


6 years, 14 days ago



"Hello everyone! Who's ready to party??!"

Myka is an over eccentric, happy boy, who is in love with drag culture and idol culture as well. He dreams of becoming a drag queen in the some time near future but understands the difficulty that comes with creating a drag persona. He has been able to start creating a bit of the drag queen he would like to be but is struggling to quite find his style. Myka outside of drag is an extremely introverted person who likes to keep to himself. Because of this he looks up to other drag icons who are able to be confident outside of drag. So Myka decided the drag queen he would like to be is one that exudes confidence and overall happiness. He's also inspired by idols from Japan, specifically Kyary Pamyu Pamyu; he appreciates her being able to give a message of cuteness but also give off some confusion. Her music is overall pretty cheerful and he finds that she is as well, making him want his drag to be something that makes others smile. Myka also extremely enjoys a band called "I See Stars". This band is important to him, because their music had helped him through some really rough times. He wants his drag to somehow show his love and appreciation for the band without it being all about them. So Myka includes their logo in makeup under his eyes and on parts of his outfits. Though he has not yet decided if his talents are better suited as a comedy queen, a beauty queen, or a vocal queen what he does know is that Drag is the right choice for him.

【 Name 】 Myka 【 Gender 】 Male
【 Age 】 27 【 Height 】 6'1"
【 Body Type 】 Slightly feminine 【 Occupation 】 Crossdresser/ In training Drag Queen
【 Sexuality 】 Homosexual 【 Theme 】 Mobbin' Out

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Temper 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】

- His contacts do have crosses in them but it's not necessary to draw but preferred

- His contacts are hot pink not red

- Myka is a crossdresser but is uncomfortable with using boob pads. He should not be drawn with boobs

- He is originally a TV head but doesn't wear it as often



Ghost Girl

[ Old Friends ] Myka and Ghost girl were friends back before she passed away, meeting eachother often at photo shoots. Myka being there simply to support another one of his friends but ended up finding another. Myka and Ghost Girl had that cliche gay man and straight girl relationship, often talking about boys and her issues. When Ghost Girl passed away Myka was hit pretty hard by this but has slowly recovered, hoping for the best for his friend.
