


  • Doesn't have a halo!
  • Wings stay the same size, they can't shrink or grow.
  • Doesn't wear armour... But probably should.
  • Doesn't always wear his cowboy hat, but he loves it!
  • Takes a lot of inspiration from Cole with his style




Castiel is a rainbow baby, meaning before he was born, Angel had a miscarraige. Because of this, Castiel was doted on so much. He was given so much overwhelming love and support, and even at a young age was very polite and sweet. His home life was happy, sometimes Angel or Cole will leave to go to Overwatch, or if they both have to go, Castiel will hang around the Overwatch HQ and be babysat, which sparked his interest in Overwatch as a whole. He's always loved cowboys and wanted to be a cowboy just like Cole! Throughout his childhood he begs Cole to teach him how to ride horses and shoot so he can eventually become a cowboy Overwatch agent! Angel and Cole thought he'd grow out of this idea, but he never did.

He's always been good at taking care of animals, learning that from Angel. He also had to take good care of his wings as he was growing up so they'd develop properly. The kids at school would pull on Castiel's wings.. Which made him really sad, but as he grew older, he stopped being bullied.

Growing older


Castiel got a little more popular in his teens, he was just known as a sweet guy that had a bit of a troublemaking streak at times. He never means to be bad, he just wants to have some fun! By this point, he's riding horses to other towns and staying out late, but always comes home to his parents! Has definitely had a couple of house parties when both Angel and Cole are at Overwatch.

He gets a bit more serious about wanting to join Overwatch, and begins training. Angel's a little weary about Castiel joining Overwatch, but doesn't stop him if that's what he really wants to do. By the time Castiel joins Overwatch, Angel and Cole aren't as active as they used to be. That leaves Castiel at the Overwatch HQ kinda lonely without them. His parents are his best friends... He doesn't like being away from them!


Castiel's a good fighter, and he's well known as soon as he first joins. The veteran members know who he is immediately.. The angel wings, cowboy get-up.. Yeah. He's a Cassidy. He's almost called exclusively by his codename while in Overwatch, and that makes him pretty happy. Being called Buckaroo makes him think of his old man :,) When he joins, he gets a gift from Torbjörn, his robot horse, Rusty!



Cole Cassidy


Buckaroo's dad! Looks up to him a lot, Cole is a huge influence on Buckaroo's life. The entire reason he wants to join Overwatch and carry on the cowboy act is because of his dad! Despite Angel's protests, Cole teaches his son a lot about (toy) guns and horses from a young age.. "Your mom said no but I'm saying I didn't see anything" type of dad.


Angel Cassidy


Buckaroo's mom! Loves his mom so much, doesn't like the label of mama's boy but does fit the criteria. He wants to be as helpful as possible to his mom, learning how to cook (though he's... not the best at it) to try help her out! He never holds a fuss when asked to do chores. He just has a lot of love for his mama! He cries when he leaves home for Overwatch... Cries for days.


Ana Amari


While he's not sure when in his life this was, Castiel vividly remembers Ana. He believes that at some point she was taking care of him.. Maybe while both his parents were on missions at the same time.. He doesn't remember, but has a lot of love and appreciation for Ana!